Two weeks of widowhood.

Yes Peaches if only!! And your wedding did sound fabulous xxx

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KtG the air purifiers I bought work by emitting negative ions, no idea how that works but they do seem to do the job. My persistent cough I have had for a while has eased too, could be coincidence but you never know, certainly is easing the dust in the 2 bedrooms xxx .


Good afternoon Nigel, I can’t believe you are another hoarder. I got a lift home from by my son-in-law which was great, painted a few bits that were annoying me, filled the car with more junk, went to Tesco, did a shop. Posted an item that I sold this morning and went to dump, I am now taking it easy and writing everything I have to do. My son-in-law went and looked at a carpet for me, sent me a pic when I was at the checkout in Tesco, that always happens to me. He has offered to fit it for me. I was 10 minutes away from ordering it on Amazon and I was going to try and fit it but he has saved me the bother.
House is freezing because I’ve been away since Friday, will take a while to heat up. I’m tired and cold after a no sleep night again.
I hope your house has heated up now, did you sleep well ?
Having a restful afternoon now


Peaches the dress I bought for my first marriage was the 2nd cheapest in the shop. The one I wore 12 years ago was the dress I wore to my daughters posh wedding, it was quite fancy for a mother of the bride dress but I feel I got my moneys worth wearing it again. My Maid of Honour wore the dress she wore to her son’s wedding. We were both wearing a similar colour, a kind of heather taupe colour. I bought my granddaughter a new dress again a similar colour. We all looked lovely. After the waste of money spent the year before for my daughter’s wedding, I was determined to do it just as good without the hefty price tag. Our food was 100 times better than hers as well.
I love what you did for your wedding, I bet it was great, I saw a few weddings when we were there a few years ago, they looked like a lot of fun. All we have now are happy memories, no one can take them away from us.
Take care xxx


Yes Lizzy you definitely can have a lovely wedding without the expensive price tag.
If I was a young person nowadays I would not waste that amount of money on a wedding thats for sure, after all its just one day xxx


Lizzy forgot to say the dresses you all wore sound gorgeous to me, and great you got your money’s worth out of your dress too xxx


Oh my Nigel you are obsessive with your hoarding :rofl:


Thank you Georgi, now that I think about that dress, I should really try and sell it, it’s in the furthest away corner in my wardrobe that you can’t actually see. I won’t ever wear it again. In fact my friend went on a strict diet for a month before my wedding, I had to help her into hers, it was a bit of a struggle but she did it and looked great.
I’m wrapped up in a blanket, so cold but I get like that when I get no tired.
My daughter bought me a lovely gift for looking after the grandchildren, it was a box of chocolate strawberries from Harrods, I will treasure the bag alone lol.
Hope you have a nice afternoon xxx


Lizzy, Mary would have said I was, but the back bedroom, front bedroom, and sewing room - and utility room have virtually nothing of mine in any of them!

They’re full of Mary’s sewing materials, her clothes, all her sewing machines etc. The utility room was next on Mary’s list to redo, sort, chuck and reorganise! So once the dining room is cleared, I’ll gut the utility room, tile and decorate and do the sorting.

The dining room - well that’s mostly joint - it’s the stuff that was put into storage when we redecorated the lounge. I was going to unpack a box at a time, but with things the way they are now, it didn’t make sense to keep on paying the storage, so I brought it all back at once. I was expecting to clear it all before Christmas but didn’t appreciate how much admin there would be to do in the meantime!

But … my office and workshop ARE another matter! So I’ll admit to those. My wise old dad always said, never throw anything away, as you’re sure to need it tomorrow.

I’ve got the kitchen up to 16 degrees - positively tropical! The rest is slowly getting better. Before I come home I’ll turn on the heating and hot water remotely, so that it will be all good before I get there! Can’t do that with a wood burner though!

I forgot that the quilt on the bed that was made up from August would have a summer quilt. In fact it’s hardly a quilt at all, more like a thick sheet. But with the electric blanket and fire on all night I did get it aired and did in fact sleep well other than an hour or so.

