Still Struggling

I think your sister lucky to have you, I have a sister but there’s a 20 year gap age wise and my sister chose not to be close to me or mum. Not been out for a few days only to shops, not easy when you are on your own. Even though I have a :red_car:. I been spending a lot of time in the flat, that and trips to hospital. Good luck with your sister, keep us updated!

Oh yes, my favourite is the Typhoon too! The noise and the power is amazing. There was a Lancaster there too! I remember seeing inside a Lancaster at RAF Cosford many years ago when the children were small and I took them there with my mum. I loved the Red Arrows too, they did a pretty spectacular display, so we saw lots of our favourites. My daughter came up for the weekend as it’s my son’s birthday tomorrow.
Havent seen the pole vaulting video but I heard about it; will have to look it up!
Hope you are ok and your sister too. It’s good you have each other, but not great you’ve got another worry on your minds.

Hope you’ve had a chance to get out today. Weather here is nice, hope it is with you too.

@Keith68 i was 10 when my sister was born, our parents had to work all the hours to keep a roof over our heads so I looked after her a lot. Over the years there’s been times when I’ve felt like a third parent! I don’t blame you for not wanting to go out, with what you are going through it feels safer to be at home, mum was like that sometimes then others she would complain we never took her out! Thanks, I will let you know how my sister is doing. We are at work until 7 so not long to go!

@Magsclar oh I love the Red Arrows too! When I was a kid there was an air show in Torbay so we got to see them fly over our house without having to joint the crowds at the beech. We would just sit at the top of our terraced garden and enjoy the show!

I hope your son feels better after his op and that he enjoys his birthday tomorrow. It’s ours next month, I don’t know about you but I’m not sure how I feel about it. Probably just comfort eat my way into a coma!

The video is funny although the poor guy must have been mortified!

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Thank you. He’s still struggling to eat properly at the moment and was in and off work. Hopefully he will get better soon, even if gradually.
It’s my birthday next month too, on the 27th. All the best people have September birthdays of course! My husband too.
Just watching the Olympics closing ceremony. Quite a spectacle, even if I’m not sure what’s going on!
None of us are much into sports really, but I’ve enjoyed watching it. I remember watching the London Olympics opening with my mum when we were away in a B and B in Dorset with the children.

I hope your son is able to enjoy his birthday tomorrow and hets to eat a little cake, it is the next best thing to chocolate.

My birthday is on the 16th, mum told me once that it was my actual due date, I arrived at 1.26am. To this day I cannot stand to be late, I always have to leave early to ensure I will be on time! Our manager has been good and came up with the suggestion of giving my sister and I the same week off. We will need to see where things are with my sister by then but it will be nice to have an actual weeks holiday off together.

I didn’t get to see the Olympic closing ceremony, but the time I got home from work and got jobs done it was too late. I am sad it has ended now as I have enjoyed watching it. I much prefer the Winter Olympics as I love snow and watching people fall over, I’m sick like that….

Thanks, hopefully he will get to eat his cake before we do it!
That would be good if you and your sister can be off together. I hope you get some food news soon about her treatment.
The winter Olympics are always amazing. I love the speed and the backdrop of snow and ice. Love the skating and skiing although I am appalling at ice skating and have never tried skiing. I know I’d be too terrified to even stand up!

What kind of cake are you getting him? I like cake with a load of buttercream on and inside it!

I e tried skating a couple of time but just not got the ability to do anything! I slipped in the shower many years ago and dislocated one of my knees, scared if I slipped I’d do the same again!

It’s been thundering at work, I hate storms so I have been hiding away on the shopfloor!

We’ve got a chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing. He’d better hurry up and have some before I eat the lot!
Weather is horribly muggy here and has been dull though is now sunny again. Brings the spiders out which freaks me out!
I’ve been feeling a bit low today, thinking a lot about mum and her last day with us. I think it’s because of the birthday and how much she loved to see the ‘children’ as she continued to call them! He’s 28 today! First time he’s not had my mum to spoil him and give him money.
Hope the thunder has stopped where you are.
Have done my jobs so might go on I Player later and watch some of the Olympic bits I missed. I really loved the kite foil surfing, or whatever it’s called, that was amazing.

I’d be racing home leaving flames behind me for chocolate cake!

There’s no way that today was going to be easy for you; it’s one of the firsts that you will encounter over the next year. It will be 3 years this Thursday since we lost dad, it’s still hard. We just got to keep going the best we can.

It’s hot here but the sun is out so nice out Heelie out to bake on the patio for a while! I hate spiders too and so does my sister so any visitors get hoovered up!

