My dog did not get his Friday shower. It was my turn. I couldn’t possibly learn anything right now. The dust is never ending as I stir up so much. Purge, then clean. Purge, then clean.
I filled a giant basket with wonderful shirts that are too big for me now because I’ve lost nearly 50 pounds in the last 2 years. Off to charity.
Emptied a drawer of drawers - toss. Nice ones too. Oh well. Too big.
Giving my nieces all of the costume jewelry that I have from aunts, grandmothers and my mother. They can keep or toss. It doesn’t matter. None of it does.
On my list: try on at least 5 questionable things in my closet and take a good look in the mirror to decide “keep”, “donate”, “toss”. Five turned into 20 try ons and 30 items were purged due to duplicates. Some were painful to give up, but they swallow me. Someone else can enjoy them.
It would have turned into a manic cleansing, but for the welcome interruption of a phone call from a good friend who helped me to laugh for a bit about the craziness of our past lives and careers. She is struggling with health issues, but still calls to check on me.
My second monthly widow’s pension check arrived. I nearly collapsed at the mailbox. Second MONTH? Been spinning ever since. It seems like last week, not 6 weeks and 5 days. September, October, now November. All a blur. Life is so alien now. Nothing is the same.
In the US we will celebrate Thanksgiving on the 28th of November, always the 4th Thursday of that month, so dates vary from year to year. It will be my first without my husband in 26 years. I will be alone to watch the parades and snuggle my dog. My friends are doing family reunions at their summer homes full of children and grandchildren and dogs. My family will be out of state, or with in-laws. My SIL is flying out for 10 days to visit friends.
Just me and this hobo begging to go outside again.
Much love.