Two weeks of widowhood.

Yes Nigel, I really need to make more of an effort and I will xxx


The gadget my husband liked the most was the electric potato masher, he always mashed the potatoes, but his hands had arthritis and his grip wasn’t so good so he was delighted with potato masher, showing it off to the family, its nice to remember small memories like that, all the grandkids wanted to try it xxx


Georgi, I also love my electric masher, great for making croquettes, my hands are not great either so gadgets really help me. That’s also in my top ten gadget list.
I’m trying to stay up a bit longer tonight in the hope I don’t wake up at 1.30 am. So fed up with broken sleep. Take care xxx


Lizzy its now 12.53 and I’m struggling to sleep tonight xx


Lizzy, that is indeed a sad story, your darling husband never got to drive again before he left. I am sad to know that, truly. We have missed so many things that should have happened while together.

The ladder thing. I suppose you will be extra cautious next time. Please.

When people ask me such things, I just reply, something like “no, I have no plans outside of treading water, and peddling as fast as I can, living hour to hour”. Tell me about your life instead. What’s new with you?"

Thanks, Debsie, I was all of that, but now at this age, not quite so confident. Seriously, a pair of 3 inch heels could take me out of the game at this age. I use to run in them.

Nigel, I am okay. I just could not face the courthouse run today. The post office was as far as I was willing to go.

A few weeks back the nearest grocer had chicken quarters for $.69/lb. I bought 10 4 pound packs for The Beast. I am simmering chicken quarters until the bones fall, adding water to pot to keep it going so I get stock and chicken to add to the kibble.
We did some gardening. We are in love.

There are days that I simply can not force myself to leave the house. Yes, the shopping - no little gifts for my husband, no picking up his favorite things, When I pass those items in the store, I speak to him in my head “aww, remember how you loved those, Baby? I do. I remember it all.”

I filled a big bin with damaged fronds of a Sago palm. Out of bins, I trimmed another of damage and will pick it up after trash day. This is not an hour job and the mini chain saw jammed because I was half way finished with the trimming. It looks rugged out there.

Georgi, what about going to an animal shelter and adopt a dog, you will have to walk it and will interact with people along the way, they are great companions and entertaining as well. I would likely never leave the house and rely on delivery for everything if not for The Beast. I am obligated to exercise him. Me? Forget about it.

My home phone rings every few minutes at this time of evening, it is always “unavailable” callers with no one on the line. Four in a row now. It startles me.

The robots are working - and tired. The warmer weather means more fur everywhere. Like tumbleweeds, they start rolling around getting bigger and bigger.

Just got a text that the fence guy will be here tomorrow. I won’t be home. This should be great. The Beast will bark his brains out and have an anxiety attack or something. Here’s an idea, give me more than one night notice, so I can tell you “no, I won’t be home, can we postpone to Wednesday?” But, they are on tight schedules as they are very busy and likely fitting me in between big jobs.

I made Black Japonica rice with pork chops tonight. I have had that rice for so long, I forgot about it. Baked the thin chops on a rack in the oven until crispy. Salt, pepper, olive oil, butter. Simple, basic, easy. Delicious.

Please use iodized salt. Most of us suffer from low iodine and don’t know it.

Must also, have the car washed and filled with fuel before the salon. I f * k ing hate getting thrown a curve ball in my f* k g schedule!

Ok, going to calm down. They don’t get it. The contractor knows what is happening but doesn’t understand how surprises knock us of track.

We will survive a day of workers when I am not home and The Beast won’t keel over from barking. I’ll raise the blinds so he doesn’t have to crawl through them and pick up all my shoes. Maybe thinking about it for a minute, it is a Blessing. I will not be around for the noise and the freaked out Aussie, I will be having my hair done after driving to the salon in a clean, fuel filled car and coming home to a new front fence and gates or parts thereof. One more important project being completed. We need a sturdy fence and gates. It is a must have for security and to keep The Beast from roaming. Everything else can wait. Tomorrow is ME FIRST! ME! ME! ME! ME!

There, got that out of my system. I have to remind myself to take better care of me and to make time for me now that the bulk of paperwork is finally done. Truly have neglected myself. So, here we go - hair. The least I can do is to not look shaggy or haggard like I feel inside.

This goes for everyone. Take care of that hair and don’t get shaggy.

Black Jamaican castor oil is pretty amazing stuff. Has anyone else tried it? Seems to help heal wounds quickly and I get a few with The Beast and my overall clumsiness.

I don’t think anything in this garden can be saved other than one lone sago palm.
A female. How symbolic. An ancient plant - survived the dinosaurs, is full of pointy, sharp-edged fronds, which sheds poisonous pods from a nest of 3 inch thorns and requires back breaking maintenance twice a year. Maybe she has to go too.

Much love.


