Still Struggling

It’s a lot to wrap your head around being given news like this, get a good support network around you

It’s tough, as people do have their lives and all I have is my music and Myeloma. This world is so difficult to live in, I’m a kind of a retro person and I miss the 80s. You could die today and no one would care, it’s all depressing! it’s a evil world out there. Maybe mum was lucky she escaped it!

I think the world has always been the same really. There is good and there is evil. But there are some kind and good people, they just need to be sought out. Not everyone is harmful but I know it can seem like it. We need to look for the good in people.

Point me in the right direction then! taking into account my illness and what time I got left.

Big news today is I been awarded pip!

Excellent news!

Me and mags are trustworthy! I’m glad you have been awarded pip, just a shame it has taken so long


I know you can’t do it right now but sometimes you can find other like-minded people as volunteers. Doing whatever, outside with a wildlife trust, helping in a charity shop or whatever. You can find decent people who are trying to help others and find it helps you too. Some volunteering can even be done online. We have people helping at events or just behind the scenes. Even just the odd hour or two would mean you are in contact with others. And if you dont like it you don’t have to stay! Just an idea for when you are better.

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Yes, but should be backdated from date of claim.

I still got a sizeable way to go, I also still got that hernia to deal with too. I will eventually get there baby step by baby step.

That should go some way to replace some of your mum’s money that you have had to use

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Should help with the Council Tax that’s for sure!

Oh, won’t they be pleased to get their hands on your money!!

Without a doubt

My Council Tax has built up over this year, made another payment of £222 to keep them off my back. Obviously pip will help when I receive the back payments. Have a consultation with my doctor on Monday most likely about the Stem Cell Transplant process. Will pop into Maggie’s same day to thank them for the help they have given me regards pip. They have been brilliant in helping me through Myeloma. Saw a short film late last night about a Black belt 6th Dan tutor in martial arts. Never been in hospital for as anything as you would expect. He was feeling tired fatigue etc. Then the news came he had Myeloma Cancer. This disease can strike anyone without warning, it’s just a cruel twist of life but also a challenge. Life is a challenge in itself, no one has a free get out of jail card regards their health. But it’s how you tackle and deal with it. I don’t believe in random stuff this is maybe a sign to prove my capability of dealing with it. I see a lot of post on here and I’m like seriously ? the year since mum passed has been rough and when I reflect I think a lot of people would of buckled under the strain. I just kept going at first I wasn’t sure if it was a sign that I would be joining mum up there. Obviously I would of liked that as I would have got the love and support from her. Not had much luck with woman and I don’t trust the internet in this department, it’s a minefield of e commerce out to make money and giving 0 back, so I’m wary. Besides I’m not in a position to think too much about that at the moment as my health comes first.

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Youre doing really well as you are. One step at a time.

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My heart breaks for you, being alone must be so difficult. Are there any groups you could join in your area? Some towns have groups where people walk and chat or knit and natter. If you are on Facebook you might be able to find groups in your area. Being alone leaves you stranded with your thoughts and it’s awful at times. I hope someone reads your post and gives you some good advice x

I belong a Myeloma group at Maggies,. I have multiple problems besides loss of my mum. Today not been bad, doing stuff etc and I always have music on non stop all day from the minute I get up. Music is my companion.