It’s bad, the only saving grace I’m not homeless and I have a car.
It’s just making the best of a bad situation ! It’s not worth thinking dark thoughts that won’t help, don’t let the system bring you down it’s not worth it
Don’t want to think about it, as it creates a negative vibe or aura. Council and DWP don’t realize the destruction and negativity they create.
Definitely not you look after your own people and country we need to take a leaf out of Polands book
Today was a little bit better then yesterday. Tried to do a bit at home today. Did my usual Sritual night on my spiritual group. Some nights don’t get a message and the last two weeks I haven’t but tonight I did. Bit of a message with cryptic bits info in and I felt I was helping the medium without taking him down any paths. Some very interesting things came out he had pick up on past feelings about me and and he relayed info about my life now. Especially the hospital side without going to much into detail. So that made my night, it can be very uplifting to get a message. I was talking to my friend and she thinks my mum had been with me at the hospital in presence. I won’t get carried away, but it all helps!
I truly believe when you need them they are there more so with what your dealing with, I don’t doubt for one moment your mam isn’t with you spiritually at every hospital visit, there’s too much been proven not to believe
Been thinking about mum since that reading. Went to bed last night thinking I don’t want to wake up. If I could be with mum I would, Good to hear from you, I come on here every day to check replys and to post. We got to make the most at our disposal to help us with daily life.
It gets like that though some days are worse than others, it does help posting on here though, not everyone are having bad days so they can be positive for the ones who are.
I’d just like to have 10 minutes with them all we didn’t really get to do that much that’s a shame
Hope your feeling ok too
Been a bit emotional day, been thinking about mum quite a bit. I think mum might be with me in the flat. I been receiving parcels yesterday was a aluminum flask and cups from Amazon, I didn’t order it and I did check box see if it had my name on and it did. So I accepted the parcel.
I received another parcel tonight, the living room has a front door and mum used a draugh stopper those long things. I threw it in the bin last year. Well now I have another a pink one that was the parcel. I not ordered it so can’t explain it. If I tell my spiritualist friend on FB she will say it’s a sign. Does feel a bit like that
That’s very strange would kinda freak me out that sort of thing, I often think I’d love to see you in a reflection or whatever but I think I’d actually sh@t myself !
I think it’s a sign that mum is with me in the flat
If you were both really close I’d say yes definitely more so living there too, I believe spirits return to familiarity too
I lived with mum in this flat since 1982.
I sent a pic to a friend of yesterday’s parcel and she confirmed what I think it is. I also contacted my spiritualist friend too as it’s on my mind.
That’s all very bizarre, could someone not have ordered it for you ?
mate told me to check the packaging, check for a barcode, make take a pic too. I think having that reading on Saturday it’s made me think a lot about mum more. Made me emotional, it never really stops! think it be with us till the day we die. I miss her awfully!
I started going to spiritualist churches after dad and mam but found it too hard was too soon for me, we all want signs they are there and for me if I got nothing I’d be deflated, just wasn’t good for my mental health if I’m honest, and if I got something I’d just live off every word they said. Things like this can be good and bad. 100% believe in it all though
Not sure how I feel about it I went in with a open mind. I don’t want messages every week and at first I didn’t want one as I didn’t want to break down on camera. But I want to believe, I want to see mum again. I want the support and love. It all came about by mistake because I didn’t go looking for it. But losing someone close changes you and we both know the world doesn’t really care. The world cares more about money then the human race. So we given a number and told to get on with it. It’s a very cruel world that puts money first. Spirituality at least gives something back and trys to help tortured souls. At least it trys to help! I visited a spiritualist church and the experience felt strange to me.
Last night spoke to a friend about parcels, told me to check packaging addresses. I done that the draugh stopper from Bury, I received a temperature Thermometer today. Once again not ordered it, maybe I’ve got a guardian angel. Hope so need all the help I can get my hands on at the moment. Council are trying to rob me on parking in residential parking to my housing association. They will have a fight on their hands they just don’t realize it as of yet. Most council are run by the Mafia these days.
It always helps to believe in something, think it keeps you going at times. That council doesn’t sound very good is there anything you can do about it ? I had my counselling today was really good it just helps you deal with everyday shit in a better way mentally, I think grief always leaves unanswered questions which you never going to resolve, because loved ones are gone. Just have to try make peace with yourself