Still Struggling

Two words come to mind with DWP and NHS laziness and bad communication and bad organization. Which wouldn’t require much money but better management and maybe more staff to deal with those holes in the systems.

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That’s the problem, more staff cost a lot of money. It’s good for the working people to have the minimum wage but that cost companies millions.

There seems to be a culture today where people want the money but don’t really want to put the effort in of the role. It’s not just the NHS it’s everything. Your sister will need a few days, even a week to recover. Probably best she stays off her feet for a few days. It not easy to estimate rest and healing time as everyone heals at different speeds. Reading a book or watching TV will be her staple diet for now.

Thanks, sorry not replied earlier, have been in workshops at work. Tuesday seems a bit soon for your sister to be going out, even just to watch something.
Was freezing first thing today. Back to long sleeves. Finished work for a week now so hooray!
Hope all ok with you. How has your sister been today? Is she out today or tomorrow? X

That’s ok, don’t ever be sorry for not replying. I hope the workshops were interesting and not boring like the ones I’ve been to!
Just got home with my sister, they wouldn’t let her home until she had passed urine, she doing well and she walking is weird as she had to carry around 12kg for so long! I’m just taking a break in my room as her boyfriend has been hard work for me today! I really don’t want to come across nasty, it’s just he sets my anxiety off a bit! It’s over to my sister now to entertain him!


Workshops were ok, planning for next 18 months! God I’ll be 59 by the time we get there lol!
Glad she’s home. You take a back seat for a moment and try to relax. When your sister is better you focus on yourself and aim for all the things you’d like for yourself. Losing my mum has made me realise that time is passing. I can’t spend it all in worrying, which I have done for so many years. I recognise how anxious I have always been, and where has it got me? In a state. I need to live myself. We have done all we can for our loved ones. I know you will always be close to your sister, but I’m rooting for you to live your dream too. It’s good to have friends on here x

PS last time I checked, I was 30!!!

You are right about me doing things for me, at the moment I really don’t know what to do with myself, if I go to university next year I will be 49 by the time I qualify! I asked my manager if I could get extra hours and work over five days, with more money I will be able to get out and sign up to some classes. My sister has her life with her boyfriend and I’m wondering where my life is going! I am so glad I have friends on here as I don’t know where I would be otherwise. Losing our mums has taken away our purpose hasn’t it? So we are left finding a new way of living. Are we going to meet up for your 60th?!!! xx


I couldn’t agree more and I not finished reading all of your post. Today feels hard on your own and I think everyone feels they want more money, because what ever you earn or have doesn’t feel enough. Everyone wants a decent life without killing ourselvs. I think our parents had it easier, as there’s nothing out there really at the moment. I was looking at Cyber Security courses last night that you can do online. How do you take some money and build on it without it all going on bills and to Councils and housing associations ? and I’m 56 and thinking 2 years I’m 58! what’s taking Putin so long ?

I know a guy in work who is doing an online cyber security course, he seems to like it. Might be worth you looking in to and you could work from home. It is something you can focus whilst you are going through your treatment, light at the end of the tunnel!

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Yea my main internet is down at the moment, think I like the idea of working from home. If you can do that and make good money you can live anywhere in the UK, not to mention the world. How much has he paid for his course ? and does he find it complicated ?

Yes we should do! It seems impossible to think about 60. I never thought about being an older person, I was used to being one of the youngest at work but now I get on the train and they all look in their 30s or younger!
I think that 49 is still not too old to qualify though. Go for it. Do it for yourself and grab the job you’d like. You too @Keith68, retraining or an additional course might be really good once you’ve recovered.
Ok @Malcolm2 you have the role of being the party planner too! There’s a couple of years before I’m 60!!

