Still Struggling

You know how it is at hospitals things have to be done by the book. The clinic has older ages then me so understandable why they take precautions. I been lucky that I not had many side effects to the injections. But listening into the Myeloma sessions at Maggie’s I know not everyone is lucky as me.

That sounds pretty terrible.

We had it in 2022 just a week before by exam. We were worried sick about mum but with antibiotics she bounced back pretty quickly. She had me out watering the garden in the night of the summer heat with a temp of 101! I cursed at the time but I know now mum was keeping up busy so we could fight it

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The truth is this, not everyone is fully qualified to work in a hospital. Some do menial jobs, junior doctors wouldn’t have a clue about someone like me with Myeloma. But you would expect them to read your case notes. Maybe they go through so many they can’t be asked no more ?

Hi Keith, hope you are ok this weekend? Have you joined your Facebook group meeting?

There were problems last night so no.

Oh dear. Have you been out and about at all?

Been to a spiritualist church tonight, undecided if I will go again or not though

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Hope they were welcoming at least

I have not been to church since the mid 90’s and then it was because mum insisted we went. So I can’t really advise on whether you should go back or not, meeting in that kind of setting isn’t for me. You just have to think about what your instincts were telling you, it’s important you felt welcome and in a place that is right for you

It didn’t feel any different to what I’ve done on FB to be honest. At first her signals were a bit miss match. I’m not sure if I’m going back.

Maybe with your treatment coming up next month it might be best to avoid people as much as possible anyway!

At the moment it’s doubtful if I go back, was a bit strange for me as I’m not really religious so a bit out of my comfort zone. I don’t want or interested in contacting spirits. Just I miss my mum and I think I need help with that. But we know there’s none available, I didn’t get no support last night no way and I could of done that on FB. Bit dissapointing really, was glad to get home to be honest. They had a healing session today but obviously didn’t go. I think Maggie’s Myeloma Group meeting Thursday will benefit me more. Done a 3 of those now !

Can you not ask Maggie’s if you can speak to a grief counsellor?

I can try but I think they just deal with Myeloma but it’s worth considering.

I think you’re right, maybe concentrate on support around grief and around your illness. I’m missing my mum a lot today. I always do but for some reason it’s struck me particularly.

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I think I take a break from spirituality stuff even though death awaits us all. Sundays are difficult days for most, I just want to get back to who I am. I’m struggling to find my kind of people, should have stayed home yesterday and just listened to music as that’s my world and the place I feel the most comfortable. If it wasn’t for my medification I be looking at doing a night out in the bars. As I love music and people and a atmosphere. Somewhere where I can relax and thrive in at the same time. I started talking to a fly now, crazy stuff!

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I need to forget last night and maybe put it down to as a mistake. I’m not really religious but at the same time, I want to believe that one day I see mum again as she was a big part of my life and I owe a lot to mum who I am. I will ask at Maggie’s on Thursday! I wouldn’t be me without mum, I have to keep that alive if I lose that, then I lost!

I once caught a Darren Brown show on TV, seen some of his stuff. At one point was kind of interested seeing him live, always have liked magic since a kid. Even bought the old Paul Daniels tricks from a magic shop as a kid. Well this show Darren had lost his dad and obviously he dedicated the ending of the show to his late dad. He ended the show with That’s Life by Frank Sinatra soon as the show finished I wanted that song on Spotify. The lyrics are so uplifting and let’s be honest we should celebrate our parents for their life and what they achieved bringing us up. If you get a chance listen to the lyrics to that song. Life goes on for all of us in some shape!

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@Magsclar is right, concentrate on getting help with grief and your health and meeting people will come in time.

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