Yay! Woke to the sound of a reciprocating saw and a barking dog. The fence men were supposed to arrive around 10, but were here at 8:30. By the time I got downstairs, they had already taken most of the fence down. FAST!
Nigel - I am glad to read that the car was sold and has been taken away by the new owners! It is a milestone. I know it is hard to see it not there anymore, but sometimes we have to do the responsible thing even when it is tough. You have done so well with this. It really is just a car, a thing, and things just do not matter anymore. The new owners will enjoy it and it pleases Mary that it is no longer a burden to you and is being happily driven by someone else.
I don’t know what the laws are where you live, however I don’t think you have to pay insurance on a car you no longer own. (I am almost 100% on this) This should be universal and I am pretty sure that you are due a refund of a portion of the payment. The contract of insurance is to protect you from damages resulting from a car you own, when the object is no longer yours, the insurance contract is worthless and payment of something not owed. Get your refund. Call the insurer today.
There is a very nasty bug going around here. Two friends have suffered it for months. It lingers forever. One has been ill since October, now just coming around and still coughing. The other since Thanksgiving in November and still down and out with coughing, weakness and short of breath. Get thee to thy physician!
Lovely butterfly post.
Lizzy! I once did the same with a freezer. Long story short, we were in Canada hunting geese, my husband was called to London to testify in a Lloyd’s of London maritime case, so I dropped him off at an airport in Wyoming (US state bordering Canada) and drove home alone - from the Canadian border to the Gulf of America (formerly Gulf of Mexico). Well, not completely alone, I had 2 huge ice chests full of frozen geese for which I had to make stops along the way for dry ice.
When I got home, I put them in the outdoor freezer. It was September 10. I woke to the terrorist attack on the twin towers of New York and was glued to the television, thinking we had been bombed and were at war. I gathered up a few things and went to stay with a friend in the countryside as my husband’s return was delayed several days due to the attack.
When I returned, the freezer was leaking bloody water. The freezer had been unplugged as it was not in use and all the geese were defrosted and decaying. ICK, ICK, ICK!
So sorry that Valentine’s Day is sad for you all. We never paid much attention to it, we weren’t particularly romantic I suppose. Kinda like we had already said yes to being each other’s lifelong Valentine.
The men are already gone as well as the fence and gates and there are 2 new posts in setting concrete. Less than 2 hours. Fast work. I see no lumber for the new one, but perhaps they are waiting for the concrete to harden. PITA as now The Beast can not be let out without me and a leash.
Step by step. If I had a magic wand it would all be done, but I must have tossed it in the purge. Tried a nose twitch like Samantha in “Bewitched” but alas, nothing.
Funny about advertisements. My mail is from children’s hospitals looking for donations. My husband requested donations to a children’s hospital instead of flowers at his wake. I notified the hospital and they must send our names to every one in the nation. Also, lots of advanced funeral planning brochures, invites to dinner to listen to financial planners, important notices about expiring vehicle warranties, and catalogs for clothing that one needs way up north but not here and, of course, bills.
Soon to the car wash then gas station for fuel. May only get fuel done before hair. Whatever. Just going with the flow and the flow is slow today.
Hope this day is marvelous in some way for everyone and there is something to celebrate, however small.