Still Struggling

Been ironing today with my music, resting a bit not sure if I should do 1 more pair of jeans. Trying to get more organized in mum’s wardrobe, now mine. Mum liked her clothes and so do I. Shame my hernia is turning me into the hunchback of Notre dam… Used to be a clubber when younger, just loved the atmosphere of the places. Would go alone and just soak up the atmosphere and chill. I’m not a Christmas person, I was born a summer baby. Got a missed a call from that friend earlier, didn’t return it. Just wanted to do my own thing today, that’s me!

Time to take those skiing lessons before the next winter Olympics @Malcolm2 ! Then you can get to work without the hassle.
I like the rituals of autumn and Christmas, from Hallowe’en to Christmas cake making. My Christmas cake is made to my mum’s recipe though, in her handwriting. Another first to face.
I used to like clubbing @Keith68 when I was at uni and occasionally before that when people had birthday parties at clubs but I was too young really! I still love my 80s music.

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Christmas has always been a time for me when no matter what life threw at me the decorations made things a little better. I also loved making the mincemeat, Christmas puddings and cake. One year I made one with crushed up amaretti biscuits in it. My mum cut the centre out, iced it and sent it to my brother who I cannot stand, I was so angry I swore I’d never make a cake again! There won’t be a reason to make all these things now just for the two of us. That’s what makes it all so sad, my parents aren’t here to share all the magic with

As far as entering the Winter Olympics goes, I think I’d put a joint out, work cripples me enough as it is!

Me too, but my Spotify playlist is really a mixed affair. Sheryl Crow All I Want To Do is playing now, great track for so many reasons. Would you class it as country ? I could lose myself in America and I like the concept you can be you without prejudice. I visited Florida with mum in 2000, still my favertiot place. Wow 2 weeks out there, incredible place to visit. This country is finished on so many levels. If there was a way in I be tempted. Best thing about the states 7 percent tax. UK tee shirts shrink and you throw em away. Not tee shirts in America I still got my Back to the future tee shirt from the ride in Universal Studios. Florida is a dream holiday, we all could do with a trip there. Always wanted to do Halloween there, the Americans go over the top with Halloween. If I went back I would need to find someone to marry over there. It be a 1 way trip!


Don’t bake,!

The amazing thing about the states every December in Central Park, New York. They light candles every year for John Lennon. It’s very touching, they care more for the ex Beayle then we do.

It’s so touching to think 44 years on that candles are lit every year as a memorial. Just thinking about it gets me emotional. There never be another Beatles. My mum met them back in the 60s she was a usherette at the zodean and they played there. She got the autographs and met them back stage. She told me they was just like normal lads. It probably was early on in their careers. Visited Liverpool with mum too, there statues everywhere you go in Liverpool. John Lennon is in Mathew Street. Top place to visit Liverpool!

I went to New York with my sister in 2013, I loved it especially the shopping! It felt surreal going to Ground Zero, a sad place but I felt peace there, strange feeling. I would love to go to Salem for Halloween but also to see how the Americans celebrate it, over here kids just want to get their body weight in sweets! Have you ever watched 90 Day Fiancé? Sounds right up your street……

My parents were from Liverpool! Mum mum said she went to the Cavern and saw the Beetles before they became famous, she said they were rubbish!

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No, think I’m just fed up of my city and the country. Before Myeloma I was working in event security. I worked both football clubs in Nottingham, Showsec, Crown Security, Motopoint Arena. I’m still badged till January. Don’t put thoughts into my head, with just my sister here. I would be so tempted especially Florida as I would target the parks for work.

I’m not ready to give into Myeloma just yet, if there’s a way back I find it But money in the UK is so crap. I think they was on more then us 44 years ago in the states. I’m sure they were on 13 a hour! the more hours you do in the UK the crappy the wage.

ok, not a lot I can say to that! but I love scissors, just like the friendliness of them. They great people!

My parents were old school Liverpudlians, they had the milder accent like the Beetles and Cilla Black. They brought us up to be kind, respectful and look out for others. My sister is timid and socially awkward, she needs to get to know people before she feels comfortable to talk to them. Me, I will just talk to anyone who is open to talking to me! I attract people who are lonely and I am always happy to chat away to them. Working in a supermarket I have a lot of contact with elderly people who have a natter to me then go off happy. Working with the public I’ve had all kinds of situations when I have had to think outside the box to help a customer. Before I lost Dad I would always get this warm tingly feeling in my chest when I helped someone, weird I know. Since losing dad I’ve never felt that again, it hasn’t stopped me supporting people though. To me helping people is keeping my parents alive as I am being who they brought me up to be.

Maybe you should look to online dating sites in the states?! Just don’t get Catfished, that’s another programme for you to watch! My sister and I love Bath and Body Works, it would be good to have a contact over there to send us the odd haul as shipping from the states is over £100! I’ve bought things from Australia and the delivery cost has been £8……

Security in the UK doesn’t pay well, we have a company called Kings who supply us with licensed security guards and they are on the minimum wage. One is really good and takes pride in his job, the other stands about talking and chatting up female customers, one in particular left her husband for him! Don’t know why as his breath smells of ciggies and he dyes his beard and hair jet black. I’ve often wondered if he dyes other areas to match :thinking:

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I have a long way to go now with Myeloma. By next week I should be at the halfway stage , Jan 25 we see where I am at. Obviously the goal is remission, then maybe just maybe a op on the hernia. I was told Jan this year I would need surgery. Just can’t get away from the hospital at the moment

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The tough part will come in December with the Stem Cell Transplant. I already been told I be in hospital for 3 weeks. I could be in hospital for Christmas this year, it’s a real possibility. 3 weeks in hospital is going to drive me nuts. 1 reason why I bought a Switch!

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Christmas dinner in hospital sounds wonderful!

Not sure about America, we went a few years ago to New York, San Francisco and Las Vegas. It was really interesting and I’d love to visit Boston, and see more of New York and also go to Canada. But I wouldn’t want to live there, too many crazy people!
I do love visiting Liverpool, it’s not far from us and has the feel of a great city. I prefer Paul McCartney, don’t think John was a particularly nice person to his wife and son. But there’s lots of great bands and musicians from Liverpool, Echo and the Bunnymen, Icicle Works, Pete Wylie, Lightning Seeds.
Hopefully next year you can start to move away from constant hospital appointments @Keith68 . The stem cell sounds a tough thing, I’m sorry.

I’m hoping it’s not tough as it sounds but I have to do it either way. Today’s Chemo day! Got to keep working at this!


There’s plenty of crazy people here and they are just the ones I work with!

What’s a Switch Keith?