Peaches, thats a nightmare the freezer not being plugged in, you wont forget that story not with it being the twin towers the next morning, think that is one day all of us will remember where we were that day, just shocking !
Well got my eyes tested and good news is my prescription hadn’t changed but the bad news is I have the beginning of cataracts, not so good xx
Debsie time to get practicing see what you remember from your childhood xxx
Oh thats good something to look forward too, you will have a lovely time I’m sure xxx
Nigel thats lovely what a tribute to Mary xxx
9/11 - Mary’s birthday - so definitely a never forgotten day! We were at our 3 mobile homes in France, closing up for the year! (Don’t have them now as we packed in and bought the house back in 2005). It always affected her greatly every birthday.
I can tell you that I haven’t coughed once all day, since I got up, and the cold/sinus is much better as well. So I’ll see how I am in the morning Peaches. I really am watching this like a hawk, as that bug you mentioned could well have been a very similar bug to the one that Mary had - it all sounds so familiar, and asthma and COPD added on wasn’t good. I’m nothing anywhere near like that. Also medical care in France is superb where I am at least. And I have plenty of travel insurance.
Simply Piano website says 150 dollars (US) - a year. Hm! Might try something else unless the free trial is super brilliant! Yousician you have to sign up for the free version before you can find the price for the full version - I hate that - tell me upfront!
I sold Mary’s violin recently - (used for a murder mystery weekend prop only) but my youngest daughter did play it at the murder weekend, as she had learnt the Viola at school.
Time now for chicken stew, courtesy of my son, and mashed potatoes and sugar snaps. (I bought the mash this time rather than make my own)! Haha!
Have a good evening all you UK guys, and a good afternoon Peaches.
Take care. Nigel xxx
Well Nigel I can say I am still coughing, but after I had covid I coughed for over a year and when I finally went to Gp after hubby and his cancer nurse nagging me the GP made me an app for the nurse to do the test on my lungs and I was told they were in perfect condition hadn’t even lost any elasticity which was rare at my age !
Just goes to show you never can tell, so now I am wondering if it was covid I had and not flu recently !
Oh Nigel that is cheating, no proper mash
I know - but it was cheaper than buying the potatoes though!
I had a bowl of smoked haddock & salmon chowder for my tea( not home made tho) was from a company called Cully&Sully it was delicious with 2 slices of bread & butter, and a yoghurt for afters, no effort needed !
I did a fair bit of walking today got 14,437 steps on my Fitbit today xxx
Oh Peaches you beat me hands down with the contents in your freezer. That’s must have been awful I think we all remember that horrific day with the Twin Towers, I remember the Janitor at the school I worked at it was watching it on his Tv, he told us to come and see it, I couldn’t believe it, thought it was a film he was watching.
I might just keep the freezer switched off to see if I can get by without it, it’s quite new, I won’t have any bother selling it. If I cleared out the one in kitchen a bit better I’m sure I could manage. . Your fence will be up in no time Peaches, I noticed my neighbours fence was down yesterday, it survived the big storm but last night we had strong winds and down it came.
Georgi, how’s your weather, you usually get it worse than us down here, I will need to get up early to put the plastic bin out as I’m sure it will blow over if I do it now. It’s full as well. I’ve been so cold all day, heating and fire on and still can’t heat up. Maybe tiredness doing it.
I’ve spent the afternoon unravelling this ancient plum line that I found in the loft. I did it eventually, I could not cut it off as the string is moulded into the top of, must be good string. I wonder who it belonged to? Xxx
Georgi, I’m very impressed, that’s a lot of steps. I had a pork curry tonight, too much choice but will prob throw the rest of dinners in the bin. Your dinner sounds nice, I will need to do a shop when I get home on Monday, start making some dinners again. Xxx
Lizzy it was a nice morning, a little bit of rain in the afternoon but didn’t last though it was cold I didn’t feel it with all the walking I was sweating xx
Ive never had a pork curry, usually chicken, mind you I grew up eating a lot of pork, my mum worked in a factory that produced pork products and they got to buy stuff every Friday cheaper so that put me off pork as an adult xxx
Georgi, everyone seems to have had nice weather apart from me. Glad I got my eyes checked yesterday,. I’m in bed with my hot water bottle and blanket on, still can’t heat up. Holding a very weak tea as well.
Had an email from my Turkish lawyer an hour ago, I panic every time I see these emails. My nerves are shattered. It was an ok one confirming that I am selling and telling me he hopes to complete the probate very soon and will be in touch with me.
I will be so glad when this is all over with and I can get on with my life. The good news is that it must be someone with a UK bank account. I was worried with the exchange rate I was going to lose out a lot. It’s great for us taking English notes over but not the same doing it the other way round. But at least I have a paper trail and a lawyer on board. I had to prove where the money in my account came from when I paid half this house. It was a divorce settlement and had to show them where it came from. I’m still not celebrating yet, anything could still happen in the Turkish Courts. Keep your fingers crossed for me. take care and night night xxx
Wow Georgi glad you got a good walk. Did it make you feel better? Hopefully you’ll get a good nights sleep with all that exercise.
Nigel, thank you for letting me know that you are are the upswing, being cautious and will have excellent health care in France. I worry.
My dearest/best friend’s birthday was also 9/11. She passed at 48.
You tube is full of free piano lessons.
I have a piano! Took 2 lessons. Should get a laptop or something to watch the lessons and play at the same time. Maybe it is time to get into 2025 and up my tech? Whaddya think?
Applause to all of you for taking up music again or even for the first time. Good job!
Ooo, Georgi, good on the walking today! Don’t you feel great having done it? I don’t know what chowder is, never had it, but am glad you enjoyed yours.
