Still Struggling

Sorry to hear this, @Keith68 - last thing you need to come home to. I just wanted to share Macmillan’s guide on bills and housing costs with you:

If you live alone, you should be entitled to a 25% reduction in your council tax bill.

Macmillan also have some information about other costs that may be cheaper due to your diagnosis. For example, you should be able to get free prescriptions.

Sorry to interrupt the conversation but I wanted to share these links with you in case they were helpful.

Take care,

The treatment will be rough but there are anti sickness drugs they can give you to help with the nausea. Mum found eating marshmallows helped when she felt sick and eating little and often throughout the day.
I really miss my mum tonight, I needed her to talk to today about something and it really hit me that she wasn’t there. I also had trouble printing the form her bank sent me, it was an encrypted file that just kept coming up blank when I print previewed it. I fixed it in the end but it’s left me feeling anxious all day which isn’t like me.
When mum was in hospital she ordered a new tv stand when she thought she would be home for a couple of weeks. My sister and I made it up today and it’s looks nice but it feels sad that mum didn’t get to see it. There was so much she wanted to do when we thought she would be home for a while but she went back in again a few days later. After 3 months it feels the bad days are getting worse and the ok days are just meh.
I hope everyone is doing as ok as we can be.

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Hi @Malcolm2 and @Keith68 . Sorry not to have been in touch and sorry to hear about your difficulties. The cancer treatment must seem very real and difficult now but it’s good that you are getting results.
I understand what you mean @Malcolm about being sorry your mum hasn’t benefited from the stand she bought and didnt see it. Mum never used some of the stuff we got her but the thing that bugs me most is a book she had almost finished but not quite. I don’t like thinking she will never know the book’s ending.
Sorry not been around, have been so anxious about my son and his future. My mind tends to run obsessively on things when I’m anxious. Did manage to get to drumming which dragged me out of it a little.

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Don’t be sorry for not being in touch, I don’t expect you to message everyday, life is so hectic and sometimes we will have days when we don’t feel like talking.
The loss of our mum’s has left so many unfinished things. I bought a teddy bear off eBay with one of his legs detached from his body. Mum ordered him a new growler, joints and fabric to repair him when she got taken back into hospital, the hope was they would sort the infection and send her back home, the disease progressed quicker than we thought. Mum managed to put the grower in and stitch his back up but the fabric didn’t arrive until after she passed away. He sits in the bag mum tied him up in, one day I hope I will be able to face sorting his leg out.
I hope your son is doing ok? Has something else happened that has caused you to worry? Why can’t life just give us a break from worrying and problems

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my mother died. two weeks later, I held a small birthday party for myself. it was a nice time and successful. I look back on that now and am proud I did that, for myself. amazed I managed it, as I was so close to my last parent. your mother would admire you and be happy if you celebrated her favorite person, YOU.


The usual stuff with my son. I have many worries about him. Woke up in the night crying and anxious. My husband is very good at calming me down but mostly I feel anxious.
I hope the poor teddy bear does get his refurb. I’m sure he misses his leg!
Sunny day here. Cleaning day but I need to get out of the house. Have a good day x

I am sorry you have had a rough night, you are so lucky to have a wonderful husband to look after you. Get yourself out in nature today sooth your soul, cleaning can wait until Monday! x

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Well every day is a different day, yesterday I was at the hospital and the experience just swallows you up. I was thinking a few minutes ago we coming up to the illuminations at Blackpool. My mum used to take me when I was younger. Don’t think I could do it alone!

Managed to do cleaning too! Had a bit of a walk. Wish I could escape my own brain sometimes and its never ending loop of anxiety!
Daughter got on ok with boyfriend’s parents, all a bit nervous but went ok.
Cleo caught a mouse today (that’s the cat, not my daughter!) And looked hugely disappointed when this new toy stopped playing and moving around. She patted it to see if it would move and was sorry when it didn’t.

Blackpool illuminations opened a couple of days ago and now go on to January. I used to take the children in the days when you had a sunroof and they could peer out of the roof as we drove through. Blackpool is tacky in many ways but I have a fondness for driving through the lights and getting some chips.

It’s changed a lot and for the worse it’s a shell of what it used to be. Blackpool was a jewel in the UK 20 years ago. It had great nightlife, 14 years of the Tories has trashed the place. Like so many places now it’s hard to see how the UK will flourish.

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My mind is always on the go to point that it annoys my sister, she says something to me but my mind is off thinking about something and I don’t hear her! I’m glad your daughter got on ok, if she got on well with the parents that is one major hurdle she has jumped over.
I’ve had a busy day too, did some pruning so the front looks less overgrown and we have put up the autumn decorations so the house looks cosy.
The last time I was in Blackpool was about 15 years ago I went with a friend from work and we ended up getting tattoos! She moaned the whole time about how sore her feet were and I never heard from her again after we got back!

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I was offered a clearing course yesterday to do law and criminology, I won’t be able to accept it as it’s starts on 9 September so I won’t get funding for a while, I don’t have the funds to keep myself going in the meantime. I missed mum so much yesterday as I needed her to talk to about it, she would have listen to my worries and helped me decide what to do. I thinks that’s why I felt so anxious as it’s the first problem I’ve had without mum’s support

The country is in too much debt to go back to the way it was before which is so sad. I also went to Blackpool for my 21st with my mum and my sister, the rides were horrendous!

Ah the Pleasure Beach, you have to pay now to go in there. Mum liked the ice show there, I went many times with her. You come out and see the Pleasure Beach lit up. I not been in also for decades, can’t remember how old I would of been. It used to be buzzing at the weekend in Blackpool. It had some great bars n clubs all gone and empty units now. It’s like a time gone! which obviously makes me sad as I have fond memories of the place. Mum had friends up there, so yea would go to the shows. Buildings have remained ie the Winter Gardens and the Tower. If you look back at history Blackpool was the number 1 destination for a holiday in the UK. How things have sunk in this country. You don’t need Putin or his threats when you have the Tories in power. They will destroy the country without any threat from another country and they pretty good at it too. The magic has gone out the uk

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When I went with the friend we went to an 80’s club which I think was called Reflex, I got chatting to a group of men dressed as Mrs Claus! When we went for my 21st my sister was 11 and Furbies had just come out, she desperately saved up so she could get one in Blackpool. We lived in Cornwall at the time and got a coach there and back. She got her Furby and wouldn’t wait until we got home before she turned it on. The journey was at night and people were trying to sleep while her furby burped, yawned and farted! We tried putting it in the overhead locker but it was still noisey, people weren’t happy!

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I bet that was funny ? probably not at the time though. what’s a furry ? don’t think I remember Reflex in Blackpool. Brannigans was a cool bar quite big and had live bands on the weekend. I remember Lionel Vinyl at Yates. The Yates burned down to the ground by a kid who was chucked out by the doormen . I think the sign was a 100 years old.


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They were the hottest toy that Christmas, people were scrapping over them in shops and you could hardly find them anywhere!

It’s very sad now what Blackpool has become I seen videos on Tik Tok live streaming. At one point Blackpool was only 2nd to London regards accomodation. It was the English equivalent of Vagas not any more. Thought I would never see it so run down. I went 5,6 years ago with a few lads for the weekend. I was in for a shock! but like I said made me feel sad, like part of me had died. I think it’s something we have to live with felt the same with Keith Harris and Bowie passing. If the afterlife exist it’s going to be better then here.