Still Struggling

I do love a good mince pie. My daughter makes them well, I never have the patience to do pastry properly. I do a good Christmas cake though. X

Got around to seeing the new Alien film, I seen all of them.

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We used to make all the Christmas stuff with mum, it wonā€™t be the same without her. Annoyed at the hospital this morning as a nurse just came and took her away, I had to ask if they would phone me when the op was over, just got a quick yes and that was it. My sister text me about 9am today she had seen the surgeon and she was likely going to have to stay overnight. Not heard anything since so assume she away in surgery.

Was it good?

Hope it goes well. Hospitals are just so bad at keeping relatives informed. You might as well be a statue. They donā€™t seem to have much empathy as to how you might be feeling.its a horrible feeling, just waiting. Sending hugs xx

Weā€™ve still not heard anything so we are going for another walk around the hospital. Thank you for the hugs xxx

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I havenā€™t seen Alien since I was a kid! I wanted to see Twisters but my sister and I are going to watch it on Sky Store next week!

My sister is awake and 12kg lighter!

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Oh good! About being awake, not about being lighter! But good itā€™s done. Sounds horrendous x

The cyst was massive and they found that she has endometriosis as well, doctor didnā€™t seem worried just that they will keep an eye on her x

Oh my gosh! Thats a lot to deal with but at least sheā€™s getting treated. X

The times I would get missed calls from the hospital regards mum and I be at work at the time. Then you ring the number and be told you donā€™t need to do anything. Then rung me regards mumā€™s oxygen levels going down but they rung me on the other phone which I wasnā€™t using but had both phone numbers for me.

Now I seem to be having harassment from the thick idiots at the DWP they think I can be thinking about a return to work or should be looking for work with cancer. Just left Maggieā€™s and bought it up to the welfare advisor as I was suppose to have another phone interview with them at 2.40 which they cancelled and changed to next Thursday. The DWP make the rules as they go along,

You found out what time your sister coming out of theaters yet ,?

My sister came out of theatre at 11am, they never phoned me, it was after 1pm when my sister phoned me to say she was awake. She do ok, has been sick a few times. She having to stay overnight and the surgeon will see how she is walking about in the morning to decide if she comes home tomorrow or Saturday.
I canā€™t believe the DWP is expecting you to fine work with blood cancer? What employer would be able to take you on and allow you all the time off you need for treatment, especially when you have the stem cell transplant?

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Itā€™s all hopeless isnt it. Iā€™m sorry youre having such hassle when you least need it. Although whoever does need hassle, ever! We keep being told the NHS is broken too. I think there are just so many bad attitudes that dont require money, just a different approach from staff. Likewise with DWP I think.

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Hoping you can relax a little knowing that the op is done. Iā€™m sure you canā€™t wait to have her back home and recuperating. Then she will be on the road to recovery.

It was weird today spending time in the hospital so soon after losing mum. My sister was in a different area of the hospital, the ward had a different layout along with the room she is in. It felt like it could have been a different hospital until I looked at the plastic panel behind her bed with the plugs and switches on it. That was identical to the one in the rooms mum was in and it hit me, every time I looked at looked at it I was reminded of when mum was in hospital and I wanted to cry. I will be glad to get my sister home like you say to start the road to recovery.
When I got home tonight my neighbour was out washing his car, the last time I spoke to him was when mum came home for a few days. So I had to tell him about mum and thatā€™s brought it all back again too xx

Sorry, these things are so difficult when you keep being reminded. Your sister will be out very soon and you can concentrate on her getting well and you doing some nice things together. She will be feeling rough at first Iā€™m sure but then much better than she has been. It can be a fresh start after all the sadness and anxiety, with hopefully a chance for you both to look forward to doing some things you would like to do.

Youā€™re right, thank you. Once my sister is well enough to go back to work and Uni I probably wonā€™t see a lot of her so it will be good to spend next week together. While my sister was in surgery her boyfriend was telling me how they have a show on Tuesday night. I tried to explain to him that she was having a big op and that she couldnā€™t got to a show whilst she is signed off. His response was that she would only be sitting and heā€™d see how things go!
I hope things are ok your end? The sun is out today so Iā€™m am sending some rays your way! x

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They are quite poor when it comes to communication.