Two weeks of widowhood.

Debsie How good is that, so funny, I can relate to all of it.
I’m thinking of taking my car to get valeted in the next town, only 10 min drive. If I could get someone to come to the house I would do that but can’t find any.
I saw a carpet online which I’m taking a chance on, reviews look good and it would finish the room perfectly. Chickened out driving to try and find an off cut so will double measure it again tomorrow and get it ordered.
I do like a Ginger snap for dunking in my tea, golden crunch I love, I’m struggling to find one I don’t like, maybe those pink wafers, they have no choc and are a bit tasteless.

Nigel, I imagine it will take a while to heat your house up, even when I get home tomorrow, it will take mine ages to heat up even putting central heating on and the fire, I must admit I’m getting good at lighting my fire. Great with the coal. Logs not as well. I’m never sure I’m taking the seasoned ones out the log shed, apart from them being a bit lighter it’s hard to tell. I only have three bags of coal left and I’m hoping to sell the bunker when it’s finished but I need to use up my logs as there are tons of them.
How did you feel walking into the house? I’m dreading it as I know it will be the last time I will ever be in it.? It’s good your family will use it as well. Turkey made it very difficult to let friends and family use your property, we had to register with the police and let them know names and how long they were staying, you would also get taxed more as well. We had to be there in the apartment to avoid all that. Wasn’t worth the hassle.
Hope you sleep well tonight xxx


That is so beautiful, I have tears in my eyes, glad the grandson upstairs playing with his x-box. The dog has sensed I’m upset and is trying to lick my face. You are very talented.
Take care :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Lizzy - Mary was definitely the pyromaniac of us two! And yes, It’s a flint built house from early 1800s so takes ages to get properly warm. I’ve put the fire on in the bedroom and the electric underblanket. But the quilt looks like a summer one, as we were last here in August! I might be getting the hot water bottles and even Mary’s fleecy pyjamas out! That will be a sight.

I stopped in the village to gather my thoughts and feelings, and dry my eyes. Then went for it! It wasn’t as bad as I’d thought it would be, and I was more concerned about bumping into the neighbours before I was ready to meet them. Luckily none were out and about, and I feel pretty calm and happy. Did have a tear in my eye as it was so dirty from being closed for 6 nearly months. So I set to with the broom and dustpan, and lighting the fire. That was all I needed to be able to cope. A couple of glasses of Pastis probably helped!

We have similar requirements, but they don’t seem to be enforced. I will always be here if the kids are coming anyway as it’s a bit quirky, and they’d struggle with that and my automation of many things such as shutters!

Hope I’m warm enough, but there are extra quilts and blankets here.

Much love. Nigel xxx


Debsie I remember those toilets in France, my son was desparate on our journey towing the caravan. We stopped at a park, found a toilet and he shouted through the door, someone has stolen the toilet lol, (hole in ground.) Turkey still has a few toilets like that, I never go into an old cafe till I’ve sent hubby to check the toilet. Even now in Turkey you can’t put toilet paper down the toilet which I think is disgusting. Most have a bin beside the toilet. Yuk.
Weddings nowadays are far too extravagant, my wedding only cost £3,500 for 50 people, 3 course meal, no photographer, we just asked everyone to send us their photos, husband made the flowers for my Maid of honour and flower girl who was my granddaughter. My daughter’s wedding was in a posh hotel the year before and was around £30,000. The marriage only lasted a year . My first marriage was on a budget in 1974, we didn’t spend a lot either. We stayed the night in our flat, we had no carpets, no pillows, very little furniture, young ones don’t know how lucky they are xxx


Ok. The ionic air purifiers have been on since 6pm yesterday. I woke up with clear sinuses, no post nasal drip, no sneezing and 5 hours later, still none of that. So far, I think they work.

Back later to read up. It’s nap time now.


They do seem to work then Peaches! I could do with those for my sinus problems by the sound of it. What make are they, as I may be able to get them on Amazon, even here in France?

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Oh Nigel that was beautiful I am in tears, just amazing well done you xxx


We paid for our own wedding, my husband worked loads of overtime to pay for it it was in a hotel that no longer exists, can’t remember now how much it cost but we had a lot of people there some I didn’t even know ! I was a student nurse at the time and couldn’t contribute much!
We stayed in our flat the first night, no honeymoon but the following day on a whim we caught a train to Edinburgh and spent a few days there, our wedding day 15/1/1976 a lifetime ago now xxx

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I found them on facebook Nigel, £19.99 buy one get one free Clairu Ionic Air purifier is the brand I got on facebook, they have bigger bundles too Think Amazon have different brands of similar items xx


Wow, it’s so lovely hearing about your weddings. I’m now back living in the village where we had our wedding reception.
£30,000 seems an incredible amount to spend on a wedding. Ours was eight years ago and I think it cost us about £9000 which seemed a huge amount of money. I better start Saving for the future weddings of my Children then!!!

I think we should agree to avoid politics on here. I certainly cannot agree with your sentiments about either Trump or Elon Musk. I respect everybody’s right to have their own opinions, but I definitely don’t want to be arguing About politics with people who have been so wonderfully supportive over the past few weeks and months. There Are so many other things that we can talk to each other about.

