Still Struggling

I want to share something with you guys! earlier in the year I made a new friend on FB at the time it was connected to CB radio. Because I’m a very retro kind of person, old music, old video games you name it. This person runs spiritual nights on FB messenger via video with a different medium every Saturday night. I did a couple earlier in the year and then stopped, I didn’t get a message. Even though I wanted a message so badly from mum. Last night I did my first for months, since I lost mum I took a interest in NDE on You Tube. Last November I was invited to light a candle for mum organized by the funeral parkour. The vicor had just taken over the role and she had lost her mum too. I approached her at the night and spoke to her about mum very similar names. She told me she refused to believe death was the end and I listened to her.

Back on FB

I got a message last night from my grandma, I live in Nottingham and Nottingham is famous for the Goose Fair. A fair that dates back a 100 years! the medium picked up on a goose and a fair so I took it! Grandma was sending me love and uplifting as the medium picked up I been down. Not surprising what I been through, then mum did the same. My mum was very close to her mum in this life so it would make sense they be together in the afterlife. I spoke to my friend afterwards regarding this. I’m not a closed person and never have been. I managed to get through the session but got a bit tearful at times. I know I can put this here and not upset anyone! as this isn’t my intention, but I believe in all sorts UFOs and even spent a night in a haunted room. It’s just who I am and things like that interest me, like I said I’m my own person and very open minded to all type of things.

I just wanted to share as mum is with her mum up there, it makes me feel a little bit more happier in myself. Mum is probably more happier then me! like I said mum was very close to her mum in this world. It makes me feel a bit better, and knowing they might be around me. Mum always said everyone has a guardian angel, well I need mine to get me through Myeloma. I knew mum was in a better place. today’s world isn’t a very nice place no more and anything that can help us in life the better.

That’s lovely that your grandma came through to you. I firmly believe that our loved ones are still with us after we lose them. My mum rescued guinea pigs for many years, I used to see someone in my peripheral vision just before mum lost one of her rescues, I would turn to look and no one was there. Just before I lost my dog I was in the shop that I owned and I thought I saw a little girl in my peripheral vision looking through the window at me. When I turned no one was there and the next day I had to have my dog put to sleep. I only ever told mum what happened and she believed me. The day before mum was told she only had two weeks left I saw my dog run across the end of the road we were walking on. Many people won’t understand and think I have lost the plot! To me that was my dog letting me know that mum’s time was coming to an end and that she had come to collect her. I have this connection with animals that I cannot explain. I’ve said this to you in a previous post, just be careful as there are people about that will take advantage of vulnerable people, make sure the mediums you speak to are genuine. Try to not tell them too much about yourself. I don’t want to come across as preachy but you just have to be weary of people these days

Don’t ever be afraid to share things with us, that why we’re are all here on this forum. Your mum and grandma will be with you and talk to them when you need them the most. I say goodnight to my mum and dad every night, it’s hard some nights but comforting too

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It’s through a friend via invite only, and it’s pretty much the same people but different mediums. First time with the medium last night. The connection wasn’t brilliant and we all mute our mics at the beginning. But mum died on Grandma’s birthday. My sister told me that, and I don’t believe in coincidence. I wouldn’t class myself as religious but I think losing mum has changed my views. I’m a curious person and don’t really believe in random stuff, there has to be a reason behind everything for me. But it’s comforting to know mum is with her mum.

That’s sounds like an ok group then. My mum went to one in the late 80’s after her mum passed away, she asked for an object from the person mum wanted to contact. She gave her nan’s wedding ring and she gave mum a load of incorrect information. I’ve always just been weary of people like that, especially ones who charge lots of money. Sounds like your grandpa came for your mum on his birthday and it will give you comfort on bad days to know they are together

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Grandma I didn’t know till my sister reminded me. There’s a 20 year gap in age between me and my sister. I think I was 14 just turned when Grandma died. 1982, I remember the night well it was October, might of been Halloween not sure. Think I was on my way home and mum was on the street which struck me as odd. That’s when she told me! they were close out all the children mum was the closest. 3 sisters 2 in Nottingham and second oldest in Australia. My mum was the oldest of the 3.