Oh Peaches you are amazing the things you talk about I have never heard of, such as Black Jamaican castor oil! I just love reading your posts they make me smile and I don’t think you realise how much you brighten our day!
I say that and it’s 04.13 and I am still awake, my worst night for a while !
Yes Peaches I have thought many times about a dog in fact my husband almost bought one for me when we knew there was no more the doctors could do for him, a doberman if you don’t mind, too powerful a dog for me at my age though Iv’e always loved the breed, they are gorgeous animals, he thought it would be my guard dog, bless him ! Maybe I will change my mind once my cat goes, she has cancer as Ive said before and bringing a dog in just now would not be fair on her, she’s an old lady xxx
I need to go try and sleep or I am at risk of sleeping in for my optician appointment at 1.15 today and that would not do !
Take care Peaches xxx
PS I need to make an appointment with my hairdresser as my hair is getting a bit shaggy🤣


So much for me staying up later, woke up again at 1am, could not get back to sleep, still wide awake, even the boring book won’t work. Maybe I should get up and paint a wall, this is ridiculous . I am wide awake, maybe hot choc time. Xxx


Peaches, I love the sound of your black japonica rice, I’ve just googled it to check the ingredients, just in case squid ink made it black but it doesn’t, I am going to to try and buy it. It’s sounds tasty and healthy, I could always have it with pork. I think one of the reasons I am fed up with food is this stupid allergy I have, it’s called FPIES, it’s a delayed gut allergy, I have no idea why I got it later on in life, but I go on US sites as they are more knowledgable with it. It’s more infants that have it, our doctors have very little knowledge of it. I just have to deal with it myself, I can’t eat any poultry or fish, legumes or melon. It’s a real pain so I’m always looking out for new food to eat. Think you inspired me there. I will be leaving all my plants in their pots when I move, all too big to come with me. My furniture will have to go into storage. My mind whirring just now trying to work out how I’m going to do this. I will need to sell first before I can even look at property, depending on how much I sell for will determine how much I can afford to buy. Property is selling so fast where I want to live, I will no doubt be homeless for a while till I find the right house. I can’t stay with my daughter as she doesn’t have a spare room, she did make one into a dressing room and another into a study, the other 3 bedrooms are being used. I usually stay when her step daughter is at her mums hence the single bed which I hate. Anyway if do buy and have to wait to get in, I will go and rent in Turkey beside all my friends, it’s very expensive to rent here short term that’s even if I could get a let. Again I might be lucky, it might be a case of being in the right place at the right time, who knows what will happen. Nothing is on the market at all just now since my perfect house got sold. I spend hours just window shopping just now.
I have decided to buy a new carpet for the spare room, the carpet is pretty awful in there now, it’s a small room so I will hopefully pick up an off-cut. My wonderful SIL has offered to lay it for me, I can’t move the sofa bed out the room as it’s too awkward to actually get it out. Being an old house the doors are narrow and the men struggled to get it in the room. So I guess we will just do our best . I might cut the carpet up before I paint it today. I’m waffling at this unearthly hour, not tired in the least.
Peaches, I’m glad you are going to have a “ME” day today, look forward to hearing all about it. I’m hoping once I do the stressful clearing out of my apartment in April, I will book the spa in the hotel and get some pampering. Turkish baths are wonderful, you fell energised after it. I think I will benefit from it. Will get my new glasses in a week, I need to find a new hairdresser very soon. I might see if my old hairdresser still has her salon in my old home town next time I’m up having coffee with my friends. Right I’m getting up, not even going to try and get to sleep now. Almost another all nighter again. Hope you have a lovely day xxxx


Georgi, must be something in the air tonight, we can’t sleep, the rain was battering down here earlier, almost storm like, just hope my bins have stayed upright. I put loads of paperwork in them from the loft earlier, I did rip them up but I’d hate for them to be scattered all over the street. Found ancient bank statements up there Why? I have no idea, I also found an ancient plum line, which I actually do need before I start papering. It must have been a sign, it was just lying on the floor. Now I found a brand new game of High School Musical. I don’t remembering buying that and also have no idea who it would have been for apart from my Grandaughter but why did I not give her it. Also saw a printer box which I thought might be full of Xmas decorations but when I opened it, it’s a brand new printer, I laughed, my husband always liked to have a spare of everything. He probably got it on Amazon Prime day. There is a lot to shift up there but was pleased with the bits I did bring down, I will keep filling my bins up if there is any space in them. First time my plastic bin been full. I hope you got to sleep, will find out later. Take care xxx


Yes - they’re brilliant! There was no way Mary could use a hand potato masher, arthritis as your husband. It’s such a good machine i and my daughters also use the electric ones now - arthritis or not!


Georgi, don’t get shaggy! And don’t let the facial hair get out of control either. I see so many women my age with hairy faces. No, just no! Shave that off. LOL Mustache too. The only hair not growing are my eyelashes and brows.

Lizzy, doesn’t hot chocolate keep you awake? It is full of caffeine and sugar which we use to wake up in the morning, right? Try whole, lactose free, milk. The protein helps you sleep, warm milk is a great night snack and your brain needs the fat and cholesterol.

