Still Struggling

I think the interesting thing is if you do a spiritual thing ie church or social media. The medium always sending healing, so people that are involved in the spiritual side of things, get it. They pick up on vibrations and energy I guess. There’s have to be something to this as the whole universe which is still expanding is made of energy. We all need to heal, but will we ?

I think there are still genuine people who can be friends. Not everyone is out to get you. But they need to be chosen carefully and built up over time. And no mention of money when you make friends.

I’m too trusting! and being a Leo I’m sensitive too. Which makes it worse, taking a break from ironing. Squeeze what a band!

Never let people know you have money, no matter how much you think you can trust them. People either get jealous or you become easy prey when they need something. With genuine people you won’t feel the need to tell them what’s in your bank, you won’t need to buy them, and they won’t be interested in finding out either.


Hourglass is a great song.

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@Malcolm2 @Magsclar
I deleted both numbers last night to cut myself off from them. No point having numbers on your phone if you don’t use them.

Read a posting on FB earlier from Sue Ryder saying when we lose a pearent it unleashes the child within us, no matter our age. This is so true and resonated with me, I’m a orphan every day now. I try to post on here but struggle to relate to a lot of post as they don’t really apply to me. If they have children or a partner then they not a orphan as they have someone around them. Where I’m the real deal unfortunately.

I know what you mean but I still feel like an orphan. Children, whatever their age, still rely on you as their parent, and a partner is another different relationship. I know I’m very lucky to have both, but a mum and dad are still irreplaceable and unique. Each morning I have to divert my mind away from my sadness about mum and get involved in doing something.


Totally get this, I’m lucky I’ve 4 grown up sons but a mother is irreplaceable, it’s a totally different love you have for your children, I lost my family unit mother, father and only brother so I feel pretty alone at times

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I miss the feeling of being deeply cared for, the way a parent does even if it’s to make you a cup of tea when you feel down. I would do anything for one of my dad’s cups of tea right now and my mum’s steak and ale pie


I knew it was coming, mum was 95 and because of age couldn’t be a mum no more to me, dementia played a big part too. Bit by bit the greedy world engulfed her, social workers came in and insisted on care packages which was a total waste of money and didn’t benefit mum. Mum was paying £470 a month for that, once that happens you finished, they strip you of your independence and money. Mum saved all her life and did go without to mass savings. We could do with a war to reset this country, money isn’t important. Besides there’s too much greed in the UK at the moment. I didn’t know till recently that carers jobs were advertised over seas as there were shortages in the profession. The last care company think employed people who couldn’t speak English even. So in some ways mum is better where she is, with her mum. Sad how this country let her down in her last years like it does with so many. We are going backwards not forwards as a nation.

Oh god don’t get me started on the state of this country, my mams, mam is still alive 101 ! I say to her she experienced tough times but everyone stuck together and she had the best years

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Yea we going to have it tougher, we already seeing this being played out. No help, no support, we be stripped of our finances. Today it’s everyone for themselves! That’s why I told mum she was in a better place, I’m convinced! I don’t mention it much as I want to preserve my thinking. Besides no one wants to deal with it or think about it. I had no choice as I had to sort everything out, so was heavily involved. I took any help I could get which wasn’t much. I’m a thinker and done spirituality stuff on FB. I seen the odd post on here so I’m not alone in my thinking.

I belong to a Myeloma, Maggie’s group on Whatsapp. Someone had posted an old paper thing of a new treatment. But it had been trialed in Spain not the UK. There’s currently no cure for Myeloma Cancer just treatment at the moment. You can’t cure cancer in the blood!

my mam always said not being here would be a better place, I know wherever they all are they happier. Some peoples time is sooner than others but we all get there one day. Just try to live a life that they would be proud of, be respectful and be kind but don’t suffer fools

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My mum will be as I done a few spiritual sessions on messenger video. Got told by medium that my grandma wanted to send love and uplifting and then mum the same. They were quite close in this world so it made sense they would be in the afterlife.
I don’t feel safe in this country no more and I’m not that happy really.

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I’m probably down as I not done much recently. I was diagnosed with Myeloma Cancer back in June.

It’s a lot to wrap your head around being given news like this, get a good support network around you

It’s tough, as people do have their lives and all I have is my music and Myeloma. This world is so difficult to live in, I’m a kind of a retro person and I miss the 80s. You could die today and no one would care, it’s all depressing! it’s a evil world out there. Maybe mum was lucky she escaped it!

I think the world has always been the same really. There is good and there is evil. But there are some kind and good people, they just need to be sought out. Not everyone is harmful but I know it can seem like it. We need to look for the good in people.

Point me in the right direction then! taking into account my illness and what time I got left.