
Thank you x

@Ali29 I’m so pleased to hear it went well. Baby steps but very hard to take. Love and support xxx


@Ali29 Glad you had a good day.

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Thanks for replying. It’s so difficult for me as I live on my own now and don’t see a lot of people. It’s taking me a lot of time to get used to this new situation. I don’t know what I’m expecting of myself but other people on here seem to be managing so well. Maybe it’s just me?x


Im nearly 10 weeks in on this horrible journey, i still wake up looking for Jane, more out of hope that she will be laying next to me and all is normal.
The days seem to be getting harder to bear yet everyone around me is telling me to start thinking about going back to work and a new future… these people have not got the 1st clue about losing someone so suddenly they think i can just pick myself up and go again.
I cant imagine a life of any meaning now or in the future, the moment Jane passed was the moment my life became just existing


i’m the same margaret passed two years ago 13 april.i feel very low,then pick up have a walk.the i feel low again.meeting friends too talk does help me.but again i feel low afterwards,after two years people should know you are still grieving nel.i do hope you can find some comfort within your mind.x


Thank you!


Was a tricky morning as my partner was also due to start his new job today. He would have been very excited and there would have been a lot of chatting between us today. :slightly_smiling_face:


My wife died 18 months ago and she was everything to me, my soulmate.
For the first year I was suicidal and did not want to wake up in the morning.
I became a stranger to this world.
I decided to take anti depressants and after a month they kicked in and now I feel there is a reason to live.
I have a dog now and life feels so different.
You will get through this living hell and if you need counselling or medical assistance, please take it.
Do not give up.


People definitely don’t understand do they.some so called friends sent me links to dating sites .i have already decided that i don’t want to be with anyone else


same here its only been nine months how dare they ?? i adored my husband noone can take his place


I hope no one i know sends me links fir dating site’s, id be very offended.
Im the same Jane may not have been my 1st kiss or my 1st date or the 1st person i shared a bed with but im absolutely certain she will be the last everything


Hi nel. Im so sorry for you loss. Yes i lost my wife 2 years ago in December. And im in bits every single day. I gave some of her ashs this week to her 5 sisters and 2 brothers and it ment so much to them. But to me its like lossing her again. Thats all i have left of her now. I have been driving today and just started to cry just thinking about her. So please Nal don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. Please keep talking on here. It shows your not alone when you need to say anything and talk.


Have you joined WayUp?

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No we all just scraping by honestly … its hard for us all :frowning: who wants to live alone ! Its horrible and my puppy keeps me going :slight_smile: just about but even then its hard ! xx


I’m with you Deb. I feel I’m just scraping by. The anxiety hit me this morning. It’s two years on the 24th when my baby died and it’s playing on my mind. I try to ignore it but it’s there and I have to go with it Life feels so hard and then I worry and get anxious. Sending hugs x


Its very hard in losing a loved one.
It never gets easy i don’t think…i lost my wife to a tumour cancer she was young .
I prest told me it never gets easy but it becomes manageable in trying yo move forward slowly aways remember the good time’s that what gets me through the days ahead we were together for 24 year’s to this day. It gets lonely in the evenings as that was our me time’s together.
The strength keeps me going is the children. And our dog .a dog is very good healing and gets you out and about and your not stuck in …Remember the good times your husband would want to see you moving forward it will bring you happiness.
Getting our is the keys having good friends over for tea or a meal. Slowly you will get there .People say time heals it won’t for me because she was my everything my swan my cog in my wheel the love of my life my mother to our children. I will stay on my own as i can’t ever go through that heartaches again in loving someone. Id be lieing to that person i love them but i don’t because the women i truely love has passed away and i truely loved her for eternity.


Hi roy … my husband was called roy :slight_smile: and he was my little love . Only 4 months since he passed so its very early for me and i miss him all the time ! Just his voice and his presence … its a hard road ! My kids have not helped me since he has passed in fact i would go as far to say they have been a pain :frowning: im glad yours have helped you :blush:


Hi Nel, yes I can definitely relate to what you’re saying I’m experiencing terrible panic attacks and anxiety when I’m outside, I lost my beautiful mum just over a year ago now but finding it more difficult to cope with then I did last year when everything was happening to me! I’m definitely not the same person anymore and can’t enjoy the things I once did
It’s like my who life has been put on hold and nothings the same anymore! I’ve just been left in limbo with no support or anything to turn to
I’m probably still in denial about everything that happened last year but as time goes on the denial thing gets harder and you have to find other coping mechanisms to help you
Keep strong and keep safe
Regards Rob…


Hi nel
I feel exactly the same, lost my lovely Frances may last year. I have taken up art through the u3a but I am still frighten of going out by myself. If I am indoors I am crying all the time and saying why us what did we do wrong to be separated us after fifty five years.
Life goes on but I don’t see me as part of it