
Hi Elliot,

I’m only months on from loosing my hubby and still so depressed and lonely and get terrible anxiety attacks. I do have support of good friends which really helps but I miss the company of a lifetime partner. Are you able to join a group of something that interests you - friends tend not to come to you without a little effort. What about a pet? Feeling for you so much. Xx


Yes I’m 3 months in ! Struggling big time with weekends especially the Bank holidays
Will get easier!


Hi all i lost my life Sheila on the 28th of February last year and my life is not the same anymore, i know life goes on but is so difficult. I am 67 and was married to Sheila nearly 27 years. I have got a little cleaning job which gets me out, it’s only 2 hours a day, 6-8 in the morning. I also have a memory box with Sheila’s name inscribed on the top. I have put a few things in it, a piece of Sheila’s hair, her wedding ring, lipstick, a pair of slippers and socks, sunglasses, makeup mirror, a makeup bag, also Sheila’s fingerprint on a keyring which the hospital provided. I have put the service sheets from Sheila’s funeral in the box also. I open it regular and it makes me feel better. I do still cry a lot but some days are worse than others. I am not looking for anybody else as Sheila can’t be replaced. I hope everyone can move forward but i know how difficult it is. God bless you all. xxxxx


That’s a lot of year together bless you !
It’s so hard to deal with.
You can know till it happens to you !

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I’ve just picked this message up and it could have been written by me. It’s been two years for me and I’m sad I’m not the person I was before as I liked that person. Instead I just plod from day to day and my reason for getting up each day are
my sons and their families. They have lost their dad and my grandchildren their grandad so I have to carry on. I am determined not to let grief win
and yes I have bad days but also better days and I know my darling John would be so proud of me. I miss him every minute of every day and the loneliness is sometimes overbearing.

Georgina xx


@Georgie15 it is exhausting keeping on isn’t it but we’ll do it for them and our families. I totally agree that John would be proud of you as I believe my Richard would be. That’s what keeps me going. I am determined to make him proud.
Karen xxx


You are doing your loved one proud. A broken heart is such a burdens to carry but try and hang on to the full heart, the wondeful memories. Those who we adore are also in a state of confusion when we grieve their loss because we have passed before them and so they dont quite understand. Once we have helped them to transition and be at peace, so moted be for us xxx


Hi. I thought I would post this in the hope of helping others. After 7 weeks of loss, just before I woke this morning, for the first time I dreamt of my late partner. It was only short but we held hands and said we loved each other. Short but oh so sweet. The warmth in the touch was amazing. Whilst the loss is huge, this morsel of comfort was so welcomed.


That’s lovely to hear.
I have had some very odd dreams but that’s life isn’t it?
Love to all
Karen xxx


I’m not doing very well at all. I have no one. :cry::broken_heart:


so sad. i have no kids but have family x


You have us to listen and support you. This horrible and hard journey will be easier if we do it together. If it helps you can tell us how you are feeling without being judged. I hope this community helps you to know you are not alone at this difficult time. X


@laraine.g1 above message for you too.

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@laraine.g1 SNAP! the house is so quiet.


It’s very hard the silence!
People keeping saying it get easier x


@laraine.g1 there is always someone to talk to on here. Grief is a very lonely place but hopefully we can help each other. I’m here if you need to talk. Take care


@nett @Lotswife @Cookie2 I also find the house too quiet. I hate weekends (I used to love them). Don’t know if it’s because family is busy doing their own thing or if it’s because my husband passed away on a Sunday. I usually spend my weekends crying my eyes out now.


I know exactly what you mean. I can go all weekend without seeing or speaking to anyone. It’s so hard now.x


Thank you.


Hi, it doesn’t get any easier unfortunately, you just have to adjust to the situation.