Still Struggling

You done your stuff on this topic, probably not what I want to hear though. I got these bad cells in me.

Sorry, I didnā€™t mean to scare you. The chemo is pretty clever stuff and will kill off the bad cells, the stem cell transplant will reboot your bone marrow!

Itā€™s ok, I have to live with this no matter what. But at the begining thereā€™s a lot to learn and understand. The information you have to take in with Myeloma is overwhelming. I think most people will struggle at the begining and what follows.

90s club day, today but obviously low key. I did a lot of clubs in my day, the club was the highlight of the night. You can be on your own, but you not because the atmosphere swallows you up. Something I always liked about clubs, bars donā€™t do that. Not even on the same scale! just everyone enjoying the music and are one.

Had a go at cleaning windows in the kitchen, thinking another trip to Next as getting into some jeans ainā€™t easy. Thatā€™s what happens when you buy off the internet. Iā€™m quite old skool in a lot of ways.

My mum didnā€™t understand what was going on when it came to her cancer, she relied on me looking things up and explaining it to her in simple terms. Just make sure your doctor explains what they are doing and you understand. With mum they seemed to throw drugs at her and I would ask what they were giving her.

I used to love going to clubs in my late teens and early twenties when I lived in Cornwall. Once I started dancing that was it I couldnā€™t stop! I was crippled the next day and slightly hungover, mum wouldnā€™t be happy and would purposely give me a massive fry up thinking I wouldnā€™t eat it. I felt sick but I have always been stubborn and ate the lot so she didnā€™t get one up on me!

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Haha, good for you!

The good old days when my dad would insist on coming and getting me after a night out, he didnā€™t even care if it was 2am. Then I would be up for work at 8am fresh as a daisy! I donā€™t think I could stay awake till 2am these days drunk or sober, need my sleep.

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Yes, my dad would always take and collect me. I remember going to someoneā€™s birthday party at a very swanky nighclub in Birmingham. You were supposed to be 21 to get in. I was 17 or 18 and looked about 14! For once I put my brave face on and bluffed it into the club to be with my friends. I thought it was amazing.

Oh the excitement of being such a rebel! When I was 11 I really wanted to see James Bond - The Living Daylight but was a 13 certificate. Mum crimped my hair, dressed me up in her clothes and slapped make up on me! I was at the till and the woman serving me grilled me about my age, my dad came up behind me like my knight in shining armour and told her straight!

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Not such a good day today, my health review told me I am in the diabetic range and have to have another blood test in a month. Great.
I did meet some friends for an afternoon coffee (no flipping cake of course!) At the local garden centre, which cheered me up. Weather lousy so feel ratger down overall. Hope your day was better.

Oh no, Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve not had a good day, worst part not being able to eat cake!!! It was good that you were able to meet up with friends to lift your soul a bit. Weather is awful up here too; lots of heavy rain, more weeds for me at the weekend! The greyness does make you feel down, thereā€™s been hardly any sun and whatever have had hasnā€™t been enough to soak into the bones. Today is a bad day for you but there will be better ones x

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A lot of my post were removed by the Internet police lol. Obviously if that keeps happening I just stop posting!

Thank you, I hope so. This year for sure is not going very well. The nurse doing my review asked me if I was still a carer, so I explained not because of mum. She didnā€™t say sorry to hear, just ā€˜are you ok about thatā€™!! And ā€˜howā€™s your mental health.ā€™ I wouldnā€™t ask for help from anyone in the NHS about that. My son has done that and got passed from pillar to post and right back round again. Would probably get more help by asking the postman.

I think in the medical profession they are dealing with death on a regular basis so itā€™s all part of the job so they become immune to the feelings. They donā€™t think about how it affects the people who have been left behind. The counselling I got through college helped, they were private counsellors employed by the college. It was good to pour everything out as it wasnā€™t just the loss of dad I was dealing with at the time. It might be worth you seeing if you can get help through Sue Ryder.

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Iā€™m ok I guess. Just had a moment in M and S on my way home. We liked have a potter round, mum and I. Feels empty without her. More worried about getting some decent help for my son generally. Heā€™s getting some private counselling as NHS pointless.
Had an unappealing lunch today in my quest to beat this diabetes thing! Lol. Not sure how long I can be good for! Hope you are ok and @Keith68 .

Good to hear your counselling helped at college though.

Thereā€™s lots of triggers in the everyday things not just the big things like birthdays. It was another reminder that mum is gone when my sister went to her boyfriends as the last time she went mum was still with us. On her treatment weeks she would buy us snacks from the M&S at the hospital. When my sister left for the weekend, she would get the goodies out and we would stick a movie on. I work for Morrisons and they offer staff 10 counselling sessions for bereavements, not sure if your sonā€™s employer offers similar? I hope you manage to get your son the help he needs, keep me posted how he gets on. To cheer you up, Heelie loves the Rosa Verde (not sure if itā€™s spelt correctly!) from M&S so the next time you go and you feel sad, go and look at the bagged salad and think of him!

yea ? another day at work in the flat ?

Had the carpets cleaned today the cleaning man did get the black top off the carpets. But Iā€™m not sure as of yet. I am a perfectionist, I think my standards are quite high when it comes to cleaning . So Iā€™m not sure, I got a George but itā€™s hard work with him. Been having a look on Amazon!

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Haha I will do. Only the best for Heelie! My sonā€™s work are ok generally but itā€™s a small company so no huge HR department set up to help. Plus heā€™s told them some of his issues but not all. My work, being Council, has all sorts of stuff, as they buy in to an external counselling service but apparently it has been criticised nationally as having a quota and not many people get offered proper counselling. I did set up the app but it was quite poor so I took it off again. Morrisons sounds not too bad then. How long have you been with them?