Millionaire shortcake you’ll have to try it not always the same taste as recipes differ.
But give it a go Mmmmm.
I agree Nigel if it looks ok and no smell I will use it, don’t go by dates, I think those dates benefit the supermarkets more than us ! Hope you get everything packed into your car and don’t forget anything xxx
Lizzy when I get a call from unknown numbers I answer and say nothing 9 times out of 10 they hang up and I think to myself that was a dodgy call or its a call centre, neither of which I want to talk too xx
Nigel, you are nearly there, I’m pleased for you, my husband would have his case packed the week before, I’m the night before I go. I used to stress him out leaving it to the last minute.
Well I’ve finally finished the room and I’m really pleased with it. I was going to try and lift the carpet up but don’t think I’d manage the sofa bed so I think I will be sensible and wait till I can get help.
I’m a bit lost now, been all round the house with my paste brush checking and bits of wallpaper needing stuck, found a few little things that needed filling with plaster so I’ve done that. I’m at a loose end now. When you start looking closely it’s amazing the things that you see that are just not quite right. Need to stop doing that. Filled the car with more junk, will wait till I’ve found some more then do a dump run.
The sun is shining here and my porch is roasting, first heat of the year today. My solar panels are loving it.
Just got another email from my Turkish lawyer, my heart did another little jump, but it was ok, I was a bit worried the way the last one was worded but this email cleared it all up a bit better. He was just reminding me to bring all the keys over with me. So so sad, I envy you Nigel going to France, I hope I don’t regret selling but I need the money to move on. You must have time on your hands if you are having a wee shot on your piano, good on you. I’d love to do something like that, too old to learn now.
I might make a choc cake to take over to my daughters, that will make a nice change from painting.
Take care xxx
Debsie I too have had the beginning of a migraine all morning, taken painkillers used a forehead balm thats really good if you catch it early, its still there in the background but I will go for a walk soon cause fresh air sometimes does the trick xx
Hope yours doesn’t come to anything, they are so debilitating ! Take care xxx
Debsie Have you tried a cooling eye mask you can keep in the fridge. Just don’t forget you have it on and go out.
Georgi, you are probably right, not had a call today, must have been a scam.
I think I’ve forgotten how to relax, I’m all over the place, feeling guilty that I’m not doing anything. Will write a list of things that need done, for some reason I can’t do the man cave today or the loft. Will clean the kitchen floor, I found 4 Aprons behind the door in kitchen, all funny ones but a bit grey looking, I had to bin them. I’m so glad spring is on the way, the sun is shining here today for a change and it’s helping my mood. Still can’t sit still lol, having a nice latte and a Kit Kat.
I hope you are ok. Xxx
Lizzy - the best laid plans! Ha! My friend turned up and I’ve not yet put a thing in the car - now 5.30pm. So it’s either pack it now in the dark, or hope for good weather in the morning. But it’s saying prepare for rain. Great - I wish I hadn’t taken time out on the piano now. Grr.
I’m sure you are doing the right thing as you need to sell to move on, I hope I still feel I can keep my house long term, but with the kids loving it so much, I think that’s the only sensible option.
Ah well - I think it’s finish getting the final bits into the hall, and get the larger items in now. The a Pizza (normal Thursday night meal for us) and maybe leave the rest until the morning. It can’t rain all day can it?
Enjoy your evening everyone, and your morning Peaches. Nigel xxx
Hope you are all ok this evening. I am feeling a bit better now. Migraine drained me, had to have a nap this afternoon. Did get my cakes made. Had a bit of a strange sensation this morning. I was walking to meet a friend when I had a real longing to see my parents. They are long gone so have no idea where that came from. Got quite upset and had to wipe my eyes a couple of times. But then I felt full of love like they were near. All evening I have been smelling smoke. I’ve checked the house and outside. My dad was a smoker. It maybe part of the migraine but it’s a nice thought that my dad may be near.
The fence men were here at early thirty and finished by noon. I have 2 sturdy, working gates and about 25 feet of fence replaced now! Yay! One more “thing” that really needed to be done.
Next up: window and sheetrock repairs. All interior work -
Feeling darn good about my progress now. Many BIG things are on the “done” list.
