I was just telling a friend today that I fell in the shower a couple of weeks ago its a wet room tiled floor, went down in slow motion and landed flat on my back whacked the back of my head on the floor, once I got up I thot to myself if I had been knocked unconscious or god forbid worse how long would it be before I was found , thats another downside of living alone you never think about until your in that position !
Mbg, much better, thank you. Took it very easy today. It was likely the result of STRESS and I forgot to take my meds. I’ve lost 8lbs in 9 weeks and now weigh less than I have in 50 years. Not a diet I recommend. This could also be an issue.
What may be easy it to keep our key fob in our pockets and use the car alarm to alert neighbors. Let them know if it goes off and it doesn’t stop, we need help.
Georgi, that it so scary. A fall in the shower! If your tile is slippery, stand on a hand towel while showering. And, please, have some grab bars installed without delay. We have to think about these things now. The “what Ifs” of living alone at this age (for me anyway).
I am still numb and foggy. It isn’t lifting yet. Five things.
Much love to all. This is like stirring cement with spaghetti.
I was concerned, I’m glad your on the mend. Ive lost 40lbs in 19 weeks. To be fair I needed to lose the weight. The Grief diet is not one I would recommend though. I have been up and down ladders all day. Then thought how foolish of me! 19 weeks ago I couldn’t have climbed a ladder. My mobility has improved. Due to being constantly on the move. I don’t have neighbours near to me, so carry my phone everywhere. I have an upstairs sitting room and yoyo up and down the stairs with the 4 dogs. I am convinced they try to trip me up. They have succeeded a few times. You take care and get well soon. Hugs
Losing the weight has been a tremendous boost in my abilities and stamina. My Aussie has to be first up the stairs and doesn’t want me to go down the stairs. PITA. He also has no problem bumping into me while running past.
Love to all.
Glad your feeling better Peaches, I’ve also dropped a dress size, i am forcing myself to eat more. I nearly fell off a chair the other day, I decided to move dishes from one cupboard to another, I lost my balance. Didn’t take as many next time I climbed on the chair. Decided it’s time to clear out things I havnt used in a while, I’m definitely going to move house in the summer hopefully when all the legal stuff sorted out. Getting rid of my small drinks chiller as I don’t need it anymore, my fridge is half empty and thinking about if I move I may not have room for it. And gadgets, would I use my pizza maker for just myself, maybe not. I’m doing a cupboard every day, it’s amazing the stuff you don’t use. It’s keeping me busy as the weather outside horrible just now. Take care everyone xx
Georgi, that must have been scary, it is a worry that we didn’t have before. I was carrying coal into the house, my back was telling me not to carry as much. So two journeys from now on. We really can’t afford the risk. My husband put keys in the key safe outside door but honestly I’ve no idea what the number is. I keep worrying, even if I have my phone with me, how would anyone actually get in. My daughter has a key but it would take her a while to get to me and I need to stop leaving keys in the door. Maybe I will have a go at trying to open key safe today. Stay safe everyone xx
I have to stack logs, J used to chainsaw them all, then split them, and I would stack. It’s going to be a lot of work now, not sure I want to start chainsawing, may need to get someone in to do that, with the promise they can take their share to, if they use wood on their fire!
My husband was about to start filling the log shed when we came back from our holiday, but unfortunately he died suddenly. I have about enough logs to do maybe a month so decided to stock up on coal as it lasts longer and the driver puts them into a bunker for me. A bit heavier to manage and more expensive but my husband loved his fire so it gives me some sort of comfort when it’s lit. I guess we are going to make lots of changes in our life. Life sucks at times. Take care with your logs x
Yes definitely 2 journeys is a better idea coal is heavy xx
I hope you find out what the keysafe code is because that way any of your relatives or friends could gain access if needed in an emergency !
But it is a worry living on our own if anything happens and things like having a keysafe help to ease that worry and my friends have my daughter’s & son’s phone numbers if they happened to arrive in any emergency! Better safe than sorry, I’m also very lucky to have a good neighbour too, you take care and don’t overfill the coal bucket xxx
Lizzy, are you downsizing? This is something I contemplate although I surely am not ready to move.
