Still Struggling

My dad wasn’t keen on DIY but did do it. I remember when I was very little and he was decorating the bathroom. You used to have wallpaper in bathrooms back then. He had taken a good while to get the pattern completely right and matched up… until I said to him that it was upside down! Don’t think he was that pleased to have to start again!

Hahahaha, it was the wallpapering olympics in my house too! Dad could never quite get the pattern to match up and he would keep peeling it off and putting on again, used to drive mum insane!

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Wall papering a art form and it’s not that easy.

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Found a drawing earlier of flowers that mum had drawn years ago. She went to a art class and only went once. The tears came again, won’t destroy it, but will treasure it. Might even think of getting it framed.

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Had to go for a blood test today, just routine. The first time I had been back to that particular clinic without mum. Made me sad. All over again you realise the huge hole left by that person. My brain still thinks I will see her again, I just have to wait a long time, even though I know that’s not true.
More of a dull day today, here. I’m feeling tired and could happily go back to bed for about ten hours!

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I was up early with my sister as she had to have an ultrasound at the hospital. It was the first time we’ve been back there since we lost mum. It’s been a hard week for us all so far. Woman in work who lost her husband same week as mum is struggling this week too.

Did a 2 hour sleep eatlier, didn’t have hardly any sleep last night problems with Thalidomide. Myeloma nurses know! About a 3 to 4 weeks ago had to have a MRI scan, like you a had gone with mum a year or 2 ago. Didn’t know till I got there, it reminded me of mum, but I had to go through with it. I completed mine mum couldn’t due to her being nervous and panicking. I went to Maggie’s today support group. So not had a lot of time to think about mum, what with the DWP and Thalidomide problems and hearing from other Myeloma patients. It can over whelm your brain and take a lot of your time up. So life in that situation is a juggling act and it can be so taxing mentally and time consuming too.

Sounds like we had similar days.

It’s good that you’ve got a support group. Hope it’s useful in terms of other people who can understand your feelings around your illness and give you support. Sometimes overwhelming though, and you need to give yourself a break away from thinking about it all. I think my brain shuts down sometimes and is just incapable of making any further sense of things.

Hope your sister is ok. I hate going back to the hospital and hope to avoid further visits. I do have some further medical appointments later in the year, so I hope it’s my local hospital, not the big one my mum spent so much time in. Hope you are ok.

My sister was told she had a large ovarian cyst and to go home and phone her GP in the afternoon to request a referral to the hospital. Not long after we got home the doctors phoned to say her GP wanted her in at 1pm to discuss her ultrasound. Then the hospital phoned to say the ultrasound had picked up a large cyst and she was to go up to the hospital to see a triage doctor. I know my sister had had a bloated tummy since Christmas but that was when mum became unwell and all our attention was on mum and my sister put off seeing a doctor. When she lifted her top up for the doctor to see, her tummy is so big. The doctor said the cyst is between 20 and 30cm and it’s the size of a ball. She said it looked benign but she has had to take bloods to check for cancerous cells. My sister has got to wait for an MRI to see to extent of the cyst to determine what kind of operation she needs. I’m so worried, it feels like life just isn’t giving us a break.

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Sorry to hear that, I hope things go ok for you and your sister. These things have to be done to give the doctors more information in order to rule things out. I wouldn’t worry too much about the MRI standard procedure. You should know by end of the month. With mine it took 2 weeks for the results to come back. TC and don’t worry, hugssss.

Thank you so much, your message had made feel a little better. It’s hard as I need to be the supportive big sister, the doctor thought I was her mum even though there is 10 years between us! My sister could be facing a big operation so I need to be strong for her. She hides her emotions but I can’t hold mine in

I had a full body scan so it could be quicker with your sister as it most likely be the area they interested in. Then your sister most likely get a consultation with a doctor to discuss results and the procedure. If that’s the case you need to ask for a sick note for your sister to get sick pay from your employer. Should cover her for 3 months.

and obviously you can get another sick note when 1one ends. ESA is another option too but you need a form of your employer to claim that.

Thanks. We get company sick pay which is full pay for 10 weeks I think, we used 4 of that to spend with mum. We’ve got 5 weeks holiday left to take too. I’m hoping she won’t need to take too long off work. I think I read it could be 6 weeks recovery. I’m hoping that the doctor wouldn’t say she thought it was benign if there was a chance it wasn’t. It’s the whole waiting to find out that’s hard. It’s like reliving the waiting we did with mum

They won’t tell you to they 100 percent sure. The bloods should be fairly quick though. I’m not clued up on other types of cancer. I’m still learning about Myeloma, I had a call from my work place regards SSP, I think when you used all your entitlement up your employer will send you a SSP1 form. With that you can apply for ESA. Don’t let your mind rush into anything just let things run their course and then deal with it. Obviously support your sister when she has her consultation. That will be the time to ask about time off work for your sister and about getting a signed sick note. These things can’t be helped, but health comes before money every time. Just be there and supporting of your sister.

I have this over active mind, I have to research everything, it’s hard to explain. It’s like I need to know as much information as possible to feel that I am in control. I learnt a lot about blood cancer particularly Acute Myeloid Leukaemia that mum had. I did the same with dad after his stroke and now with what my sister has. Like with mum I can’t stand the not knowing. My sister and I have been doing arts and crafts today to relax and keep our minds off things. Thank you for the advice about work and money, it’s good to have people on here to talk to

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Sorry to hear this. I’ve been told I have these but smaller, and no treatment has been suggested. I know it seems awful but I’m sure this will be ok for your sister, but naturally you are worried. Hope you have been able to relax a bit.
We have been to an air show today which was good fun x

Thank you. It’s my job now to be the parent and look out for her, whatever operation she has she will need me to take care of her.

I went to pick up new glasses today, it feels like I’m looking at the world in HD! We have been watching the olympics to laugh at people doing silly things, it cheered my sister up. She was a bit disappointed that she didn’t see a repeat of the guy “knocking” the pole off as he jumped. She showed me the video online……ouch.

I love air shows, we went to the Edinburgh one a few years back. I loved seeing the wartime planes as mums dad was a rear gunner on the Lancaster Bombers. My real favourite though was the Typhoon!

I hope you are doing ok x