Still Struggling

Some brilliant stuff on Tik Tok taking the p out of Labour. Just seen Kier as the scarecrow out of wizard of Oz with Rayner on the yellow brick road singing if I only had a brain. Sheer brilliance.

I have a problem Iā€™m still emotionally charged with it all.

Changes you as a person loss , your living but itā€™s a bit of a blur, Iā€™m only 2 years for mam n dad and year for brother so Iā€™m not even gonna explain at times why Iā€™m feeling shit because itā€™s understandable

You further down the road me then it be 2 years for me in August.

I found another two parking fines on my car, permit still pending The Council knows full well what they doing. Illegal activity on private land that they donā€™t own. I just took them off and binned them in someoneā€™s elseā€™s bin. I wonā€™t move my car as that puts it at risk and also effects my insurance. Looks like Iā€™m at war with the Labour council, hence why I also wonā€™t be paying any of the council tax arrears either. I have a letter to post tomorrow about it, thatā€™s Ā£140 in fines now.

All you can do is live from day to day and hope things gets better. Got a call from the DWP telling me I can get ESA from 6 January. So Iā€™m going ahead with that and wait for the results. Got a friend working on the Cough cough bleep Council. Got a phone call from old security company asking how I am. Found out they lost contract to council run bus station. Everyone they had working for them they had to transfer over to another company. No loyalty from Councils and no doubt a cost cutting thing. of course I have my own war ongoing with the Mafia I mean council.

Thatā€™s really good news regards esa, well done. They love slapping people with parking fines too, I donā€™t think itā€™s a case Iā€™m further down the road itā€™s just been 3 major ones in two years, thatā€™s the difficult part u donā€™t know who to grieve for, but itā€™s getting easier thatā€™s for sure it has too you canā€™t live in the past

Might be the only good news, saw a warden earlier. Another ticket for the bin ? the hospital wants me to go into hospital 10th March. They mean well, but obviously things are very bad in this country at the moment. We want to see a glimmer of hope, but itā€™s hard to see that at the moment. Then we got our loss to deal with on top. That makes it harder especially knowing how much they loved us. I think thatā€™s probably why we think towards the past, happier times.

Another ticket by another moron, straight in the bin. Thatā€™s after me putting paperwork in windscreen saying permit pending. Corrupt council, 10th March is day the hospital wants me to go into hospital for my Stem Cell Transplant now.

I just emailed Lee Anderson about ongoing war with Nottingham Council. Even though he doesnā€™t represent me, he represents Reform and we both know Reform love anything they can use against the Labour Group. Fingers crossed I have nothing to lose!

Surely they will write off tickets if you waiting on permit, itā€™s not really that long to wait better to get it sooner than later.
Like you say nothing to lose they the worse kind of people to deal with, when youā€™ve nothing to lose you donā€™t care, hope you hear back and get a bit support then

Well they keep ticketing me, not received letters yet. I contact my mp about it too. Unreal I have to go to that extent to try and resolve it. I did have a permit obviously that ran out but my cancer took priority towards end of the year. Hickman line and stem cell collection. Anyway I wonā€™t give up the fight and wonā€™t pay either. The sooner that kicks in the better.

I think once they know your circumstances Iā€™m sure they will just write them off, has anyone emailed back to you yet ? Just keep on their backs they will have to do something itā€™s all wrong

Hopefully I had a reply from my mp regarding this, she wants to look into it for me. Friend said they not received online application so did another. Itā€™s very wrong and so naughty. I got chance to replace living room furniture from friends mum. So hopefully I can get that done, the old sofa mum slept on. I been more or less living in my room since mum. I still get stiffness in my back from Myeloma. Hospital want me in on the 10th March for SCT. Find a drawing that mum did, I knew it was there. It opened me up, grief never goes. I saw something on Tik Tok about holding a possession of a loved one and asking if they ok. Mum died on grandmaā€™s birthday, Iā€™m convinced mum with her. I been offered a spiritual course via my group but the hospital will get in the way. I want to do more with spirituality as itā€™s so comforting to know your loved ones might still be with us in some form.

Thatā€™s good news then I think living where your mam lived too will definitely make it harder to move on, it can bring comfort too though, I found in first few weeks i just wanted to be in my mam n dads house, I suppose itā€™s different with you already been living there too. I might start back at spiritualists church soon, had another dream about my mam sheā€™s always popping up, had a terrible sleep could just sense something in my room. My son had a dream about my brother other night he was in my house sitting on settee with me. It definitely brings comfort the tiniest thing

Yes it does, you have to be open minded about it. Itā€™s been such a taboo subject, I couldnā€™t talk to my mum about it, It would upset her. Maybe our gen can break that ? I been told stuff from mediums and Iā€™m like as much friend told them or ? Iā€™m a Leo so maybe Iā€™m a little stronger to deal with it ?

I never really been religious but if I reply to something about a afterlife. But it just feels and sounds right to me. I wonā€™t go to much into it, but life is amazing if you sit down and think about it. Maybe death changes us ?

Parking permit no 5, why should I have to move my car, when Iā€™m not doing anything wrong. Itā€™s parked in a residential parking space where I live.

Hello. Iā€™ve just seen your post. I am so sorry you feel like this. I have adult children - it helps kind of but I still feel like no one gets me either - and why would they anyway? Our parents are the only people who love us unconditionally - would give their lives for us. I feel like there is no point to the rest of my life - but I have my lovely dog and my mom and dad would be vet angry with me if I didnā€™t care for her. So I honour them by caring for my pet - and their values live on through me. You are the product of YOUR parents - their values and presence are in you. Itā€™s an honour to continue their life even if noone else notices.

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I noticed a lot more of mum in me since mum passed.