To keep or not

It’s been years but I just found some old spectacles of his and it brings back so much grief.

Possessions of your loved one, the deep sadness of deciding when to dispose of them or keep is so hard.
It was about 6 months after my husband’s death that I had one huge clear out of his clothes. I did it quickly rather like ripping a plaster off , crying all the time , while I had the courage.
I had got to the point where looking at his suits and ties was holding me back from even living . But small things like his toothbrush, dentures, I threw those away quite soon. Selling his car nearly killed me as I felt he was still with me on the drive, protecting me. The emptiness of my soul when just my car was left.
So when and how did you deal with this aspect? We are all different and there is no right or wrong time.

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Hello @Rachel50, thank you so much for sharing. You are right - there is no right or wrong time, and everyone is different.

I wanted to share this thread with you started by @Markswife: Sorting and parting with my husband's belongings

and this one by @Vancouver: Husband's Clothes: It's Time....

They may be helpful to have a read of :blue_heart:

Take good care,

@Rachel50 - all of this, all of it, is so hard, so difficult. I had to clear Tom’s things from 3 different places as we moved around. So, I kind of have the badge for keeping/releasing special things. Just recently I posted on this and how hard it can be. I think I used a title like “I suppose this was always going to happen”. Anyway, if you need to talk through this stuff, we can switch to a DM route or something like that. For now, hold tight, hang on and know that what you are doing, in this moment, about grief and all of it, is ok. x