Sunday, bloody Sunday

Life is so different without them xx


I still have everything of Gras all in the same places. I cant get rid of anything it feels as if i am throwing him away.xxzz

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I am in a similar position Willow except I have injured my back so am in a lot of physical pain which is apparently preventing me grieving properly.
People keep saying I need to grieve but honestly donā€™t know what that actually means I am just completely heart broken.
I lost my wonderful husband at the end of April and donā€™t know how to manage without him he was everything to me.


Awww Fraisy sorry you have pain that must be awful its really hard isnt it. Xxx

Hi Fraisy,
It is awful, isnā€™t it. So sorry to hear that you are in such pain with your back as well as your grief. I also wonder about how we should grieve, letting it in, and phrases like that. I am sad and lonely, and I miss him like hell, and I hate it. But I have found this site to be very helpful. I hope you get comfort here, knowing that we are all in the same boat.
Much love. Xx

Iā€™m so sorry for your loss @Fraisy

Iā€™m sorry youā€™re in pain with your back. The grief alone is pain
Your heart is broken. We all understand, I really donā€™t think mine will ever mend and I think that most people on here feel the same.
We are all here for you, to listen and support. We do really understand

Sending you love and hugs x

Itā€™s just over 18 months for me now. Have finally accepted my husband, who isnā€™t coming back and adjusting to life on my own. I joined a couple of groups two weeks after he passed away. I know it sounds too soon, but I suffer from agoraphobia and I knew in myself that if I didnā€™t make the effort, I wouldnā€™t step out of the house again. From those two groups, I have made a couple of good friends, and we go out for meals and day trips. I have no contact with my son and daughter, and I first had to navigate grief on my own. It was hard but I am getting there. I still miss him terribly, but as he said to me, I have to make a life fir myself. This week has been hard as tested positive for covid, so couldnā€™t go to any of the groups. The thought of going out again next week terrifies me, but I know I have done it once before and I will be fine once I am out of the door. No one can tell you what is right or wrong, we all grieve differently in our own ways. As time goes on you will realise it has made you a stronger person and be able to cope with what life throws at you. Take care everyone and big hugs xxxx

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Well my friends it is Sunday again- that day that so many of us dislike so much and for some reason when the loss of our loved one really hits us hard.
Today at least we have the tennis final and the footie.
Come on Englandā€‹:england::england:šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ.
That said, not having our very special person to share the sporting events with is tough.
Missing my darling so much today ā€¦ well every day.
Sending love to everyone .


Thank youvEllite its a really hard day today. 4 weeks today . I am full of tears today. I could sure use a hug. Xxx


Hi @jevncute ,
So sorry to hear that. Sending you a virtual big hug.
It is so hard. Xx


Thank you Ellite , it is really hard . I am so lonely and afraid. I have never been alone before. Xxxx


I understand yr fear and loneliness -we all do.
Please keep posting as although we arenā€™t with you at home, we are all here to listen to you and help each other through this.
Big hugs x


Omg why does it have to be so hard. I should have been more prepared as i knew he had heart failure. But he fought sephis snd i honestly thought he could fight water retention but he was to weak. I just want my life back. I suffer from agrophobia and panic attacks. And this as made it so much harder.xxxx


As @Elite said
We canā€™t physically be with you, but we are all here for you.
We know how you feel and hope we can help you through

Sending a huge hug

Liz x x

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Thank you Liz you lot are my life line. I just wish there was someone near to me who could meet up help to fill some of those long hrs. Xxxx


That would be ideal. Unfortunately Iā€™m the other end of the country x x

I know darling, i have to toughen up i just donā€™t know where to begin. I have tried doctors. I have rang Cruise i have a phone conversation a week on Wednesday. Xxx


It is so hard and everyone finds strength in different things.
This forum is such a massive support network for all of us.
Sending love xx

Iā€™ve spent all day in the garden to block out the day.
Thereā€™s no way of avoiding the football tonight reallyā€¦ Iā€™m going to miss his commentary and shouting at the tellyā€¦

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Hi @jevncute

You may not realise it but you are doing ok.
Itā€™s still very early days for you and I know you have agrophobia. But you are taking steps to help yourself. You have an appointment with Cruse and youā€™ve got Millee.

Yes you cry but we all do
Iā€™m much further on than you and I cry everyday. Its ok to cry.

And you post on here.
Weā€™re all here for you

Love and hugs
Liz x x