Still Struggling

Urh spiders. Yes I saw that about the raft spiders in Norfolk. I shall keep away.
Glad your sister has had her MRI. These things seem to drag on forever in terms of getting appointments and getting results and meanwhile you’re anxious about it all.
Yes, it has been miserable and cold here, rainy in the morning but drier later. Hoping to go out one day over the weekend and make the most of it, if the weather allows.
Was in Morrisons tonight. Forgot to check out the range of sauces etc!

If you do decide to visit Norfolk you could take a little stool and a whip with you, maybe a saddle?! It’s making me shiver just thinking about it!
My sister was a lot more herself tonight, I think she is staying home this weekend as she was told her vision could go funny over the next 48 hours.
There are alot of sauces to choose from these days, there’s also the jams, chocolate spread and I wonder how custard and rice pudding would go down? Don’t get me started on jelly!

Yep, I shall be avoiding Norfolk! Mind you Ill probably be avoiding everywhere as the weather looks worse than forecast. We shall see.
It will be nice to have your sister at home this weekend but hopefully her vision will be ok.
If I had a jar of chocolate spread I’d be eating it myself!

We’ve got storm Ilene hitting today so more gales and heavy rain, a day for sitting in the house in pyjamas!
I’ve still not heard anything about the first job I applied for. I was talking to my sister the other day and she said I should go to university and study law. I think I might apply as I don’t think the HND I have is getting me anywhere, there are so many people applying for entry level jobs. I’ll be nearly 50 by the time I finish but then what else will I be doing if I can’t find work?!
It’s good to have my sister home, it was hard being in the house on my own without mum. I know I’ve got to get used to it but it was still a shock.
A jar of Nutella is far too good to be spread on feet, that is for eating only! Morrisons has started selling Nutella ice cream!

I think it would be a great idea to go to uni. It’s bad they havent got back to you. My son had loads of issues with ignorant firms not getting back, even after interviews.
Have you got to work over the bank holiday? Or maybe it isn’t a bank holiday in Scotland? It doesn’t benefit me anyway haha as I don’t work Mondays. Hope you have a nice weekend with your sister.
The storm seems to have gone here now, but there are a few branches lying around.
I’ve just had my second drumming lesson. Still good fun, and learnt a few simple bars, even though I can’t read music.
You’re right, Nutella is far too good to share, even on a dodgy video!
Hope all is good with you too @Keith68 and anyone else still reading our mad ramblings lol.

I know that firms must get hundreds of applications but it still isn’t fair on the applicants that don’t hear anything. We have to jump through so many hoops these days that creates a lot of work and to not get anything back is disheartening.
The shops never shut in Scotland for bank holidays, the only day we shut is Christmas Day. We used to shut Boxing Day and New Year’s Day but they’ve opened on these days for over 10 years now. I remember the days when we used to get paid overtime for working on bank holidays!
It was quite sunny today but we had really heavy rain tonight. I’m starting to wonder if we will ever get the grass cut, the leaves on some of the trees seem to be turning already or maybe they are getting over watered with all the rain! We’ve been watching programmes about storms and tornados yesterday and today! I hate thunderstorms especially at night but I am fascinated by tornados. I wonder if our chat is the longest in history on this forum and how long it will get. People must look at it and wonder what we have to talk about! I hope our ramblings cheer people up a bit and don’t scare them off, maybe we’ve done a bit too far with the foot topic?!!

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Drum lessons sound exciting too! You just need lots of practice and what notes are what will come with time. Get some books or have a look online, I’m sure your tutor will point you in the right direction x

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It’s definitely a bit autumnal. We’ve been out today to Ironbridge Gorge and museums, which was really interesting. Weather mainly good but getting a bit chillier. Cat swore at me when we got home as we had left her in and she was angry! Then went out and immediately came back in again. She’s generally a good cat but was cross with me today. We don’t like to leave her out when we are out for a while.

It’s been so cold here all week, I think me putting the electric blanket on at night is going to be a daily occurrence! I’ve been out scraping the dead weeds up off the drive, I’ve done about a quarter and was knackered. The rock salt turned them all brown but I’ve still had to scrape them up. Loki has been very cuddly today but annoyed at us if we make a noise whilst he is sleeping. He has his own special cat heated mat which sits on one of the sofas, he’s been on it most of the week which is another sign it is cold!

Ooh a heated cat mat sounds good, not seen one of those. Cleo is sitting on my husband’s lap at the moment, the same husband who said he didn’t really want a cat and wouldn’t let one sit on him! He fusses over her the whole time now haha. We also have a cat friend up the road, Jasper, who is a Bengal cat and comes running to see us every time we walk past. He really is very sweet. I heard the woman who lives there call his name.

