Still Struggling

My dad was told about six months before we lost him that he had a mark on his lung. He had lung cancer when I was 11 so he only had one lung. Dad was 80 when he was told about the mark but because of his age and that he was diabetic they couldn’t biopsy it so they said it was best to just do nothing. With your dad it could be the same, just enjoy life with him as I have learnt this year that family is more important than work. Grief is such a rollercoaster, we have to just cope with the twists and turns. It’s hard when our parents get older as roles reverse, we become the parents and they become the children. I don’t regret caring for my parents as they did a lot for me and my sister and I lived with them until the end of their lives. A lot of people don’t understand but I think having the two of us around kept them going. Dad would look after us at home and mum would send us off to work with home cooked meals.

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Wow, that really is weird! We can be there for one another on those very days xxx

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Yes that is weird and i will keep in contact as it makes me feel better talking about it


Welcome to the gang!

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Thank you very much

How’s your sister doing ? has she made some progress on the road back to recovery ? another call from London again!

Being there for 1 another is all we have. I was 2nd child, different partners. I have a older sister and continue to work with sister to organize a headstone for mum. My sister wasn’t close to mum and I’ve asked her. I’ve wondered if I got married and had kids would it made it easier for me ? but then again I wouldn’t have had the same life or memories with mum. It doesn’t matter how many people walk in and out of your life, they not your mum and you not got that special connection.

People think they helping but they are not! I still see mum’s money as mum’s money, someone told me it’s mine. But I still see it as mum’s, I think we all struggling to find that special connection or to be understood. Maybe just maybe that no one wants to understand us but just want to project their thoughts and lifestyle on us ? if it doesn’t feel right I won’t take it on board.

Also losing a pearent has evoked my childhood and vulnerability to the world. It’s like I crave to go back to those times. Maybe protection, comfort, support. I would give it all up tomorrow to be with mum! Not that I’m suicidal, don’t think I am. I just lost my life with losing mum and like a idiot I didn’t make the most of it when mum was alive. I could of done more! then I wanted to be on my own, now I don’t.

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Life’s like that. We just don’t realise til it goes xx

Yes, definitely xxx. So many coincidences and shared things. My dad was born 1926. Sounds ages ago now x

Problem is there was just me and mum, mum bought me up on her own since birth. Single parent! makes a big difference! I think being on my own in the flat probably isn’t helping. But I think you tend to do that if you have no reason to go out.

Mum was born 15 December 1927, Christmas baby!

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My dad was born in 1940 and mum 1948. I went into the ok today to do some shopping and drop off my sister’s sick note, I’m not missing the place. I did a bit of work on my personal statement for my Uni application. I haven’t heard back from the court place that phoned me on Friday so that must be another no. I didn’t get a good impression when I went for my interview and again on Friday so I don’t think it is a place I want to work. Got the washing and housework to do tomorrow but will get some relaxing time in as well. Loki and Heelie got me a cosy colouring book and fancy felt tip pens for my birthday so I am going to sit with them. Hopefully someone is coming tomorrow to clean the gutters out, there are so many tufts of grass growing out of them! When in rains they overflow and it’s quite noisy at night!

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Hope everyone has had a good day, it’s been warm and sunny up here so Heelie was out in the garden. For some reason he loves to walk up and down the back of the shed! I’ve started putting wet food out for the hedgehog as they will be feeding themselves up for hibernation. When I checked their house today it has gone so I’ll need to put it out every night now until I know they have gone to bed.

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Hi, had a very wet day yesterday. I sont think ive ever seen such a long downpour, torrential rain thundee and lightning. We were mostly indoors but at one point got pretty soaked! It cleared up in the evening and the sun came out. We had a nice day exploring Sorrento anyway.
Mum was born 1929. She has noted 95th birthday in her diary but sadly never made that. I know she was very old but I couod never imagine a world without her in it.
We have a "hedgehog lady’ near us who takes in lots of hedgehogs. We fou d one once out in the day and took it to her but ssdly it didn’t survive. She does recue loads though.

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The weather sounds scary! Especially the thunder and lightening, I would be running for cover. My sister on the other hand loves thunderstorms. I haven’t seen any hedgehogs this year, mum went into hospital at the time they would have been coming out of hibernation. I feel so bad that I wasn’t able to feed them for the two months mum was ill, I just hope I am making up for it now. They have been so intermittent in coming the last few years, there have been a lot of them eating me out of house and home and then they will suddenly stop coming. We have a hibernation house in the back garden that they did hibernate in but I’m not sure if they are still using it. They are so cute and give us lots of joy when we seen them. There have been flocks of geese flying over the house the last couple of week, we get so excited when we hear them, we have to rush out to see them!

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I think when the geese fly over you know the season is changing.
A nicer day today went to Herculaneum. Quite quiet there really, and very interesting. Some skeletons of people who tried to escape the eruption, but didn’t make it.

The geese always used to arrive in October then I’ve noticed the last five years or so they have arrived in September. A small flock flew over my house last month so they are even earlier this year. There is a field across the way from me with a small loch that they seem to gather in, if I stand out the front of my house I can hear them. I’m at my happiest when they are about, like Christmas, life is a little more bearable.
Your trip today sounds so interesting, I can’t even begin to imagine what it must have been like for those people.
Today we have watched movies and I have done the washing and the man came to clean the gutters. I’m now about to settle down with Sherlock Holmes!

Hope youre enjoying Shelick Holmes, Im sure you will. Off yo Pompeii and Vesuvius today, hiwever it is firecast heavy rain again so that may get cancelled. Hipefully not. Have a good day.

I hope it doesn’t rain as you have another interesting day lined up xxx