Still Struggling

Is that what Maggie’s has said?

No I’m in the Hemotology clinic for chemo jabs.

I would give that a go then

I hope the jabs weren’t too bad

Anything is worth a go!


I been coming here a while so I want some advice on wills as I keep seeing adverts on FB.

I’m 56 wished I was younger, but I not made a will, do I need too ? I got no children so doubtful I will be leaving my money to anyone. But would I need a will in order to my resting place ? I’m seeing a few on FB for £49.

You can write your own will but solicitors are better. You could leave money to a good cause. Funerals come out of the estate. All grim to think about but we all need to do that. We’ve written one. They can always be changed or amended later.

Macmillan do a free will writing service, you just have to gift them £100 in your will. My mum used it and they find you a solicitor who will discuss with you over the phone what your wishes are. If you don’t get one written then it is down to the Crown to deal with your estate i.e what is left after debts and funeral expenses will go to your sister as she is next in line in your family tree. If you have a will you can decide who gets what and if you met someone in the future, you can change your will at any time

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Just come away from Maggies, find out more about the Stem Cell Transplant. Not really looking forward to it. It’s going to be a lonely journey and the people I know I won’t be able to count on.

Nurse asked me if I had suicidal thoughts, I have asked about counseling and this will be raised with my nurse. But I’m going to get tearful in hospital I know I will. As I will feel quite emotional and I still struggle to talk about mum or even think about mum. So it’s going to get tougher for me!

Theres so much going on in your life ive had a few set backs and struggle a lost dad 4 years ago and now cant talk about dad now still get emotional thats because we have been loved and when that loved 1 passes its so bloody tough counselling will be good for you have you tried cruz

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There’s nothing wrong with crying and counsellors will expect it.

Definitely ive cried at counselling it show how much yhey were loved

That’s how I am, I get emotional when I talk about mum, even when a memory pops into my head, even coming on here as I feel for people. The Stem Transplant will put me in a low state, I only had 3 days in The City Hospital and I did think about mum so I did get tearful. Mum I always turned to when I was going through stuff like this. I can’t count people in real life and will isolate myself from people like that. Went into Richer Sounds to look at TV s to cheers myself up, got a TV in mind but will wait till Black Friday as been told I could be sidelined for 3 months after I come out of hospital. I am a gamer maybe casual as getting the time for it isn’t easy at the moment living alone. I bought a PS5 in last year Black Friday Sales to take my mind of mum and to cheer myself up. current TV even though it still working had since 2011 but it’s not a OLED. So thinking of treating myself but will wait. Bought a Switch for the hospital and will take this in.

I’ve asked a nurse about counseling and she going to pass this onto my Myeloma nurse. I know I will be low when I’m in hospital, I know I’m dreading it, but has to be done. I got to get through it, and I will. But it’s not going to be a walk in the park. I have to get myself as prepared as I can.

@Keegsy01 @Magsclar

Who drives ? not been out in my car for almost 4 weeks. But I got my tax coming up easy part as I have a Hybrid so 0 on that.

Car Insurance not so I’m currently with Hastings Direct and current insurance in on automatic renew. Well it’s doubling to 2k was paying just over 1k worked out to 105 a month. I think new plan rocks it up to £185 a month. Now taking into account that my Stem Cell Transplant will require me to be in hospital for 3 weeks. But I also been told I could feel like crap for 3 months afterwards is it worth renewing 1st week in November when current plan runs out ? or cancel and just see how I feel after my Stem Cell Transplant and renew when I’m in a better position to how I feel ?

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No, I did mention I’m on here, also this really has happened to me so fast. I lost mum August last year and diagnosed with Myeloma Cancer in June this year. I explained to the nurse I didn’t know if it was a blessing or a curse. She asked me if I had suicidal thoughts ? I would like to see mum again but don’t think I got the guts to take my life or contemplate it. People make it worse too as it just makes me think how big a loss of losing mum really was. I got some so called friends not spoken to for just over a month now, might delete there numbers as I think they want me to spend mum’s money. They wanted me to go private with having teeth out I wasn’t having any of it. Instead got it done via my doctor as I have fractures in my back. Then they rung me again after I had meeting with sister regards mum’s headstone. I went with my sister regards that and it’s a lot cheaper than 1st quote but is going take time to arrange. They rung me and I think I said a year at the time, I need time anyway to deal with my health. Got a hernia as well as Myeloma Cancer too, I feel these people want to rush me into snap decisions and want me to spend my money which took my mum a lifetime to save. Which also is the back of my mind and has a impact on how I think.

Yip theres days a want to be with my dad they days are so tough went through a stage for weeks crying wanting to be with dad


I’m a driver. Firstly, never allow your car insurance to auto renew, showing loyalty to insurers never pays off as the premium rockets each year, you will need to shop around to see if it will be cheaper with another insurer. Secondly, if you are not going to be driving for a while you will need to contact the DVLA to declare your car as SORN before you cancel your insurance. There is legislation in place that stipulates even cars not being used have to be insured even though they are kept on a public road, driveway or garage. How long have you been driving for?

Just under 2 years but not been out for a month. But it’s covered till end of month.