I went shopping for food (and wine, pastis and Scotch whisky) but found it a complete drudge. Normally I enjoy shopping - I know most men don’t - but I kept seeing things Mary would have bought, or things I might have bought her, and of course all the Valentines Day stuff! She’d have been showered with gifts from what I saw today!

That’s really good about the carpet - and your son fitting it. Mine wouldn’t have a clue! :rofl: They’d be getting me to do the fitting.

Hopefully your house will warm up quickly as it’s only been a couple of days - mine has been 6 months so the three foot thick walls are cold right through.

I’ve not started the shower yet - that’s for tomorrow, as I wanted to sort out Mary’s things first. Rather oddly it was not hard to do. I just need to box things up to take home to deal with, unless I can do some of that here.

Have a good afternoon and evening Lizzy. Nigel xxx

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Georgi - I do like to make sure there’s plenty of stock here, in case there isn’t room to bring it later. But without all the sewing gear, there’s much more room in the car, so I’ll be able to reduce the stock a bit. Loo rolls here are just c**p, and I can’t get my coffee pods here as most are expresso, and I like a good mug full! I usually buy the kitchen and loo rolls in Makro on a BOGOF basis, but they are always big packs. Hence the stock! I note what I’ve got so I don’t bring even more!!!

Have a good rest of the day.

Nigel xxx


Nigel hearing of you in your holiday home is making me miss mine. We had a cabin in the lake district. We had it for 10 years but decided to sell it and use the money for some truly amazing holidays. We only sold it last August the week of Davids open heart surgery. Never got to have the holidays. We used to let the cabin but I had a cupboard which we locked that I could leave things in. It was so good not having to take everything up each time and like you I used to keep a list of what was there and what needed restocking. When I visited my son this weekend I forgot my toothbrush, hairbrush, hat & gloves. I would have had most of that in my cabin. If we hadn’t of sold it I would probably not have kept it. It was at least a 4 hour journey and on a bad day as much as 7! The last roads were very narrow and windy. If it was reachable by public transport it would have been different. It was on a privately owned estate all the cabin owners had 1 share as all properties were freehold. I still do the accounts for them. It was on the side of a hill amongst woodland and if you needed your batteries recharging or de-stressing that was the place to go. A view of the Langdales from my cabin, a pub at the bottom of the hill, I will miss it very much. We planned to go back as a lot of the cabins are rented out and it was a place we truly loved with so many memories. I was tempted to take his ashes there but decided on Yorkshire instead. I wish I could have those times back. I hope I do get to go back one day. Feeling sad now.

Enjoy you holiday - how long are you planning to stay?


I must admit you are a very organised person Nigel, must admit my husband was too but I am not, I like to think I am but in truth I’m not :crazy_face:


I know it is cold today I keep turning the heating up a notch but its just not doing it, I think its probably tiredness, all the nights of having rubbish sleeps catching up with me xxx


Lizzy I have two frocks that I wore to my sons weddings. I have a friends wedding this year and think I will use one to that. But yes sell it. I held on to one dress for years. When I decided to wear it for a wedding I realised I no longer liked it.

I looked at the chocolate strawberries in Harrods when I was in London. They were very popular, and expensive. Enjoy them.

I was always the one who had a cupboard full of stuff so that we don’t run out. I am trying to be better now with all my clearing but its not working that well. I have just done a meal plan for a week and realise I don’t need to go shopping at all. I’ve probably enough food here for a couple of months. I’m not going to tell you how many loo rolls I have, but I’ll probably be alright for at least 6 months.

If its any consulation its horrible ‘down south’ too. So cold, dull and depressing. I don’t think its meant to get any better anytime soon.