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I never met my true grandad he died before I was born. It does give me some comfort. I wasn’t looking on FB for things. I had took a year out from FB and had deleted my account. Then I lost mum and had to get in touch with my sister, so had to go back to FB and get her number from family members in Australia . Isabelle I met via a CB group via a old 80s group that posted about CB back in the time. I felt lost and was thinking maybe I should try CB to make friends. That’s how I met Isabelle and I think I told her I lost my mum and that when she told about a spiritual group she ran. That’s how it all started, I didn’t think too much about it, but I would do it as I had nothing to lose by doing it.

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Love OMD too. Seen Human League a few times. Martyn Ware is still with Glenn Gregory too, performing.
That’s interesting about the vicar and also the medium. Thanks for sharing with us. I have to say I have never believed in people contacting us, but when my dad died 39 years ago I went searching for something I just felt he had left. And found a tape recording he had left for us and a letter. He hadn’t told us, I just felt it, and went to it straight away.

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Yea I seen those type of things! but never really interest me. I wasn’t really looking for it, but I did feel lost! Doctor was useless as all he suggested was Cruise. Work was more sympathetic but because I still live in same flat after the funeral everyone else that attended the funeral went back to their lives. I came back to a empty flat full of memories of mum and me on my own. I had lived with mum for most of my life, I was glad to see the equipment go that was suppose to aid my mum. But for the first time I was on my own! and even though she slept a lot in the flat, I still had mum’s presence. I knew it would come but it doesn’t make it any easier. Mum was a big age 95, then all those memories come back. I remember one morning waking up and just crying instantly.

The vicor helped me that night, she probably didn’t realize it. We have to come to terms with it, as 1 day it will be us. Anything that helps with that should not be over looked. I now know religion or spirituality has a bigger role to play in our lives then we thought. We all have something to offer on here and maybe we can help each other. We can’t change it but maybe how we approach it might help others. I will help anyone I can but it’s up to them too. Not only that but I want to believe there’s something better then this world that awaits us. Besides where do our souls go ?

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Animals have a way of communicating with one another that doesn’t just involve sound, I think us humans our the same, especially in the family unit. Mum had 5 days of chemo every three weeks. My sister and I would take it in turns to take her up, we would drop her off at the hospital entrance and find somewhere to park and wait, when she was done she would phone us to say she was ready and we would pick her up at the entrance. One day we were half way to the hospital and she realised she’d left her phone at home, when we got there she told me to wait 30mins and drive round to see if she was ready. I’m sat in the car 20 mins later and I get this urge to drive round and see if she was ready, I drove round and sure enough, there was mum sat outside, when she got in the car she said she had literally just sat down! It can even be as silly as sitting with my sister thinking I could murder some crisps and my sister will pipe up “fancy some crisps?”. I really do think that in the family unit our brains are connected somehow, and I feel that that doesn’t go when our loved ones pass away.

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I think you’re both right about those connections. They are there forever. X

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Hope everyone has a good day today xx

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Hello, I am so sorry for the loss you have had to deal with I can relate. I also have no one I am completely alone since both my parents passed and I have no contact with my evil siblings . It has been 2 years since both passed away within 2 weeks of each other. You are not alone there are a lot of us out there post whenever you are down or having a bad day it helps this site has saved my life. please do take care I am here if you need to talk Kate xxx

Hi Kate

hey another day, the sun out! I know I’m not alone. Theres a lot to take in for me, life in the last year has been overwhelming to say the least.

You too I’m in a spirituality group on FB!

@ Mad Come Live With Me = Tune! if I go by that song i’m 56 so I should be looking for someone 36 ? I seen Glenn on FB so know he’s bold now. Like I said Dare was my first album I bought I grew up with all those electronic bands. Once met DM too!

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I am in no position to offer dating advice, I attract weirdos so I’m an advocate for the single life!

Shock I’m toothless now, lovely medical journey. Mouth still numb, it’s a wonder I not swallowed my vape!

I’ll just leave this here……