I had chocolate cake for my birthday. It’s not mating time for spiders yet. I think that’s September, but they are getting bigger in the UK without a doubt. They used to be 50p size but I seen bigger now. It is hard I think about mum most days and feel myself welling up. You get told you have to live your life, well my life is Myeloma these days. Some idiot said I got food in my belly, hmm no it’s a hernia dick head. A hernia that I’m suppose to be on a NHS waiting list for. But obviously I can’t have surgery for the hernia because i been told I not strong enough because Myeloma. I always liked to look good and so did mum. I would like to think I take after her in some way. Talking about clothes I bought some jeans from Next today. Replacements for ones that eventually I will take to the charity shop.

I don’t want to think about spiders breading as that means lots more of them, I can’t even look at photos of them and when they come on the TV I have to look away!

Your life at the moment will be all about myeloma until the chemo gets it into a remission stage. It’s hard but there will be a time when you can get back to some kind of normality, it will always be there in the background like it was for my mum, but you will get there. I can’t believe the things some people say, they just don’t think or don’t really care, this is why I prefer the company of my cat! He can be a moody little toad when he wants but at least he gives me a hug afterwards and we move on. When it comes to people though I really hold a grudge, they only get one chance with me and that’s it, you upset me and we are done!

I only ever wear Next jeans as I find they are the best fit and last forever. I’m not really a fan of summer fashion, I much prefer Autumn and Winter clothes, woolly jumpers and the colours are the best too. We have an autumn wreath for the front door and a garland for the fireplace, we put them out on the 1st September until we put up the Christmas decorations at the end of Nov. Not sure how Christmas will pan out this year, mum did say when she knew she was dying that she wanted a Christmas tree covered in lots of lights that jingles. I promised her I would so we must at least do that. Every year mum would complain that the tree wasn’t bright enough, even though it had 3500 bulbs on it!

I didn’t decorate last year! not the same on your own. Think I bought a turkey crown joint though.

Turkey crown plus chocolate cake sounds like a good meal to me! The myeloma must be a big strain on top of everything else @Keith68. I’m sorry it’s stopping you sorting out your other health problems
Sorry about your dad’s anniversary too @Malcolm2. There are just so many reminders everywhere which are bound to be painful.
I’m a fan of autumn and dressing for the cooler weather. Apart from the spiders of course! I quite like the ‘back to school’ feel and sunny, clear autumn days.
Boy has managed his chocolate cake, which is good!

Adjusting is painful, there’s memories everywhere. Think now I know why people stay single when they lose a partner. They can’t move on because the loss is so deep and painful.

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My mum lost my dad nearly 40 years ago and she never wanted anyone else. She just missed him so much for the rest of her life :broken_heart:

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I’m glad he managed his chocolate cake! I feel the tingle of autumn and can sense the change of the seasons in the air. Maybe we like this time of year because that’s when our birthdays are?!!
We’ve always ordered the build up to Christmas but Christmas Day itself is always stressful with cooking. My sister and I have talked about going somewhere before Christmas to we can get the full on roast and then order a Chinese in for Christmas Day. There’s no point cooking a dinner just for the 2 of us as her boyfriend is going up to Aberdeen to stay with his mum.
I’ll need to make sure the hoover is on charge ready for the spiders, my sister hates them too so it’s a battle between us to decide who’s getting rid of them.
It must have been hard for your mum spending so long without the love of her life, she was lucky though to have found the one.

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She did find the one, they were always so happy together but had not quite 30 years together.
I dont want to think about Christmas without my mum. It’s silly really, as every day is sad, but emotions are even higher then as it’s so much a family day. Hoping that my daughter will be here so there will be 4 of us, but not sure. Plus Cleo cat of course! She is quite partial to some turkey.
One of the nicest recent photos of my mum was a quick snap I took last Christmas day. It found its way onto the order of service because it was such a happy photo.
I will try to enjoy autumn anyway. The colours of the trees on a crisp autumn day against a blue sky are absolutely beautiful, and I think I’m more suited to cooler weather. We are going on holiday in September, just my husband and I so might get some hot weather then.
Hope people at work have been nicer to you both this week.

Being sad about Christmas isn’t silly at all, it’s the first one without our mums so will be really hard. Up until last year mum always made us up a stocking, I couldn’t wait until Christmas morning so was up in the middle of the night to open it, even though I’m 44!

I jut love the cosiness of Autumn and Winter just as long as I don’t have to go to work in it. I’m happy to frolic in the snowy fields but not walk to get a bus to work. We’ve had a couple of bad bouts of snow over the years that’s so deep I haven’t been able to get my car off the drive. I’ve got a car now that’s higher off the ground so might not be able to get away with not going to work….

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