Two weeks of widowhood.

You had a busy day Peaches, and definitely sound more like the Peaches we know, whats the chance of your hairdresser saying that about your hair and someone actually complimenting you asking about a hairdresser, amazing :scream:
Yes I was pleased with my step count yesterday and slept better last night too so all good xx
My chowder was a thick delicious fish soup, very filling and I am sure you would love it Peaches xx


Lizzy I sure did sleep well, but up early for my grandson, only thing is poor baby has had a sickness bug all night so mum is keeping him close today xx My friend is coming to visit this morning to meet wee Alfie hope shes not too disappointed .


Peaches I forgot to say, I popped into my hairdresser to make an appointment, thats on Friday so I’m looking forward to that xx
Im lucky with regards to hair on other parts, I no longer get hair on my legs and only get a couple of hairs now and again under my chin, guess I’m lucky xxx


Peaches, I will give the baking soda a try on my scalp, it’s sometimes the simplest things that work.
Now you are talking my language, a tootsie roll sounds just up my street. Here was me thinking it was a fancy bread roll :rofl:.


Lizzy do you take vitamin D. Most people in UK are deficient in winter, older people even more so, and Scotland even more so. I take it for migraines. I was taking the higher dose one which is 25 whatever but was then told I should be taking 100 which is 4 tablets. I take 2 as a compromise though as its winter. Its supposed to help hair follicles. Also helps moods.


Georgi, good morning, glad you had a good sleep, it really does make a difference. Hope your grandson is ok, there are such a lot of bugs going around.
I’m having my breakfast just now. I put up my first strip of wallpaper, took my time and I’m pleased with it. I just hope the next bit goes up ok, my walls are not the greatest, I’m glad I spent the time prepping them.
Have a lovely time today xxx


I was very low on vitamin D . I get my bloods checked every six months by my haematologist because of my blood cancer and she prescribed a double dose of it. I’m down to one dose of 1000 now. Seemingly the NHS will only let us get checked yearly to see if it’s ok. She told me to take it for life now as it does keep dropping. As much as I love the sun I can’t sit in it, I have to wear factor 50 and a hat, got diagnosed with lupus a day before I was going to Turkey for two months. I just have to be careful and that’s one of the reasons I’m low on it. I’m really hoping when all the stress goes away my hair will start coming it. I’m trying everything just now. Take care xxx


Lizzy as I said before I have done the wallpapering since I got married and you know what Ive never used a plumb line :flushed:


Well Lizzy - I don’t want to sound like a nag but pot noodle for dinner is not going to help. Make sure you are eating well and getting all the vitimins you need. Sermon over. :slight_smile:


Peaches, thank you for your concerns. I feel even better this morning. It’s 9.30 am here, and I’ve already taken my daughter and grandson to school, (she’s assistant head at the same school as her son) - got signatures on two documents from the other executors, been to the grave and put the Butterfly there in front of the flowers. It looks nice. I know the graveyard attendant quite well, as I thanked him for keeping everything looking good around the graves last November. He’s been really friendly, but I haven’t seen him for a while. This morning, again, he made a point of coming to talk to me, and I told him I was going away. He said he’d keep an eye on the grave and remove any dead flowers for me. So kind! The weather here is sunny but fresh so that was a bonus. I didn’t stay long but will go once more before I leave for France.

That’s so young Peaches, I’m really sorry about your loss of your friend. My youngest daughter can’t handle 9/11 as she was on the phone to a guy in the tower when the first plane hit. He could see it coming and sadly he didn’t make it out.

I hadn’t even thought about YouTube – but great idea Peaches. Yes – definitely upgrade your tech!

That’s a lovely story about your hair and the compliments you got – Mary always felt so much better after having her hair done. You were obviously meant to meet that other lady.
As long as it’s not tortilla chips every day – it really doesn’t matter – some days we need to just do whatever comes up.

The Beast really is a mad dog!

It’s a bit strange seeing my car where Mary’s was always parked, but I’m really glad it’s gone now.

Lizzy, well done with the plumb line – that makes wallpapering so much easier I think. I bet you’re pleased with getting the first piece up, that’s the one that defines the positioning of the rest! Mary was the decorator in our family – although I did do some as well - she really enjoyed wallpapering and emulsion painting but hated painting doors and skirting boards. So that part was always mine to do!

