Ktg it doesn’t seem fair that you have to go through this after everything else. Your children must worry too. And it isn’t nothing. You deserve some good news. I hope you and your family have a good weekend.
Georgi I’m low maintenance too. Never had a wax. Only had my nails done once and when it was removed my flimsy nails were wrecked. I’m a little tempted to have eyebrows done as they seem to be dissappearing but I have no one to impress now.
Oh Debsie Im glad to hear that you had a good day, and good you’re going to visit your “baby” that will cheer you up no end. Hopefully you can get there without rain, fingers crossed!
Well done on persevering with the piano, I had no interest in playing an instrument when I was young, I do love listening to music ( well I did before I lost my husband now most music makes me emotional and I do miss it , i always went walking or weeded the garden with my airbuds in, but not now, maybe some day when it doesn’t hurt so much, saying that it will be 2 yrs on May 1st, I sometimes think i won’t ever get over it !
Roll on summer this weather is depressing, in Scotland it feels like the weather is miserable most of the year, we barely get a summer these days, this is not what I had in mind when they first spoke about global warming, yrs ago I thought yes finally we might get some decent weather in Scotland how stupid was I !
Hi KtG it must be tough going through your treatment but just hang in there its going to make you well again xx
Hope your shoulder pain eases xx
I will see if I can get that book on my kindle, the 2 books I got for xmas are hardbacks, a lot heavier than the kindle to hold and I like reading in bed lying on my side can’t do that with hardbacks !
Enjoy your weekend with your family it must be great having them home xxx
You won’t believe this went a walk with my neighbour yesterday and ended up in a shopping centre, we came out of one shop we both bought a couple of things there then came across a stall outside the shop doing eyes and nails she said mine are due to be done and went and had her eyebrows done while I sat and watched, and I thought to myself i’m 67 and never had that done and she is 85 next month, I had to laugh she also has lovely strong long nails naturally and goes to a salon to get them done too xxx
You can always get a natural manicure without polish, just a clean-up, shape, nourish and polish. Get the pedicure. Just do it. You will not regret it. All the rough parts get gone. Winter is hard on nails, oil them a lot. Petroleum jelly works wonders overnight, rub it into feet and hands, slip on cotton gloves and socks and sleep in it.
I’ve never had a wax, it just sounds painful and no, I’ll pass on pain. Haven’t enough eyebrow to wax anyway. Why didn’t they tell us that plucking our brows razor thin in the 60’s and 70’s would haunt us one day?
The certified documents arrived today! Quick turnaround. I just mailed them on Monday and they’ve arrived on Friday. Love efficiency.
Next week I can start changing names on stuff and sending out checks to heirs. Moving along.
I saw my nephew, his wife and their adorable kids at the grocery store, they were on their way to a friend’s house to play board games. Family Friday night. Delightful.
Could not muster much today except pay the contractor. Blah. Just blah.
Hoping to go out for Mexican food with my sister in law tomorrow night, but I can’t eat today. Not hungry for anything.
Another hot day in the house. I have the windows open to cool off the house. Texted my A/C guy. It was 89 degrees on the third floor. Of course. That is where my bedroom is.
I did no purging, no work anywhere, nothing. Watered the indoor plants and fed the pets. That is as much as I could muster. I need help in this house.
And, I am going to get it. The search begins for a Handy Man, a housekeeping service, and a landscape company to remove these dead trees and plants. This while having window and sheetrock repair inside and the beginning of a new bathroom installation, then painting the entire interior - all after the purge. Then, I can relax.
Oh, I need a chill pill.
Good night all.
Love to everyone.
Ktg. I’m glad your chicks are home, it’s a relief isn’t it. At least you will get a couple of days break from your radiotherapy, I used to tick every day off when my husband had his, he had to stay in hospital for his chemoradiotherapy, it was an all day, all night apart from getting un- hooked up to go down for his radiotherapy. My husband even with his laryngectomy would talk to everyone. They all knew him, when he got kept in hospital for his last two weeks treatment, I went down with him, people kept telling me how lovely he was when he went in for treatment. Everyone is very supportive, one day at a time, I ticked every week off and was so pleased on his last day they let him come home. We were very lucky we had cancer volunteer drivers that took him for his treatment and brought him home, they were all so lovely, all of them had a story to tell, perhaps losing someone close. I really admire people that do this as I couldn’t drive to where the hospital was. Enjoy you weekend, take care xxx
Debsie, The big question is, are you driving today, it’s very frosty where I am but the sun will hopefully come out later. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you, my life would have been made easier yesterday if I had taken the car. I had an email this morning saying my car insurance is due. £400+. Is it worth it, that me with only about 3000 mileage low driver, it seems a lot, but can I be bothered going online and changing it. I did it last year and it turned out to be same as everyone else.
