Still Struggling

Frolicking in the countryside at night, shocking behaviour! Watch out for cow pats! :poop:

Iā€™m on lamsoprazole

Thatā€™s good, hopefully that will sort things out

Haha no frolicking on the dark roads I promise. However we have been laugjhng our heads off because an overprivileged older man with nothing better to worry about was wanting to speak to the manager because his cornflakes were late this morning! I kid you not. I felt sorry for the very nice waitress.

I cannot stand people like that. Weā€™re struggling through life coming to terms with the loss of loved ones and heā€™s moaning about his cornflakes being late, get a grip. He sounds like what my dad would call a ā€œsilly owl dufferā€. Said in a Liverpudlian accent of course! I wish I was there as I would have told him to shut up before I shove the cornflakes down his gob and shut him up that way! People like him give me the rage as you can probably see from my comments. The name I would give him rhymes with what but you remove the ā€˜hā€™ and put a ā€˜tā€™ in front of the ā€˜wā€™.
Hope the rest of your day is wonderful! Iā€™m taking a load of rubbish to the tip!

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Thanks, a bit wet and gloomy here but weve had a nice time looking around an old hall which was interesting and dry!
I agree totally about the old bloke. I said mych the same to my husband. The waitress was very pleasant to him, and then he said ā€˜we wonā€™t discuss it hereā€™ and went to the reception to discuss it! Laughable. But ridiculous. If cornflakes was all I had to worry about in life Id get down on my hands and knees and give thanks.

Reminds me we need to go to the tip too! Oh, and the whingy man had actually stayed there two nights so must be pretty well off but just a miserable old so and so. Presumably he makes it a point never to enjoy anything.

The hall sounds interesting! I donā€™t know what is the matter with people these days that they moan about the silliest of things. Like you I would be grateful that all I had to worry about was my cornflakes being a few minutes late. I feel for the staff in the hotel having to look after the grumpy toad.
The bags of rubbish have been building for a few weeks so I need to get them out the way, our green bin only get collected every four weeks which isnā€™t enough

Lol @ Grumpy Toad!

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I couldnā€™t think of a forum permitted name for him!

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Isnā€™t it your birthday very soon @Malcolm2 ?

Yep, itā€™s on the 16th. Did you say yours is on the 27th? Iā€™m holiday that week and will be looking after my sister

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Yep mineā€™s 27th. Another year more ancient. Weā€™re off on hols next Sun 15th but I shall remember. How has your weekend been so far? I guess youā€™ve been working? Weather here is rubbish today so that trip to the tip may get put off as itā€™s so wet to load up the car. Cat wonā€™t be happy about wet weather either.
Hope you are feeling positive @Keith68 and not too quiet this weekend. Kept myself happy by watching Top of the Pops 1983 last night with the lovely Heaven 17 and Paul Young. Marvelling again at the great songs. I may even have been dancing round the living room whilst bemused husband and cat look on!

Back at work today after three days off. Yesterday was sunny so I went to the tip then brushed down the rotten wood on the she doorstep and painted it with wood hardener! Thereā€™s just my sister and I on our dept next three days so it will be hectic. I am day holiday next Sunday then a weeks holiday after. Iā€™ll be looking after my sister depending on how her operation goes on Thursday and how she recovers. We w t to a retail park in Glasgow on Thursday after her pre op checks so she had something to cheer her up! Hope the weather clears up for you so you can get to the top, the excitement is all too much! What are you doing for your birthday?

Weather has settled in even worse here so I think the tip can wait until next weekend. I am hoping my daughter can come to visit for my birthday and we can all have a meal. Sheā€™s currently flying back from Korea.
I hope you get some treats for your birthday. It will be a very different year for you I know but I will be sending you all best wishes, and Iā€™m sure your sister will be too, despite having had her operation. At least you will spend the time together and hopefully the following year will bring you some nice things and maybe find a uni course that will be a new focus for you.
Anyway youā€™re not a year older just yet! Hope the rest of the weekend is good x

Saw that but not my fave Heaven 17 track. Paul Young Where ever I lay my hat, not keen on that song no more. Saw the one before and was impressed with Roxy Music and Bryan Ferry. Mr Slick Angel Eyes great track!

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It was foggy here last night and this morning, today it is cloudy. My birthday will be hard this year, first one without my mum but also without both of my parents. I am sure I will get lots of kitty cuddles on my birthday and I hope to catch up on some of my crafts, not witchy crafts though, if I could cast spells Iā€™d have a 6ft 5 Adonis waiting for me at home! A girl can dreamā€¦ā€¦.

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6ft 5 sounds a bit tall for my liking as I am only 5ft 3! But the Adonis bit sounds good! The important part would be how kind he is, as well as other things!

Roxy Music were great, really different from other bands. Heaven 17 - Come Live with Me is one of my favourites. Seen them live a few times, Glenn Gregory is much the same but now has no hair. Not great how we all have to age. I wish I looked like I did in the 80s.

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Without a doubt thatā€™s there best track without a doubt. Yea I think I follow them on FB Martin Ware was in the Human League. Dare was the first album I bought. But the music has lasted from the 80s. A lot are still touring, I love the 80s. Seen a few when I was working in event security. Saw OMD earlier in the year, I was near the stage.

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