Still Struggling

I enquired about a couple, read your post about sisters bf wearing your late mum’s dressing gown, Did you not say something ? I think that would bother me to be honest It’s a bit disrespectful to you and your mum. I wouldn’t do something like that, surely he knew.

I’m glad you’ve enquired about courses, let me know how you get on. My sister seemed ok with it so I felt if I said anything I’d be on my own, I have told her though that he has agitated me the last day or so. He out and oven tray to ‘soak’ in the sink, he’s taken my sisters glass out and left it by the sink then, he’s gone to get a glass of water to go for a nap and still left it there. I’ve had to see to it and I’ve told her I’m not happy.

I perfectly understand with mum’s nightgown and if he wore it again in the morning that would be 1 disrespectful and 2 he’s taking the Mickey. Which isn’t nice and how would he feel if you went around to his parents and started wearing something of his mum’s ? so I understand how that would make you feel. Surely he knew it belonged to your mum ?

Maybe he wants to agitate you ? maybe that’s why he does it. Some people find it funny and get happiness out of upsetting others. I don’t get it personally, it’s cruel! but he’s your sisters BF so gives him some sort of power in that situation.

I love the 80s music :notes: yet haven’t listened in a while. But if you enjoy it that’s good.


He just doesn’t think, he was cold so he needed something to warm up. He also believes that when we die that’s it so I don’t think he gets the sentimentality of possessions. I’ll speak to my sister about it tomorrow when he’s gone home, I didn’t want to rock the boat while he is here still. I’ve ordered a book of the complete Sherlock Holmes, we’ve been watching Sherlock so I’m looking forward to that coming.

Well it is important, I took a lot of mum’s clothes to charity shops. But mum had some cuddly toys her sweet side of her. I not got kids or play with cuddly toys. But they represent my mum and is a symbol of her to me so I’m keeping. I just can’t get rid and forget. It’s my mum just like that night gown is a symbol of your mum. Just because the person is no longer within this realm doesn’t mean it’s not important no more, it is!

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We’re going to Sorrento in Italy. So mostly packed summery stuff.there is a chance of rain but keeping fingers crossed and taking a brolly! Have done my jobs and also managed a tiny bit of work on my family tree which I’ve been looking at for a while.
Hope things have been a bit quieter on the sister’s boyfriend front. I’m sure he doesn’t mean anything bad by it, but people can be annoying.
I’ve got an old copy of the complete works of Sherlock Holmes that was my dad’s. The stories are great, I love the reasoning behind them.
Have a good day tomorrow @Malcolm2 and @Keith68 .

It’s hard because my sister is out of action I am cooking whilst tidying up after him which is more work. He might help like wash the dishes but then I have to go behind him and mop up all the water on the worktop or like earlier leave a tray to soak but never go back and wash it. He went off earlier to do my sister a hot water bottle, I caught him emptying the water out of the rubber bottle back into the kettle! My sister told him off saying it’s us paying for the water not him and how the rubber will taint the water we then boil for tea. He just said we’d have to buy another kettle then. I just don’t like disorder in the house, it gets me stressed.
I would love to go to Italy, I am so pleased for you as you deserve a break and time to relax. I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back, especially any things you buy, I love shopping! Have a wonderful time xxxxxxx

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Thank you. I know what you mean about water in surfaces haha. I go around mopping all that up constantly and spraying them.
Up at an unearthly hour for a quick shower and off. Looking forward to it but also feel guilty about my son. He has hardly any time off from work so can’t come too. He will be stuck on his computer games.
Will give you updates and be in touch xx

I’m sure he will be ok with his computer games, try not to worry and enjoy every moment of your holiday xx

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Thank you. On board at a very wet Manchester airport. Flying soon! Feel more relaxed when we have left and got through security etc. Xx

Have a Baileys when you get on board! Sending you a big hug xxx

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Here now. No Baileys so I had a Jamesons whisky! Very long taxi journey round the bay of Naples but here now. Lovely place. Hope you and your sister are doing well. Xx

Oh, it sounds lovely and I am glad you have got there safe and sound. Sister is doing ok, sore but good and I’ve not strangled the boyfriend……yet!

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You taking your time ?

Lol I don’t rate that boyfriend’s chances of coming home unscathed!
We had a dip in the pool. Freezing! But a beautiful view over the bay of Naples. On a trip to Amalfi tomorrow xx

The last few days have been hard for me, I know it was important for my sister to have her boyfriend with her but I’ve felt unsettled. Our parents had their own way of doing things and it rubbed off on us but also doing things their way is like they are still here. For me it’s the general untidiness like moving things to get something and then not putting it back, washing the dishes and leaving water everywhere and leaving the tray in the sink to soak but leaving it for me to do. My sister has moaned about things too but then this afternoon I rolled eyes at him putting a spoon in the cutlery tray with the forks, she told me he was doing his best which upset me little. Then I little while later she was politely telling him off as he had brought her a cake fork instead of an ordinary one. I feel so awful for complaining and feeling the way I do, this is something I would have talked to mum about and she would have told me if I was right or not. He was wearing mums dressing gown again this morning and I said to him that I had washed my sisters spare dressing gown and he could wear that, he just said that ‘this one’ was there so he just used it and sat down. He’s my sister’s boyfriend, she chose him and accepts his quirks but I’m not used to them. She’s dated him for four years and me and mum knew him the last three, the most he’s stayed over is about two days, this time it’s been four. I guess I’m just seeing a side of him I’ve not had the chance to see yet. I’ve just got to get over it, accept it and move on. But the next time he’s over I’m not clearing up after him, I’m just leaving it.

It sounds like you are staying in a beautiful place! I might just pack my bags and join you although I think Loki would be inconsolable! Xx

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Hope you feel ok now. It sounds quite I hard. I would find it difficult too but I think he is doing his best.
A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. I know its not the same as usual, but sending uou all the best xxx