I see your brain is spinning wildly tonight with all the “things to be done” swirling around. I hope that very soon, you will be relieved of this stress. I have a book to suggest that you might be interested in reading. “The Power of The Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy. In it there are practices which will teach you to manifest the home of your dreams at the right price and at the right time.

It is sorta like this “I have the perfect home, in the perfect place, at the perfect price, my other house has sold for the perfect price and I am content and happy in my new home.” Claim what you want as if it is here already. The first couple of chapters will have you on your way. It is a book that changed my life.

Yes, change out the ugly, dirty carpet, it will make for a poor showing. You will have to move the bed, lay carpet, move the bed, lay carpet. Get an extra strong person in there with y’all, you will need 3.

Much love.


That’s the Peaches i know and love! Feisty as ever!

Mary would be having a fit at my hair. It’s almost an inch long! I did cut it before the funeral so it’s time for another number 1 cut I think. Mary just loved me with really short hair. Will have to wear her dad’s cap to keep warm after I cut it though.


Georgi, I love a Doberman too, but unless you adopt one that is already trained, it could be too much dog. All that we really need is a dog that alerts us to people coming around. Even a small dog can do that. Shelter dogs are so grateful to be rescued.



Georgi, I too love reading Peaches posts - they do brighten our days don’t they? Mind you I love everyone else’s too as I feel we’re all just talking to each other like we’re all in the same room.

Keep your fingers crossed the car sale goes well today!

Wish I could shift this catarrh and cough. I don’t want it on my chest going down to France. I’ve played it down a bit as don’t want to alarm the kids, but will see the pharmacist and get the right stuff. I wonder if there’s anything in the mountain of boxes of Mary’s medicines?

Ah, time to get up for the kids - hope it’s not frosty this morning.

Nigel xxx


Peaches I always drink lactose free milk, but not a fan of plain milk, just a small spoonful of chocolate is all I need . I’m up anyway now. I will look into that book, it sounds just what I need, I will work for a few hours and maybe have a nap early in the day. I’m away all weekend, I think that’s playing on my mind that I’m not getting this room finished as quickly as I would like. I like things done quickly. After this room done I will relax a bit. Just clearing and declutterring to do. I have until end of March to get it done. I’m positive Turkey will be sorted by then, not so sure about the Scottish Courts yet. But I will be waiting to go whenever I get the green light. Hope you have a good day xxx


Nigel, I really hope your car goes today especially with you going away very soon. One least thing to worry about.
If your cough is still worrying you please go and see your doctor, get your chest checked before you go. You might need an antibiotic, I’m the worst person for not going to the doctor and the last time I suffered for months with a chesty cough, it turned into pneumonia, please make that appointment. Xxx


Lizzy - yes I will - as it was a chest infection that turned into Pneumonia that cost me Mary. At least I don’t have asthma or COPD. but I promise I’ll do that.

Thank you for caring! Nigel xxx


An electric potato masher, why did I not know if that. Bit late now I only cook for 1.

Peaches I keep up with my hair as my hairdresser has been doing it for 35 years. She would be heartbroken if I stopped seeing her. I do pluck the face hairs but haven’t done my legs for a while they are so hairy. I don’t know why, it is a psychological thing as they do annoy me. I think it would suggest that someone will see my legs naked and in winter that would just be my husband.

Nigel get that chest looked at before you go. We both know how bad that can turn out

Lizzy, Georgi, so sorry you are struggling to sleep. I once had a Paul Mckenna Cd years ago. His talking hypnotises you. I got 7 hours last night. I dreamt about my husband. When I woke I remembered it all but 5 mins later it was gone. I remembered the end. He was having a go at me for not picking up the clippings in the garden. I had but more had fallen from somewhere. But he was still having a right go at me. Not the best dream but he was in it.

Last night as I was trying to sleep I realised that for the first time I hadn’t cried at all that day. My eyes filled a couple of times but no tears fell. That made me so sad I cried. But when I though about it David would be so happy if I had gone a day without crying. I shouldn’t be sad about it, but it does feel I’m letting him go.

Lizzy the house move is out of your control. You don’t want anything to come on the market now anyway. Spring is the time people do it. Visualise what you want to happen and believe it. You are trying to solve problems that may not arrive. Something I am guilty of too. know how you feel about your husband not being able to drive again. My husband had just had his heart surgery and had recovered enough to start to begin running again. His dream for years. Literally a dream he regularly had. He was so happy when his rehab proved it possible. Just 3 days before he died.

Sun is shining, I better get up. Have a good day.


Lizzy near 5am before I fell asleep, almost finished my book, set my alarm for 9 but woke at 8.30, hope I sleep tonight got wee Alfie tomorrow so need to be up at 05.45 to be organised for him coming xx
I was weepy and thinking of my husband and apologised for things I may or may not have done during his illness xx


Me too Nigel though I didn’t get a chance when my husband was alive it was his gadget and his job :joy: