Still Struggling

Yea went ok, it’s alright meeting up with people but sooner or later you have to go home. Back to a empty flat with a lot of memories in, memories you have to face alone.

Hope it was good to see your sister @Keith68 . Perhaps you could meet up occasionally. Glad you sorted it out.

It was ok Mag, still a long way to go in the process though. These things are always drawn out affairs. Done the lettering now have to wait for reply from Stonemasons to the shop, then if we happy with the layout. Then permission from the Council, and then you have to pay and then the construction of headstone. It’s going to take some time. Went for a coffee afterwards my sister started to remind me a lot of mum. But it’s good for a chat and if course I got a lot of going in my life too with Myeloma. But like I posted I have to come back to life on my own in the flat.

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I feel like I don’t have enough people in my life at the moment. It does help to meet up, we all need this. Isolation is a spiral of doom, some people we talk too, then we don’t talk too for a bit and then tend to be on the cautious side after last time.

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I don’t think I could handle Loki bringing a mouse home! Thats why I was glad the vet said to keep him as a house cat. My sisters pre op went well, she has some special drink to have the night before and morning of her op, we are just out at the shops as we wanted to do something nice afterwards

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When you are back on your feet you need to see what groups there are near you. Like I’ve said Ina previous post you could look for a job or to do that has classes you could go to

Trophy’s ? poor mouse ? hospital have cut down on my meds, no pentagabben or zonemorph and I think heartburn is returning again. any cures appreciated, got gaviscon medicine! back to the ironing again in a bit, Your sister had her op ?

I was messaging in a rush and it’s changed hobbies to job, sorry! I know you won’t be able to get a job at the moment. The predictive text on this forum is a pain!
Can you not phone your GP and see if they can give you medication for your indigestion? One of the symptoms my sister gets with her cyst is indigestion, doctor gave her Famotadine (not sure how to spell it), she’s over the moon as that is what my cat in on too! Her operation is next Thursday, it’s quite a big op, the consultant said he hoped to let her home at the weekend. The nurse that did her pre op checks said there’s no mention of that on the system and there is no bed reserved for her! She thought she would be home the same day. Just have to wait and see, she’s been told to take an overnight bag instead. She’s really nervous so I’ve told her I’ll wait in the hospital so when I can see her I’ll just be 5 mins away. I think her boyfriend is coming too so I will have company

She get a bed and most likely be monitored. I got Gaviscon and Rennies. Take her phone charger in maybe nightware and a towel, soap, toothpaste, and a change of clothing and phone charger.

She hate her first night in, it’s horrible sharing a ward. I was much better when I got transfered to another hospital and got my own room. Same should happen when I need to go back in

My sister is socially awkward so finds it difficult to talk to people she doesn’t know. She was saying earlier she hopes she isn’t put in a ward with other women as she just wants to sit and read and not have to make conversation. Once you go into hospital you will have to be in an isolation room to protect you from infection, no ward for you!

No, been told that, worst thing is night time I think. People coughing, snoring etc. TV goes off etc

Oh I’m glad you had a coffee with your sister. Made me laugh being called Mag, some people have called me that. It’s actually Margaret, though I’m not so keen on that, so Mag will do nicely!
I’ve previously been on Ranitidine as an antacid, now on Omeprazole but I don’t think they are good to be on long term.
No mice today thankfully. Cats are natural predators I guess but I don’t like her getting them.
We are away for one night tomorrow to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. I’m lucky to have that I know. Could really do with a break though.
All best wishes to your sister @Malcolm2 .

I think you would have to go into isolation i.e a room on your own until your neutrophils go back up again. Mum was like that and everyone going into her room had to wear masks and aprons. It will be to reduce your risk of catching an infection. That way you will get lots of peace and quiet!

Mum was on Omeprazole, maybe you should try the meds my sister and Loki are on! My sister said they work really well, I’d ask Loki for his feedback but I don’t understand the language of meow. I guess they are good as he doesn’t yack as much!
Enjoy your night away and happy anniversary xx

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Thank you, I hope your day goes well x

Happy Anniversary too, just catching up on stuff at home today at my own pace, no one else’s. A bit a day gets things where they need to be.

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Thank you, and yes I’m trying to apply that to my own tidying too.

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My day today has been doing the washing and hoovering. I’ve discovered the sill on the shed is wrotten so I’m looking online for the sealer and filler to fix it!

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Managed to do a quick clean before I left so I don’t have to do it tomorrow! Had a very nice meal. Forgotten how pitch dark it is in the countryside at night! Good job we had a torch!