Lizzy, it was a contest I wanted to win and the trash removal guys didn’t celebrate. Absolutely have son in law put the freezer on those selling sites. You do not need a whole separate freezer. 22 years with a fridge/freezer combo when I was young and didn’t miss out on anything. Bye freezeee freezer!
Can you make a plumb with a big nut tied to a string and some chalk/talcum/flour/face powder? We are outside the box thinkers, right? Plumbs need to work or what is the point? Launch that plumb into the bin.
Deep breaths. You are spinning again. It is all going to work out in the end. I know it is nerve wrecking waiting, waiting, waiting, especially when you are so eager to GO. Concentrate on getting your home “show ready” so you will get many offers and can take the highest bid. This is your job until Turkey is settled. Just the one. The lawyer has his.
We are all waiting for the other shoe to drop without realizing both already dropped.
Yes, I did! I filled the car with fuel, got it washed, went to the salon (teared up a bit on a particular subject), got beautiful. Then I walked across the street to shop at a grocery store I’ve never been to before.
Before leaving the salon, my stylist being aware of my baby steps, hugged me and said “oh, you are going to get so many compliments! Go show off that new hair”. “In the grocery store? No one will notice.” “Yes, they will and if anyone asks who is your stylist, give them my name.”
I walked 2 blocks like a lioness. The store was very busy, packed with people and everyone was happy, friendly and chatting with each other. A woman came up to me, complimented my hair and asked me if I would share the name of my stylist as she had just moved back to the city and all her contacts were no longer around.
I’m taking my stylist to the race track.
The woman also asked for a dentist. I have the best! So, I shared that too.
When I got home, after reading a text that the fence men would not be back for 2 or 3 days, I was wiring my brain the whole way home trying to figure out potty time without a fence, at night, in a yard full of holes and decided that the front yard on a pinch leash would be the solution.
They erected a temporary fence.
All in all, a darn good day. Nothing horrible happened.
The fence man wants to buy an art deco wrought iron, one of a kind, daybed that I pulled out of the flood and sludge of Katrina and was “gonna restore” for the last 20 years. There is a history with that piece.
I ate tortilla chips for breakfast at 4:30p while driving, a salad for dinner and Tootsie Rolls for desert. I really think the salad makes up for the garbage. Don’t you?
Tickled pink that I have nothing on the calendar tomorrow. May be time for a trip to the mechanic shop. When that is settled, I need a mani-ped. My feet are like hooves and may fingernails are raggedy.
I’ve been a widow for 20 weeks. Today. Have come a long way. Still a mess, but more capable of functioning.
Let all good things happen to everyone.
Much love
Georgi, I did sleep for about six hours, feel good although been up since 4am, if only I could have slept another 2 but I’m happy.
I was never a fan of pork, but as I can’t have chicken anymore I’ve trained my brain into thinking pork is my chicken now. I love roast pork, my husband loved pork, he used to make a lovely pork and apple casserole.
Peaches, what’s a tootsie roll? Never heard of them. I used to make my own bread, not made any for a while now.
I could just imagine what your bin must have smelt like with the remnants from your freezer. We used to go fishing for trout when I could eat fish, I found it very calming till he caught one and killed it. he used to smoke it, it was the nicest thing ever, I only caught one once but it got away, didn’t have the technique like he did. but gutting the fish and even wrapping it up well before putting it in the bin was not pleasant, our bins only get emptied once every two weeks, three for the non food ones. I hate to think your was like with the heat you have. I think I have a love hate relationship with our refuse centre workers. I’m sure they rush and close off that container every time I enter it. Once they opened one again, he directed me to the opened one and decided to help the woman behind me??? At least they left their hut for a short time, there was quite a queue building up, if they came and did their job sooner they wouldn’t have to close them all up. No doubt I will be back today again. The car is beginning to drive itself there and back now, I’m getting good at it, just need to drive a bit further now, that’s my problem.
My plum line is working perfectly now, I have the straightest line on my wall ready to start papering today, that was after googling how to work it lol. My dad used to be a decorator, he painted everyones house but his own. I had to do my own bedroom if I wanted it done. He did show me a few tricks of his trade over the years. I remember he used coloured chalk to do his plum line. They don’t seem to do it that way now so I did it the way I watched it being done on u-tube.
I bet you felt great coming out your hair salon, I haven’t felt this way with mine for a while, I need to find a new one, would yours do a home visit to Scotland? My hair has got really thin lately, must be all the stress causing it. Been putting this serum and using products to try and make it grow. Not sure it’s working and it was expensive but I will keep using it till it’s finished. Any tips for hair growth anyone?
Have a lovely day everyone, maybe I will fit a walk in today, I hope you slept well Georgi.
I was in a similar position and had to wait 5 weeks due to my mother-in-law getting a visa from Zambia , it was awful to wait that long so I understand your predicament .
Yes it’s terrible , you feel in a daze and everyday you miss that special person and the nights are worse .
I hope things will gradually get better for you, it will hopefully for all of us .
Lizzy hopefully it all goes through smoothly for you, will keep everything crossed for you xx
It all sounds promising so lets hope it goes without a hitch xxx
Lizzy, yes, I do have a hair tip. Give your scalp a nice scrub with baking soda every 4-5 weeks. It exfoliates and invigorates the scalp cleaning out the build up blocking the hair follicles. It will feel a bit dry, but only condition the ends of your hair. Not your scalp and do not do it right after a color, wait until you need a refresh.
A Tootsie Roll is a chewy chocolate candy. Almost like a caramel, but a little more dense. I could eat a bucket of tortilla chips right now and it is 2am. It’s jaw tension that make me want something crunchy. So, I have something to relief that.
The Beast ate my night retainer. Apparently, they are delicious. Rightly so for the price.
Love all.