Two weeks of widowhood.

My husband had aortic valve replacement 12 years before he died. He was fine after operation and didn’t contribute to his death.
Lots of hugs Linda 2 xx


silverfox I have the cooling eye patch, I also have a freeze cap its great & does give you some relief, I will try anything, anyone whose suffered migraines will do the same xxx


So,sorry to to hear about your son’s dog Nigel, its tough when we lose them, he lived to a ripe old age tho so thats some consolation xx
Have a safe journey Nigel xxx


Goodness both of us diagnosed with cataracts in the same week, mine are small so no referral for op yet, but the waiting times up here are horrendous, in the words of my optician and I wanted to say well refer me now cause time it takes to get an op they will be bigger!, I hadn’t had my eyes tested for 3 years and was really pleased when he said my prescription had not changed, but then he hit me with cataracts!
Lizzy enjoy your weekend xxx


Peaches I am reading a book by Nadine Dorries who was a Conservative member of parliament here in UK, its called Downfall about the self-destruction of the conservative party!
I asked for it at Christmas because I had just finished her previous book “The Plot” which was about how some of Boris Johnson’s own ministers plotted to bring him down as Prime Minister and I really found it very interesting, I was a big fan of Boris, bet not everyone on here will feel the same lol ! It was really awful what they did to him though whether you liked him or not! I hasten to add I have only ever voted conservative once and that was when Boris became PM x
But I think if people took the time to read these 2 books they would find them both interesting and shocking !
The other book I got at Christmas was Boris Johnson’s own book ‘Unleashed’ his account of his time in politics, I look forward to reading that next xxx


Georgi you seem to like biographies. I like fantasy, books that are a little different and cosy crime books. I can’t read the crime books I used to read, too intense. Love the Richard Osman books and ones set in the past, Deanna Raybourn does great ones of them. Also like the supernatural ones, Phil Rickman is good on those. Elizabeth is missing is a great book and really captures dementia. I really enjoyed that and the Midnight Library. Also the Night Circus. I have a ridiculous amount of books to read. I will never live long enough ton read them all and I still keep buying them. Still there are worse things to be addicted to.

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Georgi, those books sound very interesting. I like non-fiction as well. We have 2 major political parties here: Republican and Democrat.

The 3 I’ve enjoyed most recently are: “A River in Darkness” written by a man who escaped North Korea; “Empire of the Summer Moon” about native Americans; and “Death in the White City” a fascinating true story of a serial killer in Chicago during the building of the 1892 World’s Fair. An older book, “Pillars of the Earth” is worth a re-read.

Nigel, I love a road trip and hope you enjoy yours, even just a little.

My husband and I had a 42’ long motor home in which we traveled. It was like having one’s own apartment on the road. We spent 6 months a year traveling, 3 in spring and 3 in fall. I never wanted to return home, I could live in that motorhome. Life is so easy living in 320 square feet of space. His open heart surgery ended that fun and we sold “Tank”. But, we loved him while we had him and we had the best times and met people in Canada and the states who are still friends today.

Today is house cleaning day and I will toss at least 5 things. The Beast and I will take a long walk, but I will drive us to some place new as we need a change of scenery.

I know many people have had valve replacement surgery and done well, but my little friend is fragile and already broken. She broke her neck at 13, had a double mastectomy and total hysterectomy due to cancer at 30, got shot and was crippled by a robber at 33, has an eye disease threatening her sight and now a heart monitor and this surgery coming up. The heart issues are the result of radiation at 30. I worry.

Making split pea soup today, trying to use up some of the ham I bought which is sliced too thick for sandwiches. Freezer meals!

Feeling good! It’s been so long since I felt normal.

Hope all of you have a wonderful day.

Love to all.

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Peaches your road trips sound like so much fun. We have a tiny campervan, the bed is only 4ft wide but it was cozy. Really a glorified tent. One of the things we were discussing was hiring a motorhome and travelling across America, visiting the national parks. You have the roads to do it on over there. Here the roads can be very narrow and you don’t want to have to back up anything too big. We had a road trip around Scotland 4 times, our camper was perfect for it.


Peaches, I read a lot of boring books to help me sleep, I like romance, comedy. I used to read Glasgow Crime Books by the author Alex Gray, I was really surprised it was a woman that wrote these books. I read TV presenter Lorraine Kelly’s autobiography, I only did that because I used to work with her dad. I think I would enjoy reading Boris’s book as well, that would interest me.
How many times do I have to throw the ball to my daughter’s dog, she never gives up. Think I will curl in her bed I’m so tired.
Still to take my grandson to Scouts tonight, this will be my fourth bus of the day. I hope I sleep tonight. Have a good day everyone xxx


Debsie I bet you have wonderful memories of your road trips. The scenery is breathtaking. I wonder if you had visitors from our Scottish midgies, lovely little blighters. Xxx

We tried to avoid the season, usually visiting in May. But once we were waiting for the Harry Potter train to go over the Glenfinnan Viaduct. Camera was at the ready when all of a sudden it felt like thousands of needles pricking our legs. There were some Americans there and they were so confused as you can’t see them. They couldn’t work out what was happening. We had to laugh. Our spray was in the van and we didn’t have time to get it. They are vicious blighters. Someone from Chile who was walking the West Highland way asked us how the hell you dealt with them. David persuaded him that it was your national animal.


