Debsie 1
Do you have a Flintstone car.
Debsie well done you must feel proud of yourself, and toothbrush can be purchased at any supermarket, now enjoy your time with your so xxx
Bon Jour, Nigel! Well done! I am sure it felt like you were pulling away from Mary as the ferry sailed away. Wherever you go, whatever you do, Mary will always be with you.
Debsie, well, aren’t you the one? You made it despite closed roads and detours obstructing your route and throwing roadblocks in your way. We have survived the loss of our husbands, we can overcome anything thrown at us. We are lionesses.
Lizzy, first - never get fake nails. Second, take your vitamins. Pre-natal vitamins will make your hair and nails grow. They are available here and are labeled “Pre-natal”. Third, get clear nail hardener polish. The brand here is “Sally Hansen”. It will help to stop the peeling. I would not get gel.
Some of the paint on the floor of the car port is peeling away. The painters came today with the contractor to try to figure out what happened. First, they didn’t use the brand I requested. Hmmm, that could be the issue.
New Orleans is all abuzz. The Superbowl will be played here this weekend and President Trump will be in the house! After the New Year’s terrorist attack during which 11 people were killed by a speeding truck ramming through the crowd, the security is ramped up to the nines. Roads closed, helicopters swarming trying to pick up any nuclear devices, 12 law enforcement agencies coordinated to secure the city. Soldiers with machine guns patrolling and guarding the French Quarter and 3 miles around the Super Dome where the game will be played.
All entrances and exits to the interstate highway will be closed when Trump arrives as his motorcade will zoom from the airport to his hotel unobstructed and surrounded by a motorcycle escort of LE from departments all around.
All is well.
Love to all.
Yeah! Well done Debsie. I knew you’d smash it! You’ve done it once - second time should be easier. At least you haven’t got the MAD French drivers to contend with!
Just arrived at the hotel, basic but clean and fresh and good for one night! Nearly ran out of fuel and battery power in this recently bought hybrid car - about 20 miles from the hotel so had to top up with motorway price fuel - don’t like their prices! Talk about range anxiety! I don’t know whether I’d want to go full electric after that first long drive! I think part of my tears this morning was we were due to come down the day Mary died and she’d been so looking forward to the drive in the new car.
Thanks everyone. Much love, Nigel xxx
Nigel cry away! I did for the first 3 months. Tears just dropped out and slid down my face.
Even now they still do just lest often. This is a significant trip for you and your emotions will be high.
Struggling with my back today and makes it all the harder to deal with the normal.
Breast and shoulder aching.
New neighbours been in contact. Do I introduce myself as a widow?
Lack of empathy from the kids…
Trying to keep reminding myself that this is happening to them too. Struggling to find the positive energy.
Well done Debbsie for the drive.
Debsie I am so proud of you, I would have gone home, well done. Enjoy the rest of your night and don’t think about tomorrow xxx
Peaches, that must be so exciting with everything happening around you. I hope it’s on Tv, I will watch it and think of you. I’ve been out since 10am this morning and just on bus heading home to my daughters. We are all shopped out and will have to take the dog out a walk before it gets too cold. Looking forward to a quiet night in now. I did buy nail strengthener OPI. I’ve heard of your make but not sure I would get it in the shops here. This one was £22 so hoping for miracles, take care xxxx
When I renewed my car insurance I had to increase the mileage as it’s me doing all the driving now in just my car. It actually went down in price - apparently a very low mileage is a higher risk to the insurance company ??
Jody, that’s good to know, I might up mine and see if it goes down xxx
Ktg, Now there’s a question, I honestly don’t think I’d introduce myself as a widow, I’m not sure. They will see you are on your own, I could be facing that problem myself in the future. Let me know what you decide.
Please don’t be suffering, get help from your doctor. Do you have a specialised nurse like the McMillan nurses? My husband had two of them who were really nice, I usually had to take him in after I called them. They always knew it was bad if I called them as my husband never complained. The hospital he was in was a Specialised Cancer hospital, if you were concerned about anything you could tell them at the reception that you needed to talk to a nurse or doctor and after your treatment, you waited in a waiting room and was always seen. You should look into it. You should get help with your pain. Take care xxx
McMillan nurses are real angels they help with all the stages of this terrible ilness. They are a real comfort.
