Nigel, that picture is so lovely, you both look so happy, so picturesque. It’s hard being on your own, your mind goes ten to the dozen. I think this is why I keep busy, the minute I sit down, all I do is think of my husband. Take care xxx
Yes Georgi - she was always smiling, whatever she was doing.
Lizzy thats the reason I would not sell stuff living on my own its too scary for me xx
But Im sure you will be fine your more confident than I am xxx
Thanks Lizzy - and yes we were so happy, not just then but always. Seriously in tears now!!!
Me too Lizzy but the worst time is at night in my bed, hence the poor sleeps I have xxx
Lizzy my dream wasn’t exactly the dream I expected xxx
7 weeks but not touched anything of hers yet. Neither me or the kids are ready for it yet and I’m not going to rush it.
Hazel had made her Will and my daughter in law is the Executor and doing a great job.
My moods are basically down or downer currently. Not seen any real ups yet.
Don’t rush yourself. Do what needs to be done, but the rest can wait.
Can you get help with anything; ask the bank for financial advice. Talking to others might help, it does me. I go to a couple of bereavement groups and counselling from Cruse.
I wish you the best for dealing with this
Unfortunately no cruse availability where I am, but this group has been a life saver! I’m one of the executors, so am handling it all as the other two work full time (daughter and son). Yes the banks have been great I must say and their bereavement services have been so understanding.
Phil - I’m so sorry for your loss. And that it happened to you at such a terrible time of the year.
5 months before I touched anything. Seriously, you’ve got all the time you need. And there’s no pressure to do anything at all.
My mother in law has never got rid of any of her husband ‘s stuff. It still sits neatly in the wardrobe and I think she’s entitled to do it as she wants.
It’s 11 weeks for me and I’ve only just started to clear anything of Mary’s. Take time - it doesn’t have to be done today! Sorry KtG that was meant for Phil
Thank you. We’re slowly getting stuff done. The banking is almost sorted and they’ve been helpful.
Everything else is To Do and will be. It’s missing her and the lonliness im struggling with. Trying to keep busy but mornings and evenings are tough.
Take care
I am so sorry for your loss Phil, its a tough time those early weeks, your just really on autopilot and nothing seems real but you have your family round you and thats a godsend.
I lost my husband 2 yrs in May and his things are still in his wardrobe bar a couple of things my grandson took, I have no plans to do anything in the near future either, his wardrobes were in the spare bedroom so not in my way !
So just remember there is no time scale for dealing with any of that until You feel its the right time, take care and stay on this forum it does help speaking to those who are in the same position xxx
Thanks Georgi.
Not so much on autopilot, I’m barely on automatic stabiliser. My concentration is gone and trying to focus on anything is difficult at best.
Frequent tears can be triggered for a passing thought or memory.
Otherwise I’m ok
So sorry for the loss of your love one lost my wife and sister four days apart in September. The first month was like being caught in the turbulence at the bottom of a waterfall and can’t get out.
The to do’s as you say can wait till a time your minds clear. Yes the mornings and night’s are the worst and will get easier.
Take care
Wow you all look amazing. It is so nice to put faces to names isnt it .
Mu hubby took a whole 3 hours off work to get married. went to work in mornig came back picked me up went to registry office and lunch took me home then went back to work . He made up for it over the years

What a lovely picture. I only had three days off work when I got married,
It was a lovely day and I’m sure yours was as well. Xxx
Lovely photo Littleburty! And yes it feels nice to see who our friends are here.
Look how full of joy your face is Little Burty! What a beautiful smile- you put one instantly on my face.
Thank you for sharing xxx
Phil, it’s very early days, it’s still a shock to you, go at your own pace, I went manic the first week, I got rids of loads. I regret getting rid of so much, but it was what I had to do. There are no rules, do what’s right for you. Take care xxx
We know exactly how you feel Phil, we have all been there and to be fair its still hard but the difference is you learn over time coping techniques that helps but for now just take your time to work through it in your own way supported by your family xxx