Still Struggling

Sorry about my typing. Can’t see at all properly without my glasses!
Weather first thing was torrential rain but we were already on the coach. By the time we got to Pompei it brightened up and then we went up Vesuvius and it was beautiful and sunny, but not too hot. This evening there is loads of thunder and lightning but no rain! We’ve been lucky I think.
How are you and how is your sister getting on?

Don’t worry about your typing, I understood your message perfectly! I would love to go to Pompeii, it’s so interesting to find part of history frozen in time. It’s a stark reminder of how powerful and unpredictable the planet is too. I’m glad the weather turned out sunny for you but sorry you have had to suffer another storm!
My sister was telling me today that she feels so much better, she had a really good appetite today and had her first cup of tea since she got home. She also went without her painkillers today but took them tonight as she doesn’t want to be in pain overnight. I suggested we take a walk to the edge of the estate at the weekend to see how she finds walking a bit of distance, she said that was a good idea. We have had a lovely relaxing day again today. We have watched more movies and then sat colouring tonight with a crackling fire playing on the TV! It hit me today that this is the first week since my week off in Nov last year where I have had the chance to relax. This is only the second week holiday I have had since the start of the new financial year. My first week I took off so I could visit mum in hospital when they tried her with the new treatment. She was only supposed to be in for that one week but she caught a serious virus. I registered tonight for open days at three universities next month, I’ll get a feel of what they are like. One of them has a special talk for adult learners returning to education and mature students, afterwards there will be 1:1 sessions to ask questions. Quite a productive day!

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So where would I need to look for a online security course online free ? doubt I would get funding with mum’s savings ? I just keep getting harassed by these companies I contacted now as it just about up selling courses.

That all sounds really good. Im glad you’ve had a chance to relax as well as make some enquiries. Also good that your sister feels so much better. Having the chance to relax together is really good. X

Have you looked at the Open University? I don’t think you are going to find an online course for free that will qualify you to get a job. Also look at what courses your local college does

It’s the most relaxed I have felt since before Christmas when mum became unwell. I hope you are doing something nice again today and the weather behaves itself. Have you hit any shops yet? I love a bit of retail therapy!

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We’ve been to Capri today which is lovely, though rammed with tourists. Obviously we are tourists too haha. It’s been a lovely day. There are lots of high end shops there, Dolce and Gabbana, Pucci, etc etc. I didn’t buy any of that! He did buy me some perfume though and I bought a couple of things earlier in the week from Sorrento. A little shoulder bag and a linen jacket.
The streets are narrow and pretty with stunning views over the harbour. There were big queues for the funicular up and down. You could walk but we did loads of steps today and it’s quite steep so the funicular seemed a good idea.
We were talking to a couple from Glasgow in the queue.
Famous people allegedly stay in the private villas up there. I can believe it as those streets are secluded and very private. Nearly get mown down by the little electrical vehicles they use to carry all the luggage around the little streets.
Our last evening here, but it has been lovely. Have to hope my son and the cat are ok when we go back. I’ve heard good reports so far (from my son, not the cat! She may have a different tale, although hopefully not tail!).
Glad you’ve been able to give yourself a break from the past months and just relax with your sister. X

You’ve had another wonderful day of which you deserve. I’m glad you’ve bought a couple of things as you can’t go to Italy and not buy anything! I’m sure you will hear what’s been going on at home in ‘meows’ and you must make sure you listen carefully and agree with everything she says, cats know best! My sister went to Japan for two weeks a fees years ago, Loki ignored her for exactly two weeks when she got back, so be warned!

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Oh no! I think Cleo will be miffed but will come round when she wants more food from us!
Japan is my son’s favourite place. I haven’t been but my son and daughter have both visited. Did your sister like it?
There are a lot of Americans and Canadians here. I’d love to go to Canada. Have been to some parts of America but I’d love to see the Rockies. Where would your dream trip be?

