Still Struggling

Problem solved X

I think you can get a silent drumkit. Good idea if I think itā€™s for me after a few lessons. Hope the film was good.

Thanks for the idea. I hadnā€™t heard of the pads before.

Yes you right, I remembered but had already typed it here and obviously couldnā€™t edit it. I canā€™t live without music, best thing it allows you to do stuff without distraction. Best thing about music itā€™s honest and truthful. Artist pout their hearts out in music. Was listening to Double Fantasy by John Lennon earlier. If he hadnā€™t been shot what he might gone on to achieve . He had just started talking again to Paul,

You want to practice a Tupperware box or a saucepan and drumsticks. You do know thatā€™s how Stevie Wonder as a child learned music ? I played drums once in the BB. Itā€™s about rythm beats to the bar and repeat.

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Good idea @Keith68 , I hadnt thought of that. They would work quite well. Getting the coordination with the hands and the bass pedal is going to be tricky.
Hope youā€™re ok @Malcolm2 and the weatherā€™s good enough to go and knock hell out of the weeds!

You can edit what you type with the little pen symbol afterwards. I agree totally about music.

I got a lot of weeding done yesterday and scattered rock salt everywhere to hopefully kill all the weeds on the drive. I could do with cutting the grass today, itā€™s going to be the strimmer first as it has got that long then the lawnmower to hoover up! Just have to see how wet the grass is otherwise it will just get chewed and look a mess.

I ended up watching Lost World Dominion last night, Loki lay on my lap then I decided to have a glass of wine which helped me sleep! I woke up to find Loki asleep on the end of my bed so I had hom for company all night

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Good for Loki. House jobs today. I offered to do the lawn but my husband has cut it. I might try baking some Welsh cakes. I tried a few weeks ago and disaster! Not enough egg. Am going to try again. I really lived them when we went to Wales.
Forgot to say we did go to gym last week, just once!

It keeps spitting here so no point in cutting the grass but it really needs doing. Iā€™ve not heard from my sister today, she was like this when mum was alive, we wouldnā€™t hear much from her if at all, then she would come home and say that we could have text her! I donā€™t know what her plans are, there were many times that I did text her and it would be ages before she replied, mum said the same. I know she has a life of her own but it would have been nice for her to even text once to see if I was ok considering itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve been alone since losing mum. Daft I know, I just need to adjust to a different way of living, I was always at home with mum.
I walk a lot at work so that is my excuse for not going to the gym, my mobile has been nagging me the last few days about how I could burn 268 calories if I complete my rings! Iā€™m on my days off so no thank you!
Making Welsh cakes sounds like fun, I like baking but there is no point for the two of us, Iā€™d throw up!

Donā€™t listen to tech, it knows nothing! life weird I was a smoker, I quit in October 2020 due to a popped ulcer. Fast forward to 2024 Iā€™m diagnosed with cancer. I donā€™t believe in random stuff, if something happens then thereā€™s a reason why it does. I believe thereā€™s something higher above us and we are struggling to survive in an warped alien world. Where lies, deception rules and having an opinion or being honest or open is now a crime.

To think cleaning windows in the past was so hard with water washing up liquid and vinegar. Now you can clean windows in minutes with glass cleaner and a micro fiber cloths. Makes life easier!

I did so much research about what causes blood cancer when mum was diagnosed. With the leukaemia mum had it was an error with the DNA in the white cells, with myeloma itā€™s the same error but with the plasma cells. Itā€™s hard to figure out why things happen these days, Iā€™ve spent the last 5 years wondering why all the things that have happened in my life have happened. I havenā€™t found anything out yet! Just wonder if I was someone really bad in a previous life!

I canā€™t understand todayā€™s world, I feel like I jumped into a alternative world. I would like to escape it, be me without punishment. If someone invents a time machine I will be the 1st in the queue. Just got my music that kind of acts like a anchor. I got stuff from the hospital to read, I will get round to having a look at it As itā€™s about me im in no rush. When itā€™s my time to go, itā€™s my time We have to hope thereā€™s something better then the world or life we currently live in. That would feel like a reward after life on earth.

Or if re carnation, then I would like to come back as a bird. Have the freedom to soar into the sky, go where I want. No limitations ! be free to do what ever I want. go where I want! that would feel good! we lost so much in the last 15 years, out freedoms and freedom of speech has been capped. The human race is going backwards.

I like music but books are my form of escape, I can imagine myself in the story and forget about my life! Second to that is my Cat, he helps to relax me but not at 3am when he wakes me up!

Thinking about what I just typed, itā€™s me. Iā€™m probably trapped in the past, which were better times as common sense ruled the land. Not much of that around no more which annoys me. I was the second child from a 2nd failed marriage. So my whole life there was me and mum. We had our fights because we were both fire signs and it usually involved money and mum was tight. But mum did introduced me to music at a very young age and I shared that. Technology was never really part of my life growing up because mum couldnā€™t afford it being a single parent. I guess I was bought up with common sense but also with a lot of love. I did confide in mum a lot as I really didnā€™t have anyone else in my life. I could tell my mum a lot and yea the reply would be thatā€™s not right and she be sympathetic to ne. I knew it wasnā€™t right but the world isnā€™t right no more.

Itā€™s all about finding your happy place and shutting the big bad world out isnā€™t it ? well todayā€™s world! I got a lot to focus on with my Myeloma, my own personal battle.

I try to do something every day in the flat, donā€™t think mum was keen on cleaning. I get satisfaction thinking that looks better and I achieved it. I put my stamp on it! I like to achieve things, as it makes you feel good. Not many things in todayā€™s world make you feel good.

I think we all maybe look at other people and think how much easier their life is. Not necessarily the case of course. I have been reading a book written by an ex pupil at my old school. Sheā€™s 10 years older than me but a lot of the same teachers and the same day to day things. I loved that school although I was less keen on my primary school. Looking back it was all so easy and everything was what it seemed, not like today.
Have been practising my drumming on the tupperware, which does actually work! With two wooden spoons turned round! Iā€™ll move on to the real things maybe when Iā€™m sure I will carry on.

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Sorry you havenā€™t seen your sister yet @Malcolm2 . Hopefully she will be back very soon.