Debsie How good is that, so funny, I can relate to all of it.
I’m thinking of taking my car to get valeted in the next town, only 10 min drive. If I could get someone to come to the house I would do that but can’t find any.
I saw a carpet online which I’m taking a chance on, reviews look good and it would finish the room perfectly. Chickened out driving to try and find an off cut so will double measure it again tomorrow and get it ordered.
I do like a Ginger snap for dunking in my tea, golden crunch I love, I’m struggling to find one I don’t like, maybe those pink wafers, they have no choc and are a bit tasteless.
Nigel, I imagine it will take a while to heat your house up, even when I get home tomorrow, it will take mine ages to heat up even putting central heating on and the fire, I must admit I’m getting good at lighting my fire. Great with the coal. Logs not as well. I’m never sure I’m taking the seasoned ones out the log shed, apart from them being a bit lighter it’s hard to tell. I only have three bags of coal left and I’m hoping to sell the bunker when it’s finished but I need to use up my logs as there are tons of them.
How did you feel walking into the house? I’m dreading it as I know it will be the last time I will ever be in it.? It’s good your family will use it as well. Turkey made it very difficult to let friends and family use your property, we had to register with the police and let them know names and how long they were staying, you would also get taxed more as well. We had to be there in the apartment to avoid all that. Wasn’t worth the hassle.
Hope you sleep well tonight xxx