Thank you Nigel, I’m glad you are getting on ok. I went food shopping today and I still find it sad, he actually loved food shopping, hated any other shopping and ordered everything online. It would take us ages to go round a supermarket, I did it rather quickly. I think I have enough dinners for about 5 days, more bins bags and cleaning stuff in the trolley.
That’s my small freezer that was in the garage sold, was gone in minutes, someone local as well. I should be feeling better but I’m quite sad as we only got it last year and it was always full. I might not have room for it and if I do I will buy another one. I think one of the big saw things have been sold to someone in Northern Ireland and he offered to pay the postage to get it shipped over, He is taking a chance, I wouldn’t do it but we have tried it and it’s working. Once all these bigger tools are gone I think we will see a dent in the man cave.
Enjoy your evening xxx


A full 8 hours of wonderful, undisturbed sleep makes a world of difference. Ahhhh.

These ionizers must be working, no sinus drip, sneezing or runny nose and nasal passages clear. Best $159 I’ve ever spent.

Stocking up is no longer necessary for me. I emptied my stash of non-perishable food and gave it away as it would never be used by me. The bar cabinet is full of alcohol I will never drink and those bottles are being given as gifts.

The 2d and 3rd floors are cleared of visible clutter. Working on the first floor today - the dreaded foyer of “things I don’t want” and the man cave of things my husband left behind.

Although I wanted a vacation home, my husband would never even think of it as he didn’t want 2 houses to maintain. We missed a great deal on a little one located on a bayou near the Gulf beach where 3 of our friends have weekend homes. I also didn’t get the inground pool I was promised - too much maintenance. That one got me because all of his previous homes had pools and the first one we lived in had one as well. and I lived in a swimsuit all summer. We sold that house and the new owners filled the pool in with dirt. What? I don’t get it.

My desk will be clear in 5 minutes, then downstairs for purging after the post office.

It’s a good day.

Love to all.

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Debsie I had to open the box when she gave me the present, I had one for breakfast lol. I do love Hotel chocolat chocolates. They are so nice. I used to make my own chocolates, I have all the equipment I know why they are so expensive. I made them for gifts at Christmas. I used to take them into work and I had loads of volunteers as testers. My fave was a champagne filling with a little bit of fresh strawberry in them, everyone loved them. They had to be eaten within a few weeks, but they didn’t last that long. I wonder if I should sell my equipment, it’s all expensive. Er maybe not just now, I could start doing it as a hobby again.
I will try and sell the dress, it was very expensive, no idea what I will get for it. I think I went a bit ott when I bought it. I had my wedding in mind when I bought it. Had loads of compliments, I had to look good as my ex was obviously there with the woman who broke my first marriage up.
I have a lovely photograph of my husband in his kilt and me in my dress, we both looked great, I’m looking at it just now.
This is what happens when I have time on my hands, I get a bit maudlin

Take care xxx


8 hours sleep, what actually is that???I’m so tired after another no sleep night. I’m back home so hopefully will sleep better tonight ha ha, we will see.
I’m amazed at the clutter you collect over the years, we have only been in this small house for 12 years and can’t believe the stuff we have accumulated.
You are going to smash your clearing up today, I will start again in the morning when I feel more like a human again.
Enjoy your day xxx


Debsie, I bet that holiday home was great - I’ve never been to the lake district, but have been to Inverness, and Drumnadrochit. We went to my ex brother in law’s wedding - just close family and me and Mary. Even his three sisters weren’t invited!

We also had three mobile homes on the Cote d’Azure for many years which we did let out. We also had locked areas for ‘our’ things! I reckon you’ll rent a cottage there one day, and re-live all the good times you had.

I’m here for two weeks, but it’s a bit flexible in case I am nearly finished - or miles away from finishing! I don’t want to stay too long as it makes getting grandchildren to and from school more difficult for my daughter.


Georgi, Mary always called it chaos - I’d call it organised chaos! I’ve had heaters going everywhere and it’s making little difference to the indoor temperature, except the kitchen with the hob pumping out heat. I’ve not put the fire on today as I was out and I’m a bit low on logs until I can order some more.