Slept the minute my head touched the pillow but woke up at 3am, did manage to go back to sleep till 6am so I do feel better. This house is so warm, the heating is on all day and night. My bills would be massive if I did that. This is a new house and probably more efficient than my old house.
Georgi, I’ve had my eyebrows done once when my daughter got married, I have very fair eyebrows and you don’t really see them, my daughter gets hers done every month.
Since I had chemo, my body hair didn’t really come back which I’m very grateful, my nails need attention, although I did wear gloves, they are soft and have peeled off at the top. They are a real mess, I might get a strengthner at the shops today to see if it helps. I’m sure it was my picking and scraping wallpaper that did it. Hopefully I won’t be doing that again for a while.
Peaches, my lovely friend, what can I put on my splitting soft nails, you are a wealth of knowledge. My daughter usually does my nails, I bought her the machine last Christmas and it saves her a fortune and me. She does the gel nails and they last about a month, they look great and dry instantly, no smudging like yours did at the salon. She even has the right stuff to take them off, I hope mine strengthen and grow before I go away in April, I will get her to do mine again. The last time I had them done at a salon was her wedding, like you they put so many layers on and they didn’t dry, I smudged one on way to hotel, luckily her bridesmaid had nail polish remover and I bought the same colour at the salon and had to redo it which was lucky.
My lawyer sent me another email to say the sale of my apartment should be completed in the next week, so that’s good, although they are prepared to wait to get the keys till I get over in April to get personal things out. It will be another thing off my mind, just need to hear from the courts which he also said could be another week, fingers crossed.
My grandson just came to tell me the dog is crying downstairs, hope my hearing isn’t going because I didn’t hear her, I didn’t want to wake anyone up as I let them stay up a bit later than usual last night. I’m still in bed. I could take that dog home, I really love her.
The house next door is sold, that only took a few weeks to complete so that’s good news, it needs a lot of money spent on it, they bought it very run down but have to move so didn’t complete the renovation. Just hope I get top price for mine. Our Scottish Courts are a joke the length of time is taken to get my paperwork done. Turkey will be 3 weeks max, I thought it would have taken months to complete over there. Glad I decided to deal with the Turkish side of it myself.
Well another week in, can’t still believe it was the 5th October he passed, so much has had to change in those months, how did we get through it?
I’d better go and see if the dog is ok, have a lovely evening xxx
Just boarded - and sailed - got an earlier ferry so that’s good, but the drive was tough! Not a moment without thinking of Mary. Trying to hold back the tears but can’t! N xxx
The opposite of Mary, Georgi - but then I wasn’t paying so I was happy that she was happy. The last time I went to a barber it was 2/6d! Some hope these days. Did mine myself yesterday, so that should last until I get back from France. N xxx
Debsie, Mary had the same problem with her eyebrows si had the tattooed instead. They did look good, but women shouldn’t have to do all this to impress. I’m sure you were all beautiful au naturel to your husbands, and others. N xxx
Nigel, I imagine I will be the same on the plane to Turkey in April, everything is so difficult but once you do it this time, the next one will be easier. Take care and it was good to hear from you. Xxx
Yes I guess so Lizzy. I just felt a bit stupid - 75 and sitting in the Club lounge with tears running down my face! Probably no one noticed - no one said or did anything so hopefully they didn’t! N xxx
Having a right panic. Not only rubbish weather but just checked my route and the road to my sons is closed! It routes you right through several towns before sending you through the centre of Leamington Spa. Am trying to be brave but now wondering if someone is trying to tell me something.
Prove to them that you can still do it Debsie!
Just arriving in France, so I’ll be “off grid” so to speak for most of the day until I get to the hotel. So have a good day everyone.
Much love to you all. Nigel xxx
Lizzy 28 ,Debsie 1.
Nothing like the Scottish humour to lighten a moment not so much the midges.
This is a welcome place to come when the
low moments hit us, always a discussion that catches you.
Take care
Well Debsie you have options either you go for it and hope that it’s not as bad as you imagine, which we all know things usually do turn out better than we imagine! Could you still take up your daughter in law’s offer? Or is there an option of bus or train ?? And finally you could stay home which I’m sure you do not want as your so looking forward to seeing your baby xxx
This msg is a waste of time really cause by now yo will have already made the decision lol !
Take care Debsie whatever decision you have made xxx
Yip silverfox we have such a warped sense of humour up here
Nigel if anyone did notice they probably would have realised you were probably on an emotional journey for some reason and likely guessed it being the loss of a loved one xxx
67 is just another number my wife didn’t start getting her nails done untill she was 65 and she had long nails started going with our granddaughter Georgie and went regularly after that, go on give it a go.
Well, i have arrived. Roadworks everywhere. But I did it. Feeling rather exhausted now. Trying not to worry about the trip back tomorrow. Forgot my toothbrush.