We had a machine used to spray a light mist of water into the atmosphere, which was to help with my husband‘s asthma. I’m pretty sure that we had to put special water into it. But we didn’t have it for very long before he was admitted to hospital. Is that what your machines do Peaches?

Of course the French have always called the two holes in the floor of the Turkish toilet. Most Turkish households have a normal toilet in the bathroom and a separate two holes in the floor toilet- the Turks really like their toilets and they consider them to be cleaner because you use a water spray to wash your bottom rather than put paper into a bin.
Oh the terrible toilets I’ve been to around the world! Bangladesh, India, and as for the toilet in the Sahara desert with the lions just over the top of the hill well!


Thanks for both posts Georgi. I put it on my family WhatsApp and my sister called from Sydney to make sure I was ok! I convinced her I was. She thought I’d written it today rather than a few days ago, and just posted it today. Everyone is so caring.


Ktg, my friends house had two toilets, one normal and one Turkish. One of the restaurants we went to was just fully renovated, the toilet was state of the arts, they still had a big notice not to put toilet paper down it. They did employ a cleaner to empty the bucket a lot as it was a very busy restaurant. The toilets flush great as well, toilet paper very thin. It’s a strange one. We only had one toilet, only put a new bathroom in last year and a new kitchen. Someone else will benefit from it, so sad. Xxx


Nigel if you search for it will bring up the air purifiers I purchased.I do think the help.


Lizzy, I finished my book now going to start Boris Unleashed, but its going to be tough it is so thick and heavy !!


KtG there is no need to argue we just agree to disagree and leave it there, everyone on here will have different opinions on all sorts of things but does not mean they will argue about it xxx


Georgi, I read everything on my iPad. It means I can read in bed and don’t have to switch a light off. I usually end up with the iPad on top of me when I fall asleep, ready to put it on when I wake up at stupid o’clock. I’m not sure I’m going to get to sleep tonight, this bed not comfy after the double bed. That’s my daughter just home, the dog will be going crazy, hope she goes back to sleep.
I will need to do a food shop tomorrow as my cupboards are getting low. My husband would be horrified as he had the cupboards full. Hated running out of anything, I’m even down to the last toilet roll lol, we always had tons of packs even before covid, I don’t think I’ve bought any since he died.
Well I’m off to read my boring book to try and put me to sleep.
Night night xxxx


Lizzy, I normally read on my kindle, no weight to them but these books were xmas presents that I asked for xx
My husband was the same about running low on things, and he was obsessed about having a stock of kitchen roll xx


Thanks Georgi.


I do like to keep a stock of things too Lizzy - 18 kitchen rolls, 36 toilet rolls and 250 coffee pods in stock here in France, so why did I run out of cassoulet or even ravioli?


Nigel, they are called LabCharge. I found an ad for a sale, 6 units for $159. All the ads seem to be different. I have not sneezed once today, my sinuses are not running like faucets and my nose is open . I have no idea if the air smells better, but I certainly have noticed a difference and I noticed as soon as I woke. My head was clearer. I have had the robots running, and fresh sheets before, but that didn’t stop the runny nose and sneezes. Too busy dusting to know if I will see a difference in the accumulation of that. They are not for bathrooms. It is very dusty outside. My car is covered again. So far, I recommend them.

I also highly recommend the robot vacs. They pick up a lot that you don’t see. It is not a deep clean or strong suction vac, just a brushing up of the debris and sucking it into a catch bin.

Tried to polish the wood floors a bit. The Beast wasn’t having it.

Tomorrow I will go to the post office and a totally different grocery store. I think the A/C man is coming, I don’t know - can’t remember. The mechanic may come for the SUV, I don’t know. But, I have a pile of paper to go through and filing, filing, filing, shredding, shredding, shredding.

My manicure lasted 3 days. It was nice for a minute though.

Oh lovely, the news is reporting that our new airport’s runways are sinking. Strange since they were built on goo without pilings as that would be too expensive. DUH.

I did not watch the Super Bowl. I was busy tidying up and whatnot.

Old address books? Toss.

I had the perfect wedding, I would not have changed a thing. Married in The Desert Inn Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, with immediate family and best friends attending. Yes, a destination wedding. We paid for our families, friends paid for their own flights and rooms. My dress was perfect, my husband’s tuxedo was elegant, my bouquet was giant floppy white tulips.

We had a huge balcony overlooking the pink and lavender desert, a champagne hour after the ceremony and then a five course meal for 22 as a reception. It was scheduled so that everyone could take in a 9:00p Saturday night show.

We arrived on Thursday night (after a full day at work), got the license on Friday, I got sick - a tummy ache, but 2 of our guests were physicians, so they had “stuff” to fix anything, married on Saturday and home on Monday afternoon.

We went to England, Scotland and Ireland for our honeymoon in November.

I bought the first dress I tried on, picked the least expensive wedding ring in the showroom, and didn’t care if anyone came with us or not. It cost $5K which my husband won back by playing craps. A net zero wedding weekend. We were quite happy with it all and I could not have asked for a better day.

Oh, to be so happy and in love again. If we could only go back in time. Sigh. Before illness, surgeries, bad prognoses, and all the rest.

Love to all.