Still Struggling

That’s exciting your Switch has arrived! Have they not given you Oromorphe for when the Morphine isn’t enough? Mum was just on a low dose for over four years, she was told she could take an extra tablet at night when she had pain. Might be worth mention it when you are at the hospital to see if you can do the same

Happy birthday for tomorrow. I know it wont be how you want it, but best wishes nevertheless.

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Have a good weekend everyone. Hope you can find something nice - Olympics, sunshine, reading a book, listening to music - that helps you feel better. X

We’ve been watching the gymnastics! They I went outside and pulled up some weeds except the garden wheelie bin is full!

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Oromotphe is that the shots ? I have that also but not felt the urge to use them. Gabbenpentin which is for flamatory pain, paracetamol. Hospital is looking after you should see what I’m taking first thing. I’m on a lot of medication. It’s probably masking my back. Hospitals are clever like that, magic stuff. It’s almost like a goody bag but full of meds, I never been on so many. I’m catching up with mum.

Thank? You, just got back from Tescos bought myself a birthday cake, Pork Pie which I love and ham, crisp and small loaf. No it won’t be the samenot without mum. I’m not sure how I will feel about it to be honest. I’m doing the same stuff as she was still alive. It’s getting harder to get off this bed. Maybe I’m doing far too much ? I got 7 fractures in my back, I’m hoping it doesn’t get any worse. I’m in trouble if it does. Maybe a couple of days of rest ?

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Oramorphe is liquid morphine, it just gives you a bit extra cover in between your doses of morphine tablets. The pain could be your body telling you that you are doing too much


Think you are doing too much. Rest up. Happy Birthday

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Happy birthday :birthday:

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Happy Birthday :partying_face:

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Thank You All, I’m 56 now! had a few moments today grief wise. I like being on my own, but I do feel a little loss in the flat. I walk from room to room. I got sort some washing out in a bit and put another bag of mum’s clothes in the car. I went into town earlier and bought few bits from Tescos and a Switch a game. Switch is still in the Amazon box. I opened my card from my aunty in Australia, mum’s 2nd oldest sister. I might write again it takes so long to get a reply and she getting on. 1 card and 4 notifications on FB. Think I be glad when it’s all over!

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Bet it was nice to get a real card from your Aunty. Sadly all of mine have gone. Mum outlived all 12 of them. I don’t keep any cards but as I said earlier in the thread I found the last one Mum wrote herself to me by chance when I was looking for something else. I cannot bear to look at pics of my mum yet except one that I have on the mantlepiece. In it she looks happy and I know she is wherever she is. I just get that feeling. I also get the feeling that she wants to shake me and tell me to get in with my life. I will ,in time, I tell her back.
You take it easy. It is your Birthday.


Life weird no one including us knows where it will take us. Just except it, what will be will be. Just hope I see mum again one day, like everyone else here,! they deserve that, as a lot of people are suffering on these forums. No one deserves to feel like they do.

My sister and I haven’t had a good day in worked, I cracked as I couldn’t take anymore. One person said to my sister that they thought we were over it by now. We’re getting bullied by someone in our team which is making the grief of losing mum even harder to deal with.

Just patch the washing and play your Switch game instead, no one should have to do washing on their birthday

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Sorry it’s been difficult today but hope you’ve got through it without too much grief. Keep on keeping on, and all the best.

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Sorry, what an awful thing to say to you. When are you ever over the loss of your mum. None of us will ever be over it, but hopefully can live peacefully with it eventually. The loss is always there. I feel I keep it close to the front of my mind at all times, just so it can’t completely come up and ambush me if I forgot for a moment. Some people are so brutal with their unkindness. Hope you’ve had a chance to unwind a little now.

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I know that feeling, when you feel vulnerable you will want the closest person around you or your mum. I feel that way when dealing with Myeloma. I got very emotional in hospital and still do at home. You shouldn’t have that at work, are you part of a union ?

Grief does creep up on you, doesn’t it. I wonder if Malcolm can get some support ? There’s not enough support now for grief. I would like to see support groups set up. I attended my first group meeting with Myeloma. We do need to be there for 1 and another. I told my mum she was in a better place and looking at these riots just confirms my thinking.

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I just don’t understand how people can be so cruel knowing we have lost our mum. So many people have turned away from us since we went back to work, it’s down to this one particular woman. Then the last few weeks we have had a guy who works on the same dept as us talk about us behind our backs. Today someone told us while we were off the last few days, he told her we are lazy and we think we are so hard done by. I broke down and spoke to a manager who has told us to start later so we don’t have to deal with him first thing tomorrow then we will have to talk to our dept manager. So we now have two people who are going about the store turning people against us. One woman who lost her husband the same week we lost mum even brushed us off today and she’s always looked out for us. I suffered with depression after we lost dad and I ended up hating my life and not seeing the point of it, I’m scared I’m going to end up back there again. We’ve asked to move to other depts so we just have to see what tomorrow brings. I’m a fiery woman like my mum but I just don’t have it in me right now.

It’s scary all the rioting and the reason they are using to justify their behaviour is shocking. This is the danger these days of social media, someone only needs to sew a seed of doubt online and it escalates.

Enough of my moaning, I hope everyone is doing ok @Magsclar did you go to the gym?! And @Keith68 are you in a cake coma yet?

Not quite I find here quite a normal place with normal people. I post just to chat really, we all live different life’s but share 1 thing in common. I never thought or saw all this happening to me. I didn’t know if being diagnosed with Myeloma is a curse or a gift. I still don’t know, all of this has put me on a path I never thought of. I don’t like the world today, it’s not my world. I feel there’s no place for me in today’s world. I don’t know if I’m depressed or not. No one tells you much these days. Sorry about your work and how you are being treated. They should show you some compassion, care and kindness. We all act differently, I been told I need to live my life by my aunty. 2bd sister to mum but it’s not that easy and with Myeloma it’s made it worse for me.