Georgi, I’ve a couple of jars of Soup de Poisson in my cupboard – maybe I’ll have that later today? I’ll need to get some rouille, to put on the toasted bread though. That’ll get me in a mood for France. Looks like a wet, sleety drive over the weekend, so I’m glad I have 4 wheel drive. I really need to have a shave today – Mary would be nagging me rotten and I do look a bit like Daddy Pig (or is it Grandad Pig) with all the stubble!

Debsie, I think I need to look into the Vitamin D – it’s never been suggested but I’m not sure whether my GP has actually tested me for any deficiency. I’ve had lots of blood tests but it may not have covered that specifically.

So what does today hold? I’ve run out of decaf coffee and the supermarket didn’t have any in stock, so I ordered from Amazon late last night and it should be here by 3.00pm. With the forms signed, I’ll now be able to deal with the massive £4.00 in Premium Bonds and claim the BT pension owed to Mary from 1st to 17th November, because the bank returned the complete November payment when they became aware of her death. I wonder what else they’ve returned and cancelled that I don’t yet know about. I’m currently waiting for statements for all Mary’s accounts to be able to check! Then I’ll need to pick up my daughter and her son from school as her car is in for a service. Lastly, I have a webinar this evening with the NHS in South East London about helping build a service fit for the future. 2 hours long so having that soup will make timing easier I think.

I think that’s enough for one day, but I would really like to varnish the cross for the grave. I’ll see.

Hope you all have a good day today.

Much love. Nigel xxx


Debsie, lol I was having a bad day and the pot noodle just jumped out the shelf. I am having a plate of home made veg soup just now. I’ve slowed up in the room, my 80 year old sister called me to say she had a fall but is ok so she says, only in pain when she walks or lifts her arm. Her partner is with her. I told her to get it x-rayed but she never does anything I tell her. Still ploughing on with the papering, did a tricky bit with a bump in wall, light switch and round the window at the same time. It’s not perfect but it’s passable.
Back to work again, next but should be easy.


Don’t try to do too much in one day thats when things go wrong Nigel xxx


Here here ! Well said Debsie xxx

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Yes Lizzy thats sister’s for you never listen or they agree with what you say then do the opposite :joy:


No I won’t Georgi. I’m mostly done for today now. I’m just going to buy Aioli sauce to go with the fish soup as making Rouille looks too much for today! Tomorrow is a ‘pack the car’ day, so I’ll get things ready by lunchtime then pack in the afternoon. It looks like it’ll be wet on Friday and packing in the rain is just … YUK!

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Good advice Debsie xxx

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Nigel for sure you don’t want to be packing a car in the rain ! I had my friend round today so didn’t get such a long walk it was after 3 before I got out for a walk (8577 steps), will need to to do better tomorrow xxx


Georgi, I’ve done that too many times before, so am definitely trying to avoid it this time. I won’t have too much to pack this time - no cases of materials, sewing machines, or hair care and make up etc. and for me no loads of DIY stuff as everything needs to be bought in France once I know what I need.

Mind you I really wish I did have to take all Mary’s things too!

Just finished a 2 hour webinar of NHS change as set out by this Government on their 10 year plan. I managed to point out the number of people, particularly men, dying from heart attacks and other things, and how important annual health checks are to us all. I hope they take that on board! My local are are puching these already which is good.

Now for some fish soup!

Nigel xxx


Well I nearly finished my room but my friend from Ireland FaceTimed me so we chatted for two hours, it’s like being out with her, we both had a drink and talked about our wonderful memories of Turkey, I had lasagne for dinner and I will finish the room tomorrow. I love talking to her, we used to sit in our balcony all night till the mosque started singing or praying. We had loads to talk about. I’m really tired now although it might be the g & t I’ve had. Isn’t it nice when you can talk to real friends who are grieving as well. She really misses my husband. We had a wonderful 12 years. Xxx


4 months today. And although the days or months mean nothing to me I have a real downer of a day. I had a fairly good nights sleep. Sun has been shining too. No reason to feel worse. Just when I feel I have a handle on this grief thing it just slips away. I think it was tidying the garden that did it. My husbands pride and joy. He spent so much time in the garden. My son asked if I could mind my 5 year old grandson for an hour, and I really couldn’t wait for them to go. Everything is just too much effort. Even watching the tele. Please let tomorrow be better. Sometimes I just don’t have the strength. It sounds like you have been having a good day though. Lizzy you have got me thinking that maybe a cherry brandy might help. I’ll give it a try.