My sister loved Japan and came back with more shopping than she took in clothes! I would love to go to Canada too, especially in the winter as I just love snow! I have been to New York but my dream destination would be Lapland! I have always loved Christmas, I wear festive pyjamas and socks all year round. The pretty lights and decorations make life a little less sad. Loki is at his happiest when we are both home but I get all the attention!

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I like snow too but think the temperatures in Canada in winter might be a bit too low.
There are lots more areas of Europe and Iceland I’d like to visit as well as other areas of America. Nice to make plans even if they are extravagant! Russia I would love to see but that’s not likely right now. Also lots more parts of the UK. I loved the Cairngorms, and I love the south west and north east of England plus Wales.

I would also love to see the parts of America that go all out for the Fall, it’s my favourite time of the year and I would love to see the different colours in the trees. I’ve just been out to block the shed in the back garden and saw a huge hedgehog!

Sounds like your hedgehog knows the best gardens to visit! Yes, Fall in New England would be good. Up very early for flight home. Have enjoyed our week away. X

Has the photo worked? It seems to have done. View from Capri yesterday.

Oh wow, it has worked, what a beautiful place! The photo looks very professional too. You’ll be worn out but hopefully you feel refreshed. I’ve got housework to do today which I’ve been putting off. We’ve got leftover lasagne for tea tonight so no cooking. We’ve got tiramisu for afterwards too made with amaretto! I’m trying not to think about going back to work on Monday but it keeps pushing through my thoughts.

I love tiramisu too. They did a nice rum baba over there which I had a couple of times. Missed mum when we came back. She would always ask if we would like a cup of tea. Hit me over again that she’s not here.
The photos I literally just snap on my phone, but the camera is quite good on it. However Capri is so beautiful and the blues and greens mean you can’t really take a bad photo. I have lots more of those but don’t want to bore everyone with them.
As you say, back to reality. Weve been food shopping and put the washing on, and my husband seems to have come down with a cold! We’ve been lucky to have such a lovely time though. My son has managed fine but was glad to see us back and relinquish the jobs! Cat seems pleased too! It’s Cleo’s 7th birthday on Monday so we couldn’t miss that.
It’s 6 months tomorrow since my mum died and it does keep hitting me again and again. I still don’t really believe it at all. Perhaps I never will. I used to enjoy showing her the photos when we came back from holidays. It wasn’t easy explaining what they were as she was so deaf, but she liked to see. It was something I could share with her. Hope you have a nice Sunday x
PS could be brave and share a photo of me as we come up to 1000th post!

It’s true what they say about the first year being the hardest. I can vouch for that after losing my dad and I’m going through it with mum. All these milestones at the moment we can say “this time last year mum was still with us”. I know it will be hard for you tomorrow but just think that you have made it half way there, you are strong to get this far. The first anniversary of losing your mum will also be hard but you will have faught and won a year long battle.
Are you doing anything special for Cleo’s birthday?! We always celebrate Loki’s as he is what my sister calls my feline son!
I don’t like having my phot taken but there is one we took of the three of us the day before mum deteriorated, I can crop my sister out of it or we could send the photos privately? Just incase we get recognised in the street my a weirdo!

Haha, happy to send via messages instead. Not if you’d rather not though. I always hate myself on pics so I don’t take many of me, usually just views.
I’ve bought Cleo a card and a new collar. I think we will be singing happy birthday too, on Monday!

Happy 1000th post! I know we said we would celebrate with cake but it’s after 5am, I can’t sleep and I don’t have any cake anyway!
Singing Happy Birthday to Cleo is a must and Loki always gets a card and a present, he will be 12 in April. He was still playing with the tissue paper I got in my birthday present last night. He had loads of fun with it on Monday and my sister hasn’t let me throw it away, it’s been strewn all over the living room and he’s pounced on it a few times!
I’ve had such a lovely week off it’s going to be hard going back to work. Hopefully I can get some sleep otherwise I’ll be in slap someone’s face mode when I go back tomorrow.