Still Struggling

Some people see the internet as a curse but I find it is a good way to meet people, if I hadn’t found my way to this forum I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to. Sounds like your son is finding his own way in the world and meeting people who he can be comfortable with. Maybe he needs to find a job where he can work from home so he is in a safe place and not having to force himself into social situations. I am sure he will be ok, easier said than done I know but you mustn’t beat yourself up and make yourself ill with worry. He will be ok, he has his online friends so he is not alone. Going to Germany was a massive step for him and I have no doubt he will take more big steps when he is ready.
There was another woman in yesterday while used to work in the store and left to be a hairdresser. She did mine for a while but wasn’t very good so I stopped going. Her dad still works in the store and they came in shopping, she made a big thing about pointing out how I’d gone blonde I.e making her annoyance known that I don’t go to her anymore. Then she asked how my mum was and when I told her, her reaction was fake. Her dad said to me that he had told her but she made out he hadn’t. It felt like asking about my mum was a punishment.
I’m looking at Edinburgh, Strathclyde and Glasgow Caledonian University. Glasgow University is way out of my reach so I’ll stick to the other 3. It all depends on how I get on with this job, I don’t have it in me to be writing anymore statements and jumping through hoops.
I’m 10-7 today with a lot of work to do so hoping my shift goes quick! I hope you are ok and have a good day surrounded by books! x

Thanks, hope your day is good. I think if my son worked at home though, he might never go out, and I think it’s probably quite good for him to see other folk. I think they are decent people there on the whole.
People can say such awful things like your ex hairdresser. I went to a beautician years ago, haven’t been for ages. I told her my daughter then had a Saturday job in the Trafford Centre shopping mall, and she gleefully said that she knew they stocked body bags in there, in readiness for a terrorist attack! Perhaps they do, but why say that. I felt sick. We all know these things can happen but why say it when she knew I had a connection there. What did she expect me to do, laugh merrily about it?!
My husband has relatives in Edinburgh (his whole family were from there originally) and his niece and nephew went to the two Edinburgh universities and really loved them. They have both stayed living up there. Go for it, studying will be challenging but purposeful and rewarding.

I’m glad that your son is working with nice people which is a rare find these days, I am starting to dislike people! I think I’ve said this before but if he worked with me I would mummy him to the point he’d probably run away. I’ve not had children so I take people under my wing instead.
I can’t believe the beautician said that to you, what an awful and thoughtless thing to say. People really don’t engage their brains before they engage their gobs as my mum would say. I’ve had another run in with someone in work today so I am pretty fed up of people again today.
I love the history and architecture in Edinburgh. I would love to be able to study law at the University of Edinburgh but it depends on how many days per week I need to attend lectures and whether I would be able to keep working. That is one of the reasons I want to go to an open day. Have you read the book shop on the corner books by Jenny Colgan? It’s fiction story about a book shop in Edinburgh. The author describes the city in such detail I can picture it in my head and all the times I’ve been there.

Sending you a hug x

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Just checked my emails and I’ve not been successful with the second job application. Might as well just apply to Uni and stick in this job for the next 5 years!

Evil world!

Been out in the car today, people are just ignorant on the roads as well as off

People are getting worse and I don’t understand why

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Oh no, am sorry about that, but don’t give up on your idea of uni. It would be a great opportunity.
Thanks for your hug, sending one in return to you. Rain has poured down all day and I’ve found it hard to concentrate on work.
I haven’t read that particular Jenny Colgan but I have read others so I will have to look out for it.
Edinburgh is a lovely place. It isn’t at all how I thought it would be when I first visited and I loved it. I thought it would be not as pretty as it was. My husband had family who lived on the Grassmarket many years ago. X

I don’t like this world and I don’t recognize as the world I was born in.

It’s soul destroying as I spent my days off two weeks in a row completing these applications. I don’t really have it in me at the moment to spend precious time trying to sell myself applying for jobs I won’t get. I am going to concentrate on writing my personal statement for my uni application. I really thought my HND would be enough to get a better job but I’m starting to wonder if it’s just good for getting into uni.
Thanks for the return hug, it was much needed after an encounter with a horrible woman I work with and my sister has had a letter from the hospital, they now want her to have a chest CT so we are worried about that. We did go to TK Maxx after to work and bout some decorative pumpkins.
There are three bookshop on the corner books, two are Christmas ones. I like authors like her who write easy comforting stories. I worked for Monsoon in Edinburgh when we first moved out this way from Dumfries and Galloway. I just loved the atmosphere but the commute was tiring! We used to love the Christmas market but it became too commercial. We now just make our own mulled wine at home with a shot of cherry brandy or amaretto!
It was raining heavy here this morning but the sun has been out since lunchtime. I’m back in at 5am tomorrow and then I’m off for three days which I am ready for. My sister and I are planning on putting the Autumn decorations up to cheer ourselves up.

People have been awful this week but there have been some nice people too. We have to take the rough with the smooth, mostly the rough but I’m hoping things will get better

I don’t like this world, that’s why I didn’t know how to take Myeloma. I carry on now on my own, but I more or less given up on this world.

Everyone has their own little world they go into mine is my car and music to drive too.

I really like the freedom to listen to music in the car and go back to when I was young

I hope the CT scan will just be to eliminate various things and they will then be able to treat your sister in the best way. I know it’s worrying but it’s always best to get things sorted early and hopefully it’s nothing too serious. Sorry you have this worry as well.
Cherry brandy and amaretto are both lovely. I seem to remember getting a bit drunk on cherry brandy when I was young! X

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I wouldn’t worry too much about the CT scan, doesn’t mean there’s something there. It’s just procedure to give them a better idea.

Thank you both, life is one problem after another. My sister has a clinic appointment on Thursday next week to find out what’s going on. I’m just up for work and I still feel tired, it’s going to be a long day.

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Hello both @Malcolm2 and @Keith68 . Not a lot to report but hope you’re both ok x

Work has been :poop: but I’m doing ok! x

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Don’t know how I feel, just had the sparky visit and I had my 80s internet station on like most days. He asked me what station it was so I told him. I told him I grew up in that time, was born 68. He was like me too, then we got talking about kids today. Now im emotional again and I need to snap out of it. but I hate today’s work, I would snap your hands to go back to that time period again and re live it all again. I always felt like a alien in today’s world. You can keep your tech I give it up in a sec. My mum will be alive so yes everything would be good! when I say I hate today’s world I mean it. It’s hard to survive today even on a mental level, that’s why I rely on music so much. It’s been in my life all my life. I can’t see that ever changing! yea I will get through the day, I need to boost myself, snap out of things, make a coffee, get freshened up.


I usually find a massive slice of cake and a cup of tea helps me snap out of things! Kitty cuddles help too so I still think you need a pet!