Still Struggling

Happy 1000th post. Hope you can enjoy Sunday and banish thoughts of next week looming. How is your sister doing now? Much better I hope.
Still got loads of washing to get through here! Weather looks a bit off too. Never mind, better get on to the cleaning. I need to become a Hollywood A lister then I can just stay on Capri!
Hope you are ok too Keith. I know weekends can seem a bit quiet.

My sister is doing so well, we went for a walk yesterday and she felt ok. Itā€™s only been since Thursday that she has got her appetite back and she is ravenous! We sat out in the garden on Thursday with Heelie as it was lovely and sunny, since then it has been overcast and drizzly. I hope everyone is doing ok?

Hope you are doing ok @Keith68

yes thanks you ? still trying to tick off a job a day or jobs. Not much help in life is there ?

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The work never stops does it ? and feels daunting at the same time. The things to do, my mum used to say if you go looking for work then you find it and she wasnā€™t wrong. Itā€™s nice to see improvement though. Hospital have me pencilled in for my Stem Cell Transplant for 4th November now, so looks like they bought it forward from December. Not sure if thatā€™s down to my response from treatment being better then they expected ? Saw my consultant on Monday gone and she did seem really pleased with my progress so far.

Oh thatā€™s really good, Iā€™m pleased itā€™s going well.
No, the jobs never stop as you say.
Iā€™m ok thanks, out fir my birthday today although I have been working. Do you have any weekend plans?

Happy Birthday for today, probably listen to the football tomorrow. I belong to a spiritual group on FB so probably take part in the Saturday video link. I still got stuff I been putting off in the flat. Thatā€™s a continuous battle and I think they want me in my Stem Cell Transplant for 4th November. I presume you enjoyed your holiday ? I didnā€™t post because I didnā€™t want to intervene between you and Malcolm sometimes they can come across as private chats on here.

Hi Keith,
Thanks for the birthday wishes. @Malcolm and I have shared a couple of photos we didnā€™t want on a completely public chat, but not hiding from you. We still want to know how you are getting on, and for us all to support each other.
Yes my holiday was lovely thanks, beautiful views, blue seas and skies but lots of greenery too because they get a lot of rain. Seems a long way away now! But I really appreciated being anle to get away.
Glad youā€™ve got some things planned, especially contacts with various people.
Feel like Iā€™m facing a constant battle with tidying the house lol!

We wouldnā€™t have minded you joining in. Iā€™m glad that your stem cell has been brought forward and your consultant is pleased with you, itā€™s made the bad days worthwhile

Not looking forward to the Stem Cell though, scary stuff!

Youā€™ll be on a mountain of drugs which will make you feel great!

I can underdtand your being nervous, though I donā€™t know what it entails. Im sure they will look after you though.

They will, but doesnā€™t make it any easier. Not thought about it too much to be honest. I know itā€™s coming up. I will need a Hickman line inserting, and it most likely be a bit more intense then what I gone through so far.

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No I know, will be sending you lots of good thoughts and best wishes.

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Donā€™t feel like doing much today, took me ages to get up and get dressed. Didnā€™t really care, but did get a lot of sleep last night. Checked phone and peeked into other peopleā€™s lives via social media. I guess Iā€™m in my own little world today!

Did you join your Facebook spiritual group yesterday?
Iā€™m pretty lazy on a Sunday and got my best nightā€™s sleep in ages. Wouldnt mind repeating that again!
The weather hereā€™s quite blustery and cold, not very tempting for venturing out for a walk

I did but didnā€™t get a message, not that I want a message every week. Sometimes itā€™s just interesting watching a meduim work. I think yesterdayā€™s medium was from Canada, I found the whole concept interesting. I think to me itā€™s important because of Myeloma too, I had a lot of running around to do when mum passed. Mum never wanted to deal with her death when she was alive. So I had to organize so much! I would like to believe thereā€™s something bigger and more powerful then us Life on this planet is all about money and very little else. Maybe Thalidomide kicked in last night hence a good night sleep. I wish everyone could meet up from here as I read so many post that mirror my life. Itā€™s better to come here and post then FB.

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My mum had a Hickman line as she had bad veins so it was easier to give her blood transfusions. I did suggest giving it a name as she had it so long, she wasnā€™t best pleased with my suggestion. She didnā€™t like that I called her zimmer frame Hans Zimmer after the composer. Maybe you could write a blog or set up an Instagram page so you could chart your journey while you are in hospital? It will help keep you occupied

Not sure whether I believe in anything beyond this life or just a blissful nothingness forever. No-one comes back to tell us! I increasingly wonder at how engaged everyone is with money and position and power. That does seem strange to me. I guess Iā€™m a bit of an existentialist.

I watched a lot of UFO stuff and Brian Cox stuff. He proved we made of the same stuff as the stars. We are very limited what we understand but have the power to learn and absorb information. Yep money has ruined society, and most likely the reason why the UK is a mess.

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