
Lovely picture of you both :heart:

I have suffered depression and anxiety most of my life and have been on the same antidepressants for over 10 years. I have to say they help me normally, like instead of having an off day that turns into weeks and months i can cope with just a day or two before i bounce back.
Having said all that id hate to imagine what i would be like now if i wasnt taking meds and i dont know if they would even help if youve never taken them as it can take weeks for them to kick in and thats if you find the right tablets that work for you



When I feel down i look at the photos of my gorgeous fantastic wife sue. I love sue so much


Narna my doctor put me on certaline and they are working for me .my daughter and stepson dave realised that i was going farther down so i gave in and rang the doctors and she was so supportive and came out to see me and realised how bad i was .antidepressants are working for me


A lovely lady, so much love in her eyes so I guess you took the picture. :heart::heart:xx


The first one someone else took it.the second one was at our wedding reception

various ones throughout the years .when sue come along to some of the charity events that our motorbike group ran


The top one is at the register office. The bottom one was when sue had cataracts x


This is exactly how I feel. I lost my first husband in 1993 and was fortunate, at the age of 53, to fall in love again. I have had almost 29 years with my second husband who was so very special. It is unbearable.


Sorry for your loss mary :frowning: xx

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I know that feeling all too well

Bless you, I know of the motorbike fraternity and the closeness that comes with it, hope you are bring given support by them


For me, I have no option

Got a lot of support from our friends and a lot of support from here as well x


lovely pictures x its nice to share our pictures and memories on here

i miss more every day


I feel just the same and it has been 15 months for me.xx


Sorry for your loss Mary, must be a very difficult time for you at the present . My thoughts are with you and hope you find peace soon
God bless

I’m 32 months of losing my husband and my grief is getting worse. Yes it would be nice to meet up. I’m just not managing.


It was the same with my wife, she fought cancer for 3 years, and when she was told there was nothing more they could do, she went downhill quickly and died within a couple of weeks, that was 4 months ago and I miss her do much


Same here my love. My husband and soull mate of of 20 years, married for 14 years, went undiagnosed for 4 years despite regular tests. He fought metastatic prostate cancer for 7 years in total and when his prognosis was weeks to live, his decline was rapid, extremely cruel and distressing. I lay next to him, hugging and comforting him in his hospital bed when he drew his last few breaths and it was horrific. He suffered until the very end and im struggling with that. Its been just 7 weeks and i havent even started to grieve for his loss because im still so angry that he suffered the way he did. He was the most beautiful man, a wonderful husband. He didnt deserve for his life to end so painfully. I completely relate to you my love and send love and healing thoughts to your heart xx


Are you in the UK lovely? I live in KT20 and would be happy to meet up with you sweetheart