KtG. Thank you. I’m certainly doing that today! They’re just running down my face. I can’t even face going out for anything to eat. The nearest restaurant is just 400 metres away, but a good 10 to 15 minute walk as there’s no way to cross the main road anywhere near the hotel. There isn’t a single one my side of the road either. It’s wet and freezing too. I don’t think I’ll stay here again, unless I feel like a drive to a restaurant. Can’t face the mad French drivers tonight, nor the happy people out for a Saturday night dinner. I’ve some biscuits and chocolate in the car, a coffee maker and some non alcoholic beverages, Guinness and Nozecco, so I won’t starve. There’s going to be a good breakfast too. Hopefully I’ll be ok and my eyes won’t be so red by then. I just didn’t expect it to be so very tough tonight!!
But I have to get through this so I don’t spoil the kids holidays in the summer.
Several anniversaries, good and bad, this week don’t help!
I know my kids miss their Mum, so much, but I’m sure they don’t quite get how I am, as I try not to let them see too much. They’ve enough on their plates already without me adding more. I hope they don’t phone me tonight!
Hope all your pains get better soon. If it were me, I’d let the neighbours know, as they’ll better understand if you cry, or don’t want to talk, meet etc at some point. Only down side is if she is a jealous type and how good looking he is!!!
Peaches, thank you too. I know she’s here in spirit, but she was so excited to be coming down again last November. This trip feels like that one, even though we’d have come here now as well. So it’s rather taken me back to day one. In fact day one was actually easier, strangely.
I think a cup of decaffeinated coffee and an early night is called for. But I bet I’m awake in the night as usual.
Much love to everyone. Nigel xxx
Yes Nigel I agree!! Many yrs ago I was in Paris with my daughter, geez take your life in your hands if you wanted to cross a road !!!
Nah KtG I wouldn’t, but thats because I don’t like the word widow, I will always be his wife xxx
Oh Nigel, I hope things improve. I too am finding it emotional at my sons. Doesn’t seem right that David isn’t here. I’m not feeling well either. Could only eat half my dinner. Not sure if it’s the migraine meds, or my tummy or stress. Trying hard not to let him see me upset but have had a few wobbles. Only 9pm but I am truly exhausted. Really want to go to bed but want to spend the time with my son too.
Ktg, I wouldn’t offer any information unless it comes up. I hate any sympathy.
You learn all sorts on here. I will check out the mileage thing on the insurance too. I have tried the sally hanson nail strengthener but I think my nails are beyond any help.
Do you guys wear your rings?
I wear mine and his on my other hand.
I guess that’s a give away?
I will always wear mine i love her and always will.
Ktg, I will always wear my rings, his wedding ring is a bigger version of mine, we got them both made in Turkey. I did wear his ring round my neck till the funeral then I put it beside my bed and kiss it every morning and night, I tell him everything that I think he would like to hear. Maybe a bit weird to some but it’s how I cope. I also hate the “widow” word, I was filling in this form and couldn’t bring myself to tick that box. Maybe in the future but not just now.
Take care xxx
I have never taken my wedding ring off since my husband slipped it onto my finger and never will. I married for life - my life. The engagement ring is worn only when I go out. My husband’s ring is way to big for me to wear. When he lost so much weight, it no longer fit and, afraid of losing it, he stopped wearing it altogether. Maybe I will have a piece of jewelry made with it. But, that is so far down the line.
Nigel, go walk in the rain and get a hot meal. Are biscuits what you guys call our “crackers”? I can’t imagine eating crackers and chocolate for dinner (well, I can, but you shouldn’t) - go eat!
My A/C guy sent a man and 2 of the 3 non-working units are blasting cold. The other needs a new compressor and it messed up the other 2. I don’t ask. I don’t want to know how that happens, it’s too complicated and I am on a “need to know” basis. As long as there are A/C repairmen, I don’t need to learn.
Wrote letters and checks, put them in stamped and addressed envelopes all ready to be sent to heirs on Monday. Some will be so surprised! Only one knows ahead of time because we are great friends and when the papers came, I called to tell her.
Yummy Mexican tonight! I wish this little restaurant had margheritas, but they do not have a liquor license. I could use a giant frozen one.
Slept great. Woke early. All showered, shaved, hair washed and styled, make-up on, and dressed before 11 am. It is a new widow record.
When I meet people, there always seems to be a moment when I can slip in “I just lost my husband” usually right after “how are you?”. There are responses of "so sorry ", “thank you” and I change the subject asking them about themselves.
I am starving and have 1.5 hours to go before dinner. I am never starving. Anticipatory hunger knowing I have delicious food coming soon?
Kitchen clean. A/C repaired. Checks to heirs. DONE. After dinner, I 'll change sheets, get some laundry going, and clean Stray Cat’s condo.
My niece is supposed to come in next weekend and pick up her things from here. If she doesn’t, they are going on FB marketplace, the thrift store or the curb - depending on my mood.
KtG, I am keeping you in my prayers. God is the healer.