Still Struggling

Oh :poop:, it wonā€™t let me post a photo of a Gurner, must be on restricted photo list :roll_eyes:. Itā€™s laughing about it or crying. At least youā€™ll be able to get the bone strengthening drug now.

I need that because hospital took me off pain tablets,

Iā€™m a little concerned about my back, Iā€™m doing ok but feeling stiffness in lower back. Iā€™m been through so much in the past year. I felt vulnerable through it all. But was told Iā€™m stronger then I know. At least the numbness is wearing off

Music keeps me going in the hardest times. Sorry youā€™ve so many other health issues @Keith68 as a result of your myeloma.
Hope youā€™re coping this week @Malcolm2 ahead of your sisterā€™s op xx

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Dec 1981 Christmas Number 1 The Human League - Donā€™t You Want Me, Jan 1982 I walked a 30 minute walk x 2 in all the snow to get a copy of Bucks Fizz The Land Of Make Believe. My fave Bucks Fizz track of all time! still gets me emotional to this day, itā€™s just the lyrics. Canā€™t live without music Mags! it keeps me anchored to my roots. Everything changes but they canā€™t take out music away from us!

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Would you be able to get some physio to help with your back?

Iā€™m doing ok ta, work has kept me busy today which is a blessing I suppose. Iā€™ve been on my feet that much today I feel like an old woman! I ordered a brooch of a black cat in a pumpkins from a small bust in Australia, that came today so it cheered me up.

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Iā€™m hoping the bone strengthening drug helps, which is a injection. Found out today Iā€™m on a blood thinning drug, not sure why ?

It could be that some of the treatments you are on put you at risk of blood clots, best to check with the nurses or doctors you seen on Wednesday just to be sure. Mum was on them because she had a heart condition and she bruised easily and bled a lot when she cut herself so be careful with that, another problem to as to the list!

Agree totally!

The brooch sounds nice. Quite witchy too!
Feeling a bit down today, dreamt about mum last night and was feeling off when I woke up.
Hope you both have a good day x

What did you break bout your mum? Iā€™m sorry it has left you feeling down, dreams are our brains way of processing and telling us things. Sometimes I think itā€™s our loved ones sending us a message. Maybe together we can figure out what it is?
I have a collection of various brooches mostly by a company called Erstwilder, it started when they released a My Little Pony collection. I got them from a lady in England who is a stockist, she does it to make finds to help her 30 rescue cats. She has become a friend which is good too!

I hope by tonight you are feeling better xx

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Thanks. That sounds nice re the brooch. Dreamt mum was dying but then she jumped up out of bed and was walking around.

Iā€™ve often dreamt about my mum dying again, I think that is a normal part of the grieving process. Itā€™s one of those many obstacles we have to jump over. So donā€™t be sad, itā€™s your brains way of sorting it all out, they are complicated clever little organs. Like with my dad it will make sense eventually and become easier xx

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It leaves you with a strange feeling though doesnā€™t it? Unsettled.
Hope your day is good. X

I guess with Myeloma, maybe Iā€™m lucky ? so much going on, on a daily basis. I donā€™t know! I just get through and deal with each day as it comes. It wonā€™t beat me though, itā€™s a challenge! but the hardest bit is yet to come. I think Iā€™m probably doing ok, think doctor will be happy with me regards yesterday. I see the whole process as a team effort! Todayā€™s a bit chilled, but got things to do.

It does leave you discombobulated for a few days. Busy day at work today and tomorrow so that keeping my mind busy!

You sound like my mum: determined to beat it! Youā€™ll have days when itā€™s an uphill struggle but there will be lots of days when itā€™s brighter.
Iā€™ve just noticed how many messages we have on this thread now, over 800! Should we celebrate when we get to 1000?! Who will be the person to post the 1000th message?! Iā€™m happy to eat a slice of cake or a bar of chocolate as a way to celebrate, take one for the team so to speak!

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If I was to get a pet it be a dog, most likely a toy breed. Used to have a Yorkie but obviously my health not perfect yet for a dog. But Iā€™m more of a dog person then a cat person.

I had a Belgian Shepherd I love them and German Shepherds too, they are loving, caring and protective. My dog hated other dogs and would bark at them when my parents took her out for a walk, with me she would walk by my side and not bother with other gos. When we passed a dog Iā€™d have to make a big fuss of her and tell her what a good girl she was!

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