Not sure this one is going to work
Believe it or not he had his hair cut before the Wedding. It was so curly it just grew outward. About a year later a friend came to visit and exclaimed surprise that he had shaved off his moustache. I hadn’t notice. He said he had shaved it off days before. I’m not sure I believed him. He never let me forget.
Lovely photo Lizzy, and lovely dress. You looked very happy. I think that’s the problem. We were all very happy, and we could have, should have been happy for many more years.
I’d love hair like that, my pic was taken 12 years ago, I feel like I have aged so much in the last few months,
Thank you Debsie, it’s lovely seeing photos, but also sad that our other half is no longer with us. I miss his cuddles, He was a very tactile person, always held my hand or always had his arm round me.
Well my photo was 45 years ago so I certainly have. I know what you mean though. I look so washed out. If you have lost weight you may feel you look older. At our age you need a bit of fat to iron out the wrinkles.
Debsie, that’s why I bought tea cakes and caramel wafers today. I skipped dinner tonight but had soup and a sandwich for a late lunch. I was busy all morning I forgot to eat. I did have a slice of toast at 6.30, just had a hot choc and a biscuit. Yes I know!!, but I needed something sweet, felt a bit dizzy Lizzy earlier. I feel ok now. Xxx
Lizzy my husband was always hugging me. I am not much of a hugger myself but really miss his arms around me. Mind you he would hug anyone, he was such a friendly person.
Debsie, mine was the same, nearly every picture I have of him he has his arms round someone or touching their hands, it was just him, if I was in my bed not well, he would lie beside me and cuddle me till I fell asleep. I wish we had longer together. Xx
Thank you Nigel I will see if I can do that and post a foto of my wedding day xxx
Me too Peaches xxx
Beautiful photo so happy xxx
Gorgeous foto Lizzy xxx
Im having no success either Peaches xxx
Wow Nigel!!!
Aw - Debbsie- very lovely indeed xxx
You do look very lovely Lizzie and very much in love xxx
Success at last,
What year Georgi?