Still Struggling

I have never been able to get my head around where grief comes from, we can have a really good day and the next it hits us like a truck

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I think grief comes from love even though we might not have shown it when they was alive. We all different and show things differently and we don’t face the idea of death till it’s too late. We not educated on death either or do we research stuff regarding it. I think I did religious education at school but I can’t remember half of the subjects it covered. Majority of the time science goes against the grain in proving that death is the last chapter in our lives. But it can’t prove it and doubt it ever will!

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We are still a nation that doesn’t like to talk about death. Like you say we don’t get educated about it so we learn the hardest way possible

Do you think we ever come to terms with our loss ? or is this our future now ?

I will take your advice and mention it at Maggie’s on Thursday. Sorry you having a not good day, I got tears now! it never really stops does it ? it’s relentless!

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Think dont like talking about death because of the reality of it also grief is tough to deal with never prepared for the loss of loved 1

We never get over losing a loved one, it’s been over 3 years since I lost my dad, then after losing mum I am coming to terms with not just losing mum but the fact that both my parents have gone. I just have to make sure I am always the person they brought me up to be, that way they live on

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Lost dad 4 years ago and find it so tough i lost my aunty a year before dad wife had misscarriage last year and another aunty is really ill

So sorry to hear that lost both your parents

Thank you. I am so sorry for all the loss you have endured too, there is no magic formula that can make it better. I lost my nan in 1988 and it hit me really hard I think because I was young. In childhood we think our parents will live forever and it is not until I became an adult and they became ill that the fear of losing them hit me. I know you won’t be ok but make sure you look after yourself

Yip definitely think when younger life never ends a was close to my grandparents and was very lucky to have been brought up with love my dad was my hero i find it tougher now

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The world tough and very uncaring right now and it feels so volatile. I keep seeing post on Phenanonia captured and shared on social media pics look like they could be Jesus. I saw one a few days ago and that looked like a angel. Who knows what will happen what with Israel and Russia the world doesn’t feel safe no more. I think witnesses believe in the end of days.

Thank you. Yes it is, one moment you feel up then it comes back again. But as @Malcolm2 says we have to keep on for our parents. I hope you get some support from Maggies

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Yep, another day at home for me today before back to back visits to the hospital and Maggie’s. it’s easing up a little at home for me, 48 hours with no contact with people, I did reply to another person on here earlier. Ordered a new brush and dustpan and some oils for my diffuser earlier. Hope we all good today ?

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Not too bad thanks. A little down but have been really busy at work and that has helped. How are you?

I’m ok I guess! another day to get through.

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I have all kinds of smart comments to make about you ordering a dust pan and brush but I couldn’t decide which one to use!! Instead I choose to say nothing. It’s a laugh or cry kind of day so I choose laughing, hysterically whilst rocking backwards and forwards……


Yes, but you are getting through despite everything and should be proud of that. And trust that the future can be better than it is right now.

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Apparently I would need to speak to my nurse or Consultant about counseling.