Yes no how your feeling I did go to matinee at the theatre other week but no one realised I was on my own cos it was full and when you want just one ticket it’s always a good seat
I despise weekends it’s even spooky I my own company
You take care xx
Thank you for that Tenpin it means so much that someone cares. We’re all in this heartbreaking place together. I’m taking your advice, I remember I’ve got a tin of soup in cupboard, I’ll have some soon. Sending hugs. Xx
Sadly unless they’ve been through this grief themselves people really don’t understand. I’m 5 months in and it is definitely getting worse for me, probably because reality is finally here whereas before it was almost denial. Thank goodness we can vent on here and find support.
It is awful Pickle, I think you did very well going to the theatre and you’ll be able to do it again. I’m going to try one day when I feel able to and get the bus into town, that will be a huge step, but I will try. Sending hugs.
Yes you do it I found it hard booking for one but it was a real breakthrough for me
Although came home to any empty house and cdnt stop crying x
Think you’re Abbiesnan, reality is setting in. I will let you know Pickle when I’m able to get on bus. Think it’ll be sometime yet. X
Congratulations to you! You did great! Of course you’re gonna cry the first time you did something like that on your own. You probably will a few more times as well. But you went and did it. That is som achievement! Next time do you have friends or family that could go with you? Maybe a neighbour that’s on their own? We’ll do to you love. Xx
No family were around the day I wanted to go was going with a friend she dropped out story of my life !
But hopefully will do it again x
Don’t know why ( well I do) but I’m particularly fed up today missing her and being on my own.
The day is empty. It was all so easy when there was us both and we just spent each day together doing whatever came up.
Now I find it difficult to fill the day and I was hoping it would get easier as we move towards better weather. But I’m lonely and that has all the associations of being pathetic and cruel. I could join all sorts of stuff but it’s not with Bridget. And I just see this as being endless and stretching into the future and making me more depressed.
Never thought I’d be lonely in a million years but how things change and our lives alter for the worse
Dementia is such a horrible disease.n You lose your loved one long before you finally lose them. I empathise with the loneliness, it’s so hard. You are not alone on here. Keep posting and someone is always here to listen.
Think we all feel like you do
I’m a member of oddfellows they have lots on haven’t been for ages but this aft going to push myself and go to mindfulness not really for me but it’s out
Hi I got some information from Oddfellows but couldn’t really understand what it’s all about and wether they are in the area I am which is Sheffield. Do you know if they are at all please?xx
I’m going there for 2 pm so will ask for you x
Just hit me today that fear of being lonely
Some say they enjoy their own company but I don’t. I just miss her so much. I went out today to our local moor to a beautiful spot and it was quiet and peaceful but I felt so alone. How do some manage it?
I never felt alone even when she’d gone to the care home as I had a role to play in her life. - still caring for her. Now nothing., No wonder some take up new relationships to fill the gap but I couldn’t because I loved her so and still do no matter how horrible dementia was, she was still mine around around for me to care for.,
Loneliness is frightening
I understand what you’re saying. When I first lost my partner I couldn’t breathe thinking about my future that I was going to be on my own. Full on panicked.
I’m now training myself to take a day at a time. Yes I am lonely. But I’ve made myself try and do something each time the thoughts come into my head. If course it doesn’t always work. But at the moment I seem to be plodding on. Baby steps. X
Its comforting to hear we are all feeling similar emotions. My son suggested going away with him for a few days but i wasn’t sure it would look “right”-whatever that means- but your view that your husband would be proud of you is really helpful to me and makes me think again
Go away with your son. Who cares what anything looks like.
It will do you good. I know it. X
Totally agree. A few days away will do her good and it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks, nothing to do with anybody else.