Debsie, visitors must think we are a strange race, we have a weird sense of humour. Between our little haggis’s running about the fields, monsters in our lochs and these nasty little blighters that love sucking our blood. No wonder we have a reputation for drinking, it keeps us sane :rofl::tumbler_glass:.
Well 1st night nearly over and I am knackered after a no sleep night, we waited for the bus to take my grandson to his Scouts, it didn’t come, bus broke down so we had to walk in the dark then walk back. Got into the house and realised it was time to leave again to pick him up. We walked back down then lo and behold a bus came and took us home. He made me a delicious hot chocolate and gave me a Kit Kat . I really needed it. At last I have a double bed to sleep in. The dog will be grateful I’m not taking her out a walk, she refused earlier, way too cold for her, thank goodness. Tomorrow we are going shopping and hoping they might want to go to the cinema, I could sleep in there. If I don’t sleep tonight, there is no hope for me. Dreaming of my bed, wonder if I could leave them and just go to bed? Both 11 years old.
Take care xxxx🤗


Debsie I don’t normally read biographies but i found what happened very interesting and I wanted to find out who the main culprits were xxx
I do normally read crime novels xxx
How have you been today xxx


Peaches did you see the film Killers of the Flower Moon, my friend and I went to cinema to see that in homage to both our husbands (who passed within 6 weeks if each other) they both were fans of Robert De Niro, I thought before we went its over 3 hrs how will I stay awake, it didn’t finish till after midnight, but it was such a good film , heartbreaking for the native Indians, I was in tears at some bits and the time went by in a flash and I didn’t even feel tired as I normally do at the cinema x
Oh my goodness your friend has been through so much that is so sad, how does a person get through all that xxx


Lizzy I will let you know if Boris book is good once I finish Nadine Dorries book, just about finished, thats the thing when your enjoying a book you read it faster because you cant stop reading , just me and the cat so I get plenty of time to read xxx
Enjoy the rest of your weekend xxx


I was laughing at that story Debsie, Im not a fan of “midgies” as we call them up here but i have never been bitten by them don’t know why xxx
I hope your feeling well today xxx


Skin all over my right breast and chest area is now red. My shoulder join is aching And I’m quite tired. But compared to what I believe other people have come through it’s really nothing and I’m so lucky to have had this caught so soon.

Both my little chicks home! I’m so happy!!!

Good reading
Read this awhile back - might be cathartic

All the lonely people by Mike Gayle

You can get it as an audiobook if your eyes are struggling…

Kt xxx


Forgot to say Peaches got my hair cut today, boy what a difference she didn’t take enough off last time and thats no good because my hair grows so fast but its a good cut this time and I’m delighted, its the only thing I get done, I know it may seem weird these days but I have never had my eyebrows done , I tidy them myself, my nails don’t grow long they’re very soft and break easily, I blame my job in nursing then caring , constantly washing my hands ! So getting my hair done is only thing I do And I’ve only ever once worn false eyelashes and I was constantly distracted by them the whole evening, so I am a very low maintenance! :rofl::rofl:


Georgi today has actually been an ok day. I feel calm today, which is surprising as I have a 90-minute drive tomorrow in the rain to see my son for the weekend. I really don’t know why I didn’t postpone the visit as it’s meant to rain all day. I am surprised that the nerves haven’t gotten the better of me. My lovely daughter in law said that if I get a migraine, she can take me and pick me up on Sunday. I couldn’t ask her to do that. I had a little walk, but it’s so cold and everywhere is so muddy. I have done a bit of piano practice, and I think it’s going to be a long journey to getting the basics. I will persevere. I also sent an email offering to help at the local visitor centre at the nature reserve. Really looking forward to seeing my youngest. He is the sweetest boy, I should say man as he is 30, but he will always be my baby. I have booked for a meal out at the local pub but looks like we will get wet walking there. I hope you have a nice weekend with your cats. I do miss my Charlie. I lost him last year too.


Awe KtG so sorry to hear that, its tough going but you will get there, easy for me to say I know. But your family around you will make all the difference too xx
How is your dad doing ?
Did your daughter enjoy her night clubbing, silly question, if course she did xxx
Hang in there KtG your doing amazing under the circumstances xxx