Taking it easy until it is time for Dog College. So many worries are off my shoulders and so happy I don’t have to dress for class.
Debsie, odd isn’t it? The persons I want to talk to most everyday is my momma and daddy. I need their advice and their unconditional love and support. I feel them around sometimes too.
Rained a bit today. I kinda hope it will rain later and class will be canceled. The hermit lives large in me.
I honestly never thought I would feel calmed again, but I am almost there. Twenty weeks of panic is over as I am only mildly concerned about things like windows, batteries, dead gardens, recliners and wall repairs.
Love to all.
Thank you all for your kind messages.
Day four of radiotherapy and it’s quite sore and my shoulders achy.
Dad came home from hospital!
The bank helped Nancy sort out her card. Now she’s off in Nottingham telling me she’s going clubbing and I’m freaking out…
Bon voyage. Drive safely Nigel. And wow, for the Piano!!!
Isn’t there a story about some tins that were found that were from the first world war when they opened them up? The contents were perfectly okay?
At least the beast can’t get out now Peaches! The fence between mine and the neighbours is down. My cats don’t like going outside at the moment because next door‘s dog is very loud and barking in their garden all day.
I have Wifi. Wow, I have Wifi.
I think one of my sisters is coming up to help out.
Of course there’s nothing stopping you from visiting Turkey on holiday anyway Lizzie. Whether we want to or not none of us can put our lives on hold. And if one thing has been learned from the death of our spouses that is life is too precious to wait around. Do it now! Maybe this is your chance to visit different parts of Turkey that you’ve never been to before.
I understand how you’re feeling and the key to my old house was really hard. But I really got a sense now me being all around me here in my new home.
The radiographer was so kind to me yesterday when I could barely walk or even dress myself. Today, many of them came up to check I was alright. I was much better than I have been.
Take care all
Kt xxx
KtG thats great news that your dad is home, and your daughter’s card has been sorted out, yeh it is a worry when they go out clubbing for the first time, but I’m sure she will be fine, but its a mother’s job to worry, my 2 are in their 40’s and I still worry about them but now I have grandchildren too to worry about, the eldest of whom will be 20 next month. But you also have to look after you too, what your dealing with is not easy.
Take care xxx
I’m glad you are feeling a wee bit better, just take one day at a time. I used to worry when my daughter went clubbing, it’s natural for us to worry about them. I also worried when she came home every weekend as she just passed her driving test and had a 2 hour drive to get home. She left after her dinner on a Sunday night, I worried again. She is a very confident driver, much better than me. I worry about her driving on our dark roads when she visits. She doesn’t understand my fear of driving. Glad your daughter got her card sorted. I will try and go on holiday if I can afford it when everything is sorted, it will be very different. I don’t mind travelling on my own, it’s what I do when I get there, going for dinner on my own could be a challenge.
Well another night I can’t sleep, I’ve got a lot on tomorrow, I’ve set my alarm for 7am, my new glasses are ready so I will get the bus early and go and get them before I go to my daughters for the weekend. My bag is packed,I just wish I could get in the car and drive there but hate the roads to her house. Maybe one day?
Take care xxx
Debsie, glad you are feeling better.
My friend in Ireland is always telling me she can feel my husbands presence about, she can see his smirky smile around her. Apart from strange lights going on and that might be nothing, I’ve had no signs yet, no dreams, I wish I could feel something. People do say there is a smell around when spirits are with you. They are looking out for you, that must be a comfort.
It’s very strange that we get excited about fences and rooms being finished lol, gosh that a very high fence you have in your yard. We are only aloud a five foot fence in ours, we have very odd rules set by each areas Council. .
I’m glad you are calm now, I don’t think I will be calm till the probate is over and done with. I couldn’t even relax after I finished my decorating. The weeks are going in a lot faster than at the beginning, maybe because I’m keeping busy, I still go to say things as if he is still here or if I hear news I say, oh I must tell him that, then realise he is not here anymore.
I must try and get to sleep now, another boring book coming up.
Good evening, take care xxxx
So many readers here. Let’s share what we are reading or the names of book that others may find enjoyable. Do you read fiction, non-fiction, love stories, heroine stories, detective stories, spy stories, sci-fi, thrillers, historical, true crime?