It’s just after 3am, I woke up hearing my sister being sick so I went to see to her. Her boyfriend got up about 5 mins later and is cuddled up to her in her bed and I’m left like a spare part wondering if I should go back to bed or not. Sounds daft but I feel like he’s come in and taken over and I’m pushed out. I’ve felt agitated all day today and now I’ve woken up it’s come back.
What sort of party are you fancying? Rave, pub crawl? I’m just shuddering at the thought of that! I’m more afternoon tea or a meal these days, I’d need to go on a diet before I attempt putting a party dress on, I’ve comfort ate myself through the last five years or so!
Where I work they take on a lot of youngsters because they only want to give out small contracts these days and it’s only really uni/college students that want those kind of hours. I miss commuting on the train as I got to spy on people, I love people watching! I applied for a job with the courts in February, I came out the interview feeling like they were wasting my time. I didn’t get told anything about the job, just told I had to answer 6 questions, when it was done they just sent me on my way. Next day I got an email saying they’d put me on a reserve list. Got a phone call at the hospital yesterday from them saying they had a full time and a part time job coming up would I be interested. When I said I’d like a full time position I got told that they were phong around really to see who wanted part time. She told me she couldn’t offer me anything at the moment as she had everyone else on the list to phone and then they would decide. So it’s not like a first come first serve thing. Another thing that sounds daft but I need to find a job where I am wanted not just a case of seeing if no one else wants it first.
My arse is getting numb here sitting on the landing whilst he’s fussing, he’s put mums dressing gown on which is annoying me, he didn’t even ask. I know I should just see it as he’s cold and needs the warmth but it’s mums. I’ve just told them I’m going to sit and read for a bit as I feel like a spare part. One of the many good things about this forum is we have a way of venting at 3.45 in the morning without disturbing anyone. Sorry for the long rant, at least it’s something for you to read with your morning coffee/tea. Maybe War and Peace would be quicker to read!

Found the above whilst sat in bed waiting for sleep to return and still ranting to myself! The guy in work is doing it through a friend who’s works in that field so not sure how that came about really. I think for best bet would be college but I’m not sure what finding is like in England? Scotland education is funded and for HNC/HND we can get student loans and bursaries too. Maybe you have a local careers office you could contact to see what courses are available?

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Haha, but I’m sorry, that does sound stressful. Does sound a bit odd grabbing your mum’s dressing gown. Didn’t he have a jumper or something? I wouldn’t want anyone touching my mum’s stuff either.
Again, the job thing sounds partly hopeful but I completely understand that you want to be offered a job properly. Why are they asking about full time if they are really after part time. I hate the way recruitment is these days, they treat people terribly I think.
Parties hmm no to the pub crawl. Don’t mind a bit of dancing but an afternoon tea sounds the part! Mind you I’ll probably be on stale bread and water by then if the doctors have their way.
Hope things have improved now. Sunny day here so will get about my jobs but also have a haircut booked in.

He was really agitating me yesterday and the dressing gown was the last straw, he’s staying with us until tomorrow night. I think I’ll end up bald by the time tomorrow comes! He was great when we lost mum and I will always be grateful for that but with my sister he seems to push his way in.
I do love to dance but the way my hips are with all the walking I do at work, I might end up crippled! I’m game to give it a go though after the afternoon cake. Maybe if you eat dry bread for a year building up to your 60th, you might be allowed a crumb of cake?!
I really don’t understand why they bothered phoning me yesterday, I stipulated at the interview I wanted full time work. I never heard back and I don’t think I will, to be told that there was other people they had to contact first made me weary. I’ve been through enough this last five years, I don’t want to have to beg for a job.
I’m still laying in bed, I wasn’t going to be getting up early after being up for an hour for no reason at 3am! I am a stubborn mare when I want to be!

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Sounds reasonable. Get up when you want, you have to get up early enough for work.
Had my hair done, about to do cleaning and pack for our hols. Lovely and sunny here today. Cat is looking cross as I think she knows we are about to go. Pam, our lovely ‘cat lady’ comes and feeds Cleo etc. My son loves the cat but finds dealing with the routines difficult. I’ve left him food to cook and everything ready for his lunches. People wouldn’t understand that he struggles with all this but he gets very anxious about any change in routine. He drives himself to work though and I’ve been pleased that he’s actually driven a few new places recently.
Afternoon cake it is then. Will starve myself in advance! Have you anything nice planned for your own birthday?

I got up to find the boyfriend wearing mum’s dressing gown still and saying how it was too long as it trailed on the floor. It really upset me so I went to my room for a little cry, pulled myself together and got on with things.
I can understand fully the importance of having a routine and feeling out of control when outside influences change things. I know I have OCD and my sister’s boyfriend staying is caffeinating it in that he leaves things lying around instead of putting them back where he got them. Life is so hectic and unsettling that having a routine is the only way of feeling in control.
My sister said about getting a takeaway for my birthday and we will relax and watch movies as she can’t go out yet, it will be nice.
I want to hear all about your holiday when you get back! I hate packing as I never know what to take!

Bit strange that he is still in it, and not very sensitive of him. Sorry that it’s stressing you out. He needs to help you both, ideally.
I dont like packing either and get quite cross. I know I shouldn’t as I’m lucky to be going away, but it panics me a bit. Sounds a nice plan for your birthday. Xx

Where is it that you are going? We can strategise together what you need to take!