
Everyone is different and situations are different, doesn’t mean you will feel the same in 2 years time.


Lotswife. My heart goes out to you. I’m just 3 weeks on this journey and can’t cope. I don’t know how but we have to all try to carry on this lonely awful life. The support on here helps even if it’s just to know there are others feeling the same. Take care.

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Don’t give up anyone. We all feel the same and we can help each other through this. Xxx


I feel exactly the same as you all describe.I can’t face the world.I’m fifteen months down the line and i have tried everything to calm the anxiety.It’s always there,it swamps my thoughts,my body and my sleep.
I’m tired of being told to think positive because i used to be a positive person and would have a positive thought or action for every negative.I have lost my life partner and wherever i am or whatever i am doing is without him.I’m tired of being told I’m lucky to have experienced forty years of a deep meaningful love.I know that I was lucky but when he died on that awful January day last year so suddenly and uexpectedly my luck seems to have run out.x


Ps.I live near Blackpool on the Fylde coast if anyone lives nearby it might help to meet.Surely something can help when we feel like giving up.x

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Have you heard of the Jolly Dollies? It’s a nationwide group for widows. You can Google your local group. X


Hi,to be honest i couldn’t tell you.I have looked at so many.I have tried counselling,CBT and hynotherapy bulti would love the opportunity lto meet someone who is in a similar position.
Thank you for mentioning this Jazpur i will definitely check it out.x

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They are a friendly, sympathetic group who meet up for coffee, chats, even little outings and trips when you feel up to it. Let me know how you get on x

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Hi @Pushkin28 I know how you feel. My husband died fourteen months ago and I don’t feel any better. Everything just seems so pointless. I just can’t seem to find my old self. The funny, sociable one. She seems to have gone for good. If every day is going to be like this, for however long I’ve got left, then it’s just sad, not just for me, but for my little family.xx


I’ve just had a look at Jolly Dollies Jazpur.It seems very interesting and i like the idea of the small registration fee because people are more likely to be genuine.
Its definitely something i will consider.x

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Hello Loobyloo2,
We sounds similar i was friendly and outgoing and naturally funny,in other words i was the butt of everyone’s jokes but in a very good natured way.Apparently i was quick witted,cheerful and generally very contented with life.
I have lost myself and my greatest fear is that i may never be like that again.xx


As @Ali29 says, we are all different and have different situations to deal with. Please don’t despair.
Would joining the zoom chats help you do you think? Being stuck at home must make you feel isolated so maybe seeing some faces to put to the names on here would help.
If you would like to be added please pm me or @JustSomeBloke.


dont say that :cry:we all feel like it but et help x

Hi Karen f .sorry was a bit rough this week with it being sues birthday on Wednesday and it was the first one where i couldn’t take sue for a meal and go away for a couple of days x

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You never need to apologise. We all know that some days we can’t face people and days which would have been special before become especially difficult now.
We are simply there for each other when we can be and when we are needed.


Loobyloo i too am looking for the old me, the one who loved a pratical joke always up to silly mischief. I said to one of my friends that the old me has died along with Jane, i havent got no motivation or confidence, i used to enjoy going to work for the silly banter but now im dreading going back as i feel like a completely different person.
Not only have i lost my soulmate but ive also lost myself and i have no idea how im going to survive like this


Thank you x

@Narna I know I just can’t get my old self back. The thought of being like this, feeling the way I do for the next I don’t know how many years scares me. We all want our previous lives and selves back. The lives we know can’t have back but maybe somewhere down the line we might get that person back again. Thanks for replying.X


All i can say to this is i feel just like that too Narna.It is comforting to know whatever i seem to be going through on a day to day basis is "normal"but it doesn’t feel normal in the outside world.x


Anything seems to be normal in grief. I was once told that whatever you are feeling at this time is what you are meant to be feeling. That freed me up to not worrying about how I felt and just live each moment the best I could. If it was a wall of tears that day then so be it. If it was a day of reflection that was what I did.
I still go with what the day presents and don’t expect to be feeling anything in particular except when I know there is a significant day coming which I am dreading, as there is now.

Karen xxx