Still Struggling

Sounds like you’re making a thorough job of it. Will be sparkling.

I didn’t do them, got some one in to do carpets, but I’m not sure if he done a decent job or not. He got the black top of the living room carpet So playing around with the idea of to get another carpet machine or not.

It’s sad that we all have to resort to private counselling and it’s not affordable for everyone, it’s no wonder that there are so many people with mental health issues. There is no support or understanding for unpaid carers either, we have to juggle work and being there for our loved ones. When we lose the people we have cared for there isn’t even the support available then, it’s not just about suffering grief, it’s having to come to terms with a different way of living. We have become so used to the routine of balancing life and caring that we don’t really know who we are anymore or how to fill the void.

I’ve been working for the company for 16 years, before then I worked for Safeway, retail is all I have ever known!! I am in at 5am tomorrow, it’s so cold tonight I am having to put the electric blanket on for a bit before I go to bed!!

It is nippy tonight! 5am is a real early start, especially in the winter, but I guess you’re back at a good time. Really hope another job comes through for you very soon.
Yes we are lucky we can pay for some counselling. You still feel so hopeless trying to find the right approach though.
Hope the electric blanket is nice and cosy. I used to love mine at my mum’s.

It’s not right though that you have to pay for counselling and like you say it’s a minefield trying to find the right help. The heated blanket did help, probably a little too much as I’ve just woken up out of a deep sleep to find it’s 10 mins before I need to get up. I don’t finish until 3.30 so it’s a pretty long day, the things we have to do for a few quid!

Wow that is a long day. Good that you had a decent sleep though. Yes, the lack of counselling is rubbish, or rather the lack of decent counselling. I did have some myself on NHS just before Covid but the girl was so young it seemed strange to doscuss things with her. She was nice though and maybe it helped a little. Strangely the thing that helped the most was Covid itself as I felt hugely relieved the world shut down for a little time. Not good in retail though I’m sure, or in general but the retreat from the general stress of life helped me.

I must admit I enjoyed the Covid days too, it was scary going to work as our boss wasn’t really caring about restrictions and there was the fear we would catch it and pass it to our parents. It was the quiet roads and the lack of contact with people!

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Yes, we didn’t catch it for ages, maybe a couple of years, but mum got it too and spent a couple of days in hospital with some breathing difficulties. She fought back though and I guess the hospital did help her then.
Hope work has been okay today

It’s been a mixed day at work, people seem to be speaking more and I’ve had quite a laugh with a few people. One thing was quite rude so I might not be able to tell you! It was pants for a while as we discovered there is a massive marketing package to put out next week but….theres Christmas lines going into the seasonal aisle! That means from next week the mince pies will be out making it my weekly treat until the new year! It’s these little things I enjoy about Christmas I need to focus on and not that mum won’t be around, I’ll put that in a box and deal with it on Christmas Eve.

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Haha, now you need to tell me the rude thing!
Christmas already!! The garden centre I went to on Monday had all the Halloween stuff in. If we keep on like this we will be a whole year ahead and therefore back to normal! I love mince pies, but I do think home made ones are the nicest. My daughter makes some nice ones.

What if my post gets deleted?!!! You will never know what it was!!! Let’s just say it’s to do with feet……!!!

My mum and nan always started Christmas shopping in July so they could spread the cost, I think retailers start selling Christmas lines once the kids go back to school to help people spread the cost. For me it just allows me to eat my favourite foods for at least 3 months before the big event! We always made Christmas cake, puddings and mincemeat, my alter and I loved the smells of the fruit soaking in brandy. I would make some but my sister made a good point: it won’t be the same without mum.

Haha, size of feet I wonder!
Yes I like Christmas baking but the cake recipe is in mum’s handwriting. I shall have to do it but I am a bit scared of Christmas this year. I shall have to watch what I eat too which is a pain.
Just been to the gym which always makes me feel hungry haha. We had to leave after half an hour because there’s a glitch in the TVs. When they play Come on Eileen it repeats and plays three times! I quite like the song but three times is too much! Good excuse to go at that point.

