Still Struggling

Haha yep we should have a celebration then. But no, I insist I should be the one to take the chocolate hit! Although given my near diabetes status, perhaps I’d better not!

Yeah, have some carrots sticks instead! I might even push the boat out and have a Baileys!

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Baileys, now you’re talking!

Hope you and your sister are ok and not too anxious about her op x

I’m partial to a port and lemon too! We’ve got another busy day in work so not much time to think. My sister has just got some pyjamas in work to take with her. It will be in the morning the worry will set in. Her boyfriend is coming over to ours to stay a few days and he is making us tea tonight! Hope you are doing ok? xx

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Oh that will be nice to have someone to support you both too.
Yes, not too bad thanks. Had to have a blood test before work which again really reminded me of taking my mum to that clinic. I could see her sitting in the chair she usually sat in. Always find that hard.
Hope you have a good day. X

I’m surprised you have any blood left! Hope all goes well with it and they tell you they made a mistake, you can eat all the chocolate you want! It’s been hard going up to the hospital with my sister, memories of mum and dad being there and losing them. I don’t think those kind of things get any easier x

I keep thinking of my childhood, doesn’t help that the hospital is in a area were I grew up in. I think message I received Saturday has kind of enhanced my childhood memories too

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Life was better when we were kids, there wasn’t so much to worry about although my nan died when I was 8 and my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer when I was 11. He went over 30 years with only one lung which a doctor said a couple of years ago was a miracle. After dad recovered and we moved to Cornwall life was ok. My sister was given a drink to have twice tonight and in the morning. It has to be diluted with 400ml of water, she’s just brought the first lot up over the kitchen floor and got so upset. She panicked thinking she had to have it in one go and the dr said last week her stomach has shrunk because of the size of the cyst.
Hope you got on ok at the hospital with your chemo today

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Wow, good luck to everyone. Im so sorry foelr everyone. As if life isnt hard enough. We will get through. Sending love to all. Do hope all goes well for your sister tomorrow @Malcolm2 and sending best wishes to you too @Keith68 .
If only the Dr would say I had to stick to a strict diet of Galaxy and Cadbury bars! Guess that doesnt happen in life! X

Maybe chocolate is good for replacing all those blood cells though!

Thank you, she asked me for a hug earlier which she never really likes, she’s not a huggy person!
I’ll let you know how she is tomorrow once I know what’s going on.
It is so cold up here today, it was 6c when we were driving to work at 4.30 this morning.
I think maybe if you eat a fruit and nut bar it would be healthy?

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Oh and B&M do these Australian cherry and coconut bars, surely that’s one of your five a day?!!!

Yes it’s been freezing cold here today and largely throwing it down with rain, although I did go out for a lunchtime walk without getting wet. Nice try with the sweet bars, I reckon you’re right! Take care tomorrow x

The sun out but it was a little chilly earlier, swapped coats for the cinema

I will do, thank you. I’ve had my electric blanket on the last few nights and it’s going on again tonight. I hope your walk helped you blow the cobwebs away. My sister boyfriend is a doctor so is all in to healthy eating, it means while he is staying at ours we can’t eat cake, chocolate etc. I’ll waste away! x

Yea pretty much the same long wait though 2 hours and only 1 injection instead of 2. It’s not just us being kids, it’s other things too.

@ the cinema 1st time in years, mum liked the cinema, funny enough the same 1. I not t sure what to do with my life at the moment, if I want to stay in same city ? if I’m going back to security ? how long my mum’s money will last ?

Things like whether to move or go back to security need to wait until you are better. There’s no point adding worries to the pile that aren’t necessary at the moment. You need to walk before you can run.


I think the poor man needs reducating about food and the benefits of a diet nicely balanced with cake! All the best for today x
What did you watch at the cinema @Keith68 ?

At present I am eating Christmas cake and mince pies! Someone was moaning at me yesterday because I was pulling a cage of Christmas marketing upstairs for next week. I told them that life was a little less :poop: at Christmas, the look on their face showed they realised what I meant.
Thank you, I will be in mum mode until my sister has recovered. xxx

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