Still Struggling

must of been a 90s toy ?

It was a late 90ā€™s early 2000ā€™s!

After my time I left school in 84!

Toys are for grown ups too, I had one!

Probably spending all my money on records by then and ciggies. I quit now!

Been on my own all day in the flat, I donā€™t think mumā€™s money will last me and Iā€™m in debt council tax wise. We are taxed far too much in this country working or not.

No comment as far as the ciggies go! Have you contacted Macmillan yet? Their money matters lady helped mum so much and itā€™s worth asking the council for a reduction and help paying your debt

Something else to do next week! I think if you got someone in your life be it a sibling or a partner, then you are very lucky. I had no contact with anyone today, Iā€™m a orphan now! isnā€™t that the word that people associate with us ? and dealing with cancer too. Tik Tok cheered me up a little though, as thereā€™s something on that platform for everyone.

Thatā€™s what an old boss said to me the other day when she came into work, that my sister and I are orphans now, she thought it was funny. Can you not email Macmillan? Never put off until next week what you can get done today! Sounds like you need a hobbyā€¦ā€¦

Fab! What tattoos did you get? And what are your autumn decorations? They sound nice.

What a shame you canā€™t take up the course. I hope you can get some funding in place soon and take up a place. Where was it?

I got a cluster of stars on my left arm. Weā€™ve put up a garland and wreath made of fair autum leaves then lots of pumpkin ornaments dotted about the place. The course was at Stirling uni but it was the fact that it started in just over a week that panicked me. The company that issues the student loans are only a parking on claims put in w/c 5 August so I would have had to go over a month on reduced money. I donā€™t like taking risks especially when it comes to money. With doing two courses in one I was worried about how much time I would have to put into to the course and not be able to work enough to top up my loan. I really need to go to open days so I can ask questions I think the quickness of it all was what made me anxious.

Exciting though. Yes, open days would be useful. You could explore each course and uni in more detail but I think that flavour of what a place is like is the most crucial thing.
I love the sound of your autumn decorations. After all the sunshine of yesterday, September is coming in very dull.
Dreamt about mum last night and how much I miss her.

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Stirling is out in the country so is surrounded by nature. Iā€™m going to email them tomorrow as the criminology and sociology on its own starts again in January. Going to see if the intake includes students living in Scotland. I enjoy lots of aspect of the but conveyancing and property law killed my soul so I donā€™t think I could do that again. Mum was a legal executive and specialised in criminal law and we used to love thrashing out cases as part of my HND. Stirling do work with the love and Salvation Army, they have bases on the Stirling campus.
I get all my ornaments from TK Maxx you should have a look and make your house all cosey x

Itā€™s not funny, I wouldnā€™t wish it in anyone. Grieve is very serious and there should be more help for people then there is currently. But death is part of life and we all have to deal with it at some point

People might look like grown up adults but they are kids really with kids brains. But they have to experience as of yet, so their attitude will change when that happens.

I been writing to my aunty in Australia sister to my mum. Mum used to write to her sister whilst she could. Obviously in the end that connection ended due to health. I chose to write to her for two reasons ā€¦

  1. support

2.Mum would approve if she looking down on me.

I not paid any council tax this year so far, Iā€™m still paying off last year amount. I set up a direct debit with recovery company. So that might be why it so high. Have to pay something I think this week. Got to meet with my sister in Thursday to get a headstone sorted for mum. Read up on stem cell transplants. Fell asleep last night fully clothed twice must be Thalidomide . Iā€™m taking it earlier now about 9ish so I donā€™t get a bad night sleep wise.

Hopefully macmillan will be able to give you some financial support and advice. Is the council giving you any kind of reduction on your council tax?
We have a brother who I fell out with in 2019 when mum fell ill, he did and didnā€™t do a lot of things that I will never be able to forgive him for. Mum could never understand why I didnā€™t want anything to do with him and would get angry with me which turned me against him even more. Mum kept pushing him on me when we knew she didnā€™t have long left, like when mum was ill and we lost dad he wasnā€™t there which made me even more bitter. He always made me feel like I was stupid so I havenā€™t missed that in 5 years. My sister promised mum she would write to him and did do.

I think Iā€™m getting single discount. Because Iā€™m on my own, but thatā€™s it. I hate the council, they are a bunch of lazy muppets. I could think of worse things to call them but I have this post removed by the admins. I would like to apologize to all muppets especially Animal as he was my fave growing up and mum liked him too. He was funny! back to the council, it looks like I have to pay them something to keep level with the Council Tax, which is unfair as Iā€™m not working. But canā€™t claim Universal Credit due to savings now.

Sounds really interesting to look at the case law. It seems a very good course. Hopefully January is a possibility for you. TK Maxx - we do have a branch near us, right next to Sainsburyā€™s but I dont go in very often. Maybe I should have a look in.
Hope you get your council tax sorted out @Keith68 . As @Malcolm2 says, Macmillan are pretty good on advice I think. There should be some support for when you need it most.

Have you thought about selling photos of your feet online for extra money? Iā€™m having yet another bad day in work so I need a laugh otherwise I will cry. @Magsclar and I were thinking of doing a calendar, we could maybe squeeze you in!!!

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It would be nice to be able to help people with addiction, I never used to be able to understand why people get that way, losing both my parents in three years has made me see how people can turn to substances.
We have been decorating for autumn for the last few years, the house looks lovely from 1st to 6th January when Christmas decorations come down. Trust me, some cosey decorations will lift you up x