There is a woman in work who goes on dating sites, she was messaged by one guy asking if she would send him a photo of her foot covered in peanut butter!!! People have been too scared to ask her how much the guy was willing to pay so, I asked her yesterday! She said it was about £60 ish but she refused to do it. I was talking to her with my sister and was saying that I really didn’t understand the whole foot fetish thing and PEANUT BUTTER?!!! My sister piped up that the area of the brain that recognises our feet as our feet is right next to the area that recognises our genitals and our genitals and sometimes the two parts intertwine causing the foot fetish!!! I am so sorry to the admins if this post breaks your guidelines but I do hope it gives people a much needed laugh!

Our Christmas recipes are in ancient cookery books but it would just be too hard to make everything without mum. We would always take it in turns including dad to mix the Christmas pudding. Dad made this amazing curry recipe and naan bread, he hand wrote the recipe and mum wanted it making when she was released from hospital. She was only home for a few days before she became ill and had to go back in and she never got to come back home. My sister doesn’t like homemade Christmas cake anyway so there’s no point making one just for me which is quite sad even though I’m not ready.

Having to watch what you eat must be really hard. With everything that has gone on over the last 5 years has caused me to comfort eat, it won’t be doing me any good but food cheers me up!

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Wow! No-one would want to see my feet, even covered with gold leaf, let alone peanut butter! Men are weird, but for £60, hey who knows lol.
Must say I’m only half trying with the food at the moment. I have been cutting down generally and am being more aware now but not totally good. Next blood test in 3 weeks before I know for sure. I love curries and love Christmas food. Mum always said she didn’t like curries but if we didn’t tell her what it was she always ate it all up!

Can you believe this is big business?! Men really are weird these days, I imagine the set up fees could be quite expensive. You would need a vast collection of condiments and various jars of stuff as you just don’t know what request you would get! Not worth it for £60 a pop! We are classy ladies so we could maybe cater for the discerning gentlemen and charge higher prices? Maybe spread our feet with caviar and smoked salmon?!!

Going cold turkey and cutting all the good stuff out will make you give up dieting after a couple of weeks. Maybe best to just cut back gradually so you don’t end up missing it too much. Cadbury do a 30% less sugar chocolate, maybe give that a try? GU do desserts with 50% less sugar and zero taste so give them a miss! Food is just so much more exciting at Christmas, don’t get me started on party food and cheese!

I’ve tried that low sugar Cadbury’s before and quite liked it but out supermarket seems to have stopped selling it now.
I’m rolling around laughing here at the thought of sitting with a spread of foods just awaiting instructions as to which ones to apply to my feet. You’re right, it would be too expensive. You have access to a good range of supermarket items though so could maybe do some special offers. Piccalili today sir? Or cranberry sauce for the discerning gent.
Fine English mustard…The possibilities are endless.

At least in my current line of work I could get all the out of date stuff dirt cheap. When I’m just lathering it all over my feet for photos it wouldn’t matter that it might taste off! I like your idea about special offers, maybe pipe buttercream on my feet for their birthday? I dread to think what I would get asked for at Christmas! We could get together and make a calendar or even a monthly subscription? The possibilities are endless really and we could give up our jobs and work from home!

My sister has an MRI scan today so I’m just trying to keep her going as she is worried. I’ll let you know how it goes x

Brilliant, a calendar! No-one need see our faces, just our feet. We could make millions and still be anonymous! Well maybe a fiver or something.
Hope your sister is ok. Always grim going for tests but I hope it will all be fine.

Hope all is ok with you and your sister x

We would only need to take 6 photos each and for fairness we could just draw the months out of a hat, we don’t want to be fighting over February! :heart:

My sister was really nervous about the MRI scan, she was in for about 45 mins. There’s a Starbucks at the hospital, we noticed on the way in they had the pumpkin spice drinks so we stopped and had one on the way out. She told me all about it and the funny sensations she had, she seemed relieved it was over. When we got home a letter had come with a clinic appointment for two weeks time. It’s another cold miserable day so we have sat watching tv.

The other night a huge spider ran across the living room and by the time I had run for the hoover it had run off somewhere. Tonight it appeared again but it saw me and froze, I sucked it up in the hoover then emptied the drum in the garden, it has begun! I saw a news headline the other day about spiders the size of rats being reintroduced to the UK after extinction by the RSPB. Apparently they prefer wetlands to homes, they mostly live in Norfolk so I don’t plan on going there for a holiday. They can run across water!! I couldn’t face reading the article because it meant looking at photos so my sister said she took one for the team and looked it up. I was panicking in case they were widespread as I couldn’t cope seeing them in the house, I would have to move out!