My sister got the mat for Loki from Amazon for Christmas a few years ago. It only heats up when he lays on it and the temp is set to the same as a cat! We never got round to unplugging it after losing mum, he’s started to use it again the last few weeks so a good job we didn’t. I’ve had Loki since he was 5 weeks old, a man my parents knew didn’t believe in neutering his cat so she kept having litters. He never fed her as he believed she should hunt outside and she wasn’t able to feed her kittens properly. One day he told mum Loki had jumped up on the worktop and stolen his lunch so he flicked him across the kitchen and he hit a wall. He told mum he was going to let him go in a field so she demanded him. Dad didn’t want us to have a cat so mum said she was going to take him to a rescue when the weekend had passed. He worked his charm on dad so he stayed with us! Loki would often sit next to dad and he would tickle him. With mum he would climb on her lap and she would have to hold and rock him like a baby!

When we worked the twilight shift a ginger cat from up the road would come and greet is for tickles and treats. We didn’t know his name so we called him Bob after the street cat. Now we don’t do the twilight shift he doesn’t come to us. We’ve seen him sunbathing in peoples gardens and he just looks at us then looks away!

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Haha cats are funny aren’t they. How awful for that man to treat them as he did though. There really are some idiots / cruel people out there. Loki has a great life now though.
Bit dull today, hoping the weather will hold as we are hoping to go for a walk x

Loki has health problems because of the treatment he suffered in his first 5 weeks, he’s a pampered kitty now though, I’ve tied to make up for it as much as possible! I’m in work until 7pm today, it’s raining heavily, a cosy day for being in the house!

Ho0e workbwas ok, do you have tomorrow off or are you in? Poor Loki, but yes he sounds really pampered now and having a fine life!

Work was pretty hectic today and will be tomorrow! I always work Sunday to Wednesday which goes pretty quickly. Loki did his usual jumping on the living room window sill when we pulled up the drive. Hope you’ve had a good day today?

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Yes thanks, had a nice walk although the weather was dull and threatening to rain. Jobs, food shopping etc today. Haven’t slept well this week and I’m feeling a bit agitated. How are you?

Oh no, have you got a lot on your mind that’s stopped you from sleeping? I hate that agitated feeling, I guess it’s the nature of the beast we are grappling with. I’ve had things on my mind the last few days, once something takes over my thoughts it rattles around for days. I’ve checked up on the second job application, it’s now saying my application is being reviewed! See what happens with that! Hope you get on ok with the chores today, I always put mine off for as long as possible……

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Oh good luck with that application. I really hope something good comes up for you. Have you thought any more about putting in a uni application?
Yes, I’ve been quite anxious about my son and his life and struggles to have focus and the ability to go out and do things, plus all the physical sensitivities, pain and fatigue that come with his autism. It’s very hard to watch and we have tried so many forms of help. It’s really difficult when you see other young people with the confidence and energy to go and do things, and sometimes I feel resentful and can’t face that. I know that none of us has a clue what will happen in life next, but it weighs on my mind a lot.
I hope your sister is ok and that work hasn’t been too stressful today. Hopefully Loki and Heelie gave you a good welcome home! X

Thank you, I’ll let you know when I hear something. I’m going to go to the open days for three uni’s in October, I need to find out what hours will be involved as I will still need to work to pay the bills. That’s the thing about being a mature student we have more bills to pay but the loan amount stays the same!

I can’t even begin to imagine what life is like for your son. The world and a lot of the people in it are cruel. I had three encounters with people today that’s made me want to withdraw from society, one was an old boss who came into work. She told me she’d heard that I was an orphan now like it was something funny, my mood was already low but that pushed it lower. Is your son happy? He might not do the things that other people his age do but if he is happy then that is the main thing. I remember you saying that your son likes computer games and plays with friends online, that might be how your son feels happy to socialise. Maybe his family is are all the friends he needs, you are his safe place and you are lucky to have each other. I know that you are worried about what the future holds but it is also important to focus on the here and now. Life is about creating memories x

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Thanks so much. I hardly ever tell anyone about my son, just my husband really but I feel able to tell you and that you understand. He rarely goes out apart from work which he struggles with, although he will sometimes surprise us and went to Germany to meet an online friend earlier in the year! I think the Internet is just his safe place but not sure how happy he is.
I can’t believe anyone would say something so cruel to you as the orphan comment. What on earth? Are they just appallingly clumsy in how they speak or just really nasty?! I’m so sorry. I am lucky in that no-one has said anything horrible, I think would snap back. People definitely forget or expect you to be over it though.
Going to see the universities would be exciting. I’d love to go back but I was lucky enough that when I went it was all paid for and I didn’t have to find that money myself. We lost my dad though, 6 weeks after I started which was awful for mum and I, and left her completely alone at home. Which unis are you interested in?
And you’re right about living to make memories, not just to endure things and dread the future. I do have a bad rendency to mull stuff over and over. Hope people are nicer to you today x