One issue here is that whatever capital gain is made on the sale of my home, the government gets 15%. It is quite pitiful that I put 24 years of money, love, renos and maintenance into this house to maintain and increase its value and our government is entitled to 15% of that work.
Of course, if one sells, makes a profit, and then uses all of that profit to purchase a new home, then there is no capital gain.
BUT I DON’T WANT ANOTHER GIANT HOUSE! All I need is a large bedroom, a living room, a bathroom, and an eat-in kitchen.
Oh, well. My girlfriends and I have joked for years that when all the husbands are gone, they will move into my house like The Golden Girls, we will pool resources and have a housekeeper, a landscaper, a cook, and a driver if need be.
Much love.
Hi Peaches, I’ve already downsized and we had the house exactly the way we wanted, I really want to move to be nearer my family and friends. House prices are a lot higher where I want to move to so it depends on what I can afford really. I need a complete change and start a new chapter in my life, but can’t do that till lawyers sort things out for me, I’m living in limbo just now so keeping busy clearing cupboards out, getting rid of stuff I really don’t use any more. I will be so sad to leave this house that we have been so happy in, I will feel I really am leaving him but the house makes me so sad now. I love the idea of all your friends living in your house, that would be so much fun. Horrible that you have to pay tax though. I seem to get letters all the time just now from our government either saying I owe them tax then next minute they are sending me cheques, scared to spend anything in case they want it back. Take care xx
We don’t pay capitol gains when selling our main or only home in the uk. I need to sort finances to avoid inheritance tax!! It is a minefield. I will downsize in the next year or two.
Hope your feeling better x
I’ve just had a run in with the Probate service (HM Courts) today as after I filled in the probate application online I had to send off the original will to them. I picked it up from our solicitors and sent it, now they say there is a problem as it shows staple marks. But I sent it just as I picked it up, didn’t do anyting to it. So had to do a sworn statement to that effect and now they say that they won’t tell me till the 16th Jan if my reply was ok and that it will delay probate (already 16 weeks+). I wouldn’t even need probate for the value of the estate but some financial institutions insist on it. It’s all such a flippin struggle!
I agree with you, it’s an absolute nightmare dealing with all this stuff when you are still grieving . I’ve had to get a bereavement lawyer to sort out all my problems, it’s going to cost me a lot that I can’t really afford but I can’t cope with it. All I want is to try and cope and get on with my life without having to deal with all this paperwork. Best wishes x
I am fine now, Mbg, thank you for asking.
Our inheritance tax only applies after 6 million dollars.
We have to pay 40% tax on anything over £325,000. It is ridiculous!!
Lizzy, I am really impressed that you are ready for a change, to move, and to start a new chapter in life. You’ve downsized once and now are de-cluttering and editing what you will keep and what can go. It must be kind of refreshing. Letting for of the weight of things.
I went to my brother’s house for a Thanksgiving brunch. Quick trip as they are all heading out of town for a few days. It was nice to see my brother, sister-in-love, nephew and niece. Just seeing those kids makes me happy. They are full adults now, but still little pumpkins to me.
Going to walk the dog. We both need it.
Much love.
That amount of tax is so unfair. My lawyer asked me to get my house valued as she is probably adding up in case I get done for inheritance tax. I paid half my house so hoping it’s only my husbands half that will be counted in all this. I must ask her next time I meet with her. At the moment I’m waiting on the Grant of Confirmation going through the courts to get the house into my name only. That could take about 20 weeks to get this done. Another little thing to worry about. Xx
There is no inheritance tax to pay when you inherit from wife/husband. A couple have £650,000 total inheritace. You can carry your husbands allowance forward
I wonder why my lawyer wanted the house valued? I will be asking her that in the next email. I am finding this all so stressful at the moment, I get a shiver every time my lawyer emails me. I want this all finished with. Having a wobble tonight after a positive day. Xx