Oh, Lizzy the fence is not 25 feet high! LOL You made me laugh at my miscommunication. Sorry, but thanks for the laugh. No, I don’t live on the border. I had 25 feet of a 6 foot High fence replaced. Haha! It is very, very nice too. They built some great gates for me. Doors have metal pipe frames holding them together and are held up by custom made, very sturdy hinges, all welded. I am going to give him the rusted daybed, just because he did a great job and didn’t try to rip me off or do a pissant job. I’ll never refinish it, maybe he will.
New glasses! Yay! I no longer feel very confident driving at night. Maybe because the car is black with black/saddle interior, and the dash is full of lights, but the oncoming lights are like sparklers. Cataracts. Not so bad as to require surgery. I tried to have it done, but that is another story.
KtG, so happy that your dad is home and on the mend. I know it is a huge relief.
Yep, I would be worried sick if I had an 18 year old daughter going clubbing and of legal age to drink alcohol. I kinda hope she gets drunk as a skunk, even snot-slinging drunk, feels like she is dying for 2 days and never, ever touches booze again. Do you have a tracker on her phone?
Canned goods are good well beyond the expiration date. That date is how long the flavor will be at 100%. They lose flavor, but are not harmful to eat unless the can is dented, rusted, poofy. Tomatoes will rot the cans and cause leaks - don’t keep them too long.
Glad your WiFi is back and that you are getting loved on at the radiology center. I am sorry that you are feeling poorly as a result and hope is doesn’t last too long.
Nigel, have a safe trip. I know it is going to be hard, but you can do this. I hope you meet up with old pals and enjoy your days in France. I would, even sad, France is lovely. I am sure it is a beautiful drive. Will you take the ferry or the tunnel?
We did quite well in class tonight. The Beast learned to sit and stay as I walked around him, leash in hand. He was entirely too interested in butts to pay attention and walk properly in the circle. He is in love with a little sweetheart named Shiloh, and she him. He only shifted gears once. My bad, he used his nose and I was holding back the paws. He is a hot mess.
My husband is so happy that The Beast is getting some training and that momma is getting some too. I’ve treated him like a toddler and not a dog, but am learning dog language, how to use it and why it works.
Got a huge packet from the CPA. No idea what to do with it. Don’t care. I pay him to help me. So. . .
My darling little, tiny, fragile BFF needs a heart valve replacement! I am sick over it! It is not just a bug, her heart is failing and needs repair right away…
Just got a couple of minutes before getting up and trying to get the final things in the car. I was hoping not to have to put the back seats down but might have to do that!
The soup was in a glass bottle so there wasn’t any chance of a leak or rust. Sensible French!
Had sad news from my son yesterday - their 18 year old English Blue was in such pain they had no option but to take him to the vet. Came home without him so now the family is devastated. Quite strange that his company, Hector & Bert, lost both Hector the cat and Bertie the dog within the same week.
Good to hear all your news and will try to catch up a bit later. Thanks for good wishes re the drive tomorrow.
Much love everyone. Nigel xxx
Peaches 7 weeks before my husband died he had his heart valve repaired. 5days after the first attempt they found it hadn’t worked and had to redo it. He had open heart and twice in one week I thought things couldn’t get worse. Some people don’t need open heart surgery then its a much simpler procedure. I’m an expert on it all now. It helps if they are fit beforehand. My husband was walking 6 miles 6 weeks after. The scar was impressive and he showed everyone if they wanted to see or not. He was a heart warrior.
Safe journey Nigel.
Nigel, Safe journey xxx
Peaches, I laughed at my error on your fence, 6 feet sounds normal lol. My brain is fuzzy this morning with tiredness and I probably didn’t read your last post properly. Cataracts and astigmatism now, optician told me I won’t see very well if I drive at night, I don’t do that anyway, at least I have a good excuse not to drive at night. I wonder if my new glasses will help. Getting the next bus to go and get them. I had to get the anti glare which seemingly helps astigmatism as well although I already had that in my last pair which didn’t help driving at night, I couldn’t see clearly. Now I know why.
We have a heavy frost here this morning, I thought it was snow when I looked out as everything is white. Need to go and get my boots and coat on, some sunshine will hopefully come out later but certainly